
puhui999 2024-07-17 18:03:34 +08:00
parent fe48f87f37
commit eeb76bb4c2
5 changed files with 109 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<!-- 订单消息 -->
<MessageItem :content-type="KeFuMessageContentTypeEnum.ORDER" :message="item">
<OrderItem :message="item" />
<OrderItem :message="item" class="max-w-70%" />

View File

@ -5,10 +5,14 @@
<el-tab-pane label="最近浏览" name="a" />
<el-tab-pane label="订单列表" name="b" />
<!-- 最近浏览 -->
<ProductBrowsingHistory v-if="activeName === 'a'" ref="productBrowsingHistoryRef" />
<!-- 订单列表 -->
<template v-if="activeName === 'b'"></template>
<el-scrollbar ref="scrollbarRef" always height="calc(100vh - 400px)" @scroll="handleScroll">
<!-- 最近浏览 -->
<ProductBrowsingHistory v-if="activeName === 'a'" ref="productBrowsingHistoryRef" />
<!-- 订单列表 -->
<OrderBrowsingHistory v-if="activeName === 'b'" ref="orderBrowsingHistoryRef" />
<el-empty v-show="isEmpty(conversation)" description="请选择左侧的一个会话后开始" />
@ -16,17 +20,22 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { TabsPaneContext } from 'element-plus'
import ProductBrowsingHistory from './ProductBrowsingHistory.vue'
import OrderBrowsingHistory from './OrderBrowsingHistory.vue'
import { KeFuConversationRespVO } from '@/api/mall/promotion/kefu/conversation'
import { isEmpty } from '@/utils/is'
import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'
import { ElScrollbar as ElScrollbarType } from 'element-plus/es/components/scrollbar'
defineOptions({ name: 'MemberBrowsingHistory' })
const activeName = ref('a')
/** tab 切换 */
const productBrowsingHistoryRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ProductBrowsingHistory>>()
const handleClick = (tab: TabsPaneContext) => {
const orderBrowsingHistoryRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof OrderBrowsingHistory>>()
const handleClick = async (tab: TabsPaneContext) => {
activeName.value = tab.paneName as string
await nextTick()
await getHistoryList()
/** 获得历史数据 */
const getHistoryList = async () => {
@ -35,6 +44,20 @@ const getHistoryList = async () => {
await productBrowsingHistoryRef.value?.getHistoryList(conversation.value)
case 'b':
await orderBrowsingHistoryRef.value?.getHistoryList(conversation.value)
/** 加载下一页数据 */
const loadMore = async () => {
switch (activeName.value) {
case 'a':
await productBrowsingHistoryRef.value?.loadMore()
case 'b':
await orderBrowsingHistoryRef.value?.loadMore()
@ -45,9 +68,20 @@ const conversation = ref<KeFuConversationRespVO>({} as KeFuConversationRespVO) /
const initHistory = async (val: KeFuConversationRespVO) => {
activeName.value = 'a'
conversation.value = val
await nextTick()
await getHistoryList()
defineExpose({ initHistory })
/** 处理消息列表滚动事件(debounce 限流) */
const scrollbarRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ElScrollbarType>>()
const handleScroll = debounce(() => {
const wrap = scrollbarRef.value?.wrapRef
if (Math.abs(wrap!.scrollHeight - wrap!.clientHeight - wrap!.scrollTop) < 1) {
}, 200)
<style lang="scss" scoped>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<OrderItem v-for="item in list" :key="item.id" :order="item" class="mb-10px" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import OrderItem from '@/views/mall/promotion/kefu/components/message/OrderItem.vue'
import { KeFuConversationRespVO } from '@/api/mall/promotion/kefu/conversation'
import { getOrderPage } from '@/api/mall/trade/order'
import { concat } from 'lodash-es'
defineOptions({ name: 'OrderBrowsingHistory' })
const list = ref<any>([]) //
const total = ref(0) //
const queryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
userId: 0
const skipGetMessageList = computed(() => {
return total.value > 0 && Math.ceil(total.value / queryParams.pageSize) === queryParams.pageNo
}) //
/** 获得浏览记录 */
const getHistoryList = async (val: KeFuConversationRespVO) => {
queryParams.userId = val.userId
const res = await getOrderPage(queryParams)
total.value = res.total
list.value = res.list
/** 加载下一页数据 */
const loadMore = async () => {
if (skipGetMessageList.value) {
queryParams.pageNo += 1
const res = await getOrderPage(queryParams)
total.value = res.total
concat(list.value, res.list)
defineExpose({ getHistoryList, loadMore })

View File

@ -16,23 +16,40 @@
import { getBrowseHistoryPage } from '@/api/mall/product/history'
import ProductItem from '@/views/mall/promotion/kefu/components/message/ProductItem.vue'
import { KeFuConversationRespVO } from '@/api/mall/promotion/kefu/conversation'
import { concat } from 'lodash-es'
defineOptions({ name: 'ProductBrowsingHistory' })
const list = ref<any>([]) //
const total = ref(0) //
const queryParams = reactive({
pageNum: 1,
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
userId: 0,
userDeleted: false
const skipGetMessageList = computed(() => {
return total.value > 0 && Math.ceil(total.value / queryParams.pageSize) === queryParams.pageNo
}) //
/** 获得浏览记录 */
const getHistoryList = async (val: KeFuConversationRespVO) => {
queryParams.userId = val.userId
const res = await getBrowseHistoryPage(queryParams)
total.value = res.total
list.value = res.list
defineExpose({ getHistoryList })
/** 加载下一页数据 */
const loadMore = async () => {
if (skipGetMessageList.value) {
queryParams.pageNo += 1
const res = await getBrowseHistoryPage(queryParams)
total.value = res.total
concat(list.value, res.list)
defineExpose({ getHistoryList, loadMore })
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div :key="getMessageContent.id" class="order-list-card-box mt-14px max-w-70%">
<div :key="getMessageContent.id" class="order-list-card-box mt-14px">
<div class="order-card-header flex items-center justify-between p-x-20px">
<div class="order-no">订单号{{ getMessageContent.no }}</div>
<div :class="formatOrderColor(getMessageContent)" class="order-state font-16">
@ -32,13 +32,17 @@
import { fenToYuan } from '@/utils'
import ProductItem from './ProductItem.vue'
import { KeFuMessageRespVO } from '@/api/mall/promotion/kefu/message'
import { isEmpty } from '@/utils/is'
defineOptions({ name: 'OrderItem' })
const props = defineProps<{
message: KeFuMessageRespVO
message?: KeFuMessageRespVO
order?: any
const getMessageContent = computed(() => JSON.parse(props.message.content))
const getMessageContent = computed(() =>
isEmpty(props.order) ? JSON.parse(props!.message!.content) : props.order
* 格式化订单状态的颜色