feat: 发起流程-填写表单页面单独抽取子组件,总体布局调整与样式绘制
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
<ContentWrap :bodyStyle="{ padding: '10px 20px 0' }">
<div class="processInstance-wrap-main">
<div class="text-#878c93 h-15px">编号:{{ selectProcessDefinition.id }}</div>
<el-divider class="!my-8px" />
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-5 mb-10px h-40px">
<div class="text-26px font-bold mb-5px">{{ selectProcessDefinition.name }}</div>
<el-button style="float: right" type="primary" @click="handleCancel">
<Icon icon="ep:delete" /> 选择其它流程
<!-- 中间主要内容tab栏 -->
<el-tabs v-model="activeTab">
<!-- 表单信息 -->
<el-tab-pane label="表单填写" name="form">
<div class="form-scroll-area">
<el-col :span="17">
<template #type-startUserSelect>
<el-col :span="24">
<el-card class="mb-10px">
<template #header>指定审批人</template>
v-for="userTask in startUserSelectTasks"
v-for="user in userList"
<el-col :span="7">
<!-- 审批记录时间线 -->
<!-- <ProcessInstanceTimeline ref="timelineRef" :approve-nodes="approveNodes" /> -->
<!-- 流程图 -->
<el-tab-pane label="流程图" name="diagram">
<div class="form-scroll-area">
<!-- 流程图预览 -->
<ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer :bpmn-xml="bpmnXML" />
<!-- 底部操作栏 -->
<div class="b-t-solid border-t-1px border-[var(--el-border-color)]">
<!-- 操作栏按钮 -->
class="h-50px bottom-10 text-14px flex items-center color-#32373c dark:color-#fff font-bold btn-container"
<el-button plain type="success" @click="submitForm">
<Icon icon="ep:select" /> 发起
<el-button plain type="danger" @click="handleCancel">
<Icon icon="ep:close" /> 取消
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { setConfAndFields2 } from '@/utils/formCreate'
import ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer from '../detail/ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer.vue'
import type { ApiAttrs } from '@form-create/element-ui/types/config'
import { useTagsViewStore } from '@/store/modules/tagsView'
import * as ProcessInstanceApi from '@/api/bpm/processInstance'
import * as DefinitionApi from '@/api/bpm/definition'
import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
defineOptions({ name: 'ProcessDefinitionDetail' })
const props = defineProps<{
selectProcessDefinition: any
const { push, currentRoute } = useRouter() // 路由
const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗
const { delView } = useTagsViewStore() // 视图操作
const detailForm: any = ref({
rule: [],
option: {},
value: {}
}) // 流程表单详情
const fApi = ref<ApiAttrs>()
// 指定审批人
const startUserSelectAssigneesFormRef = ref() // 发起人选择审批人的表单 Ref
const startUserSelectTasks: any = ref([]) // 发起人需要选择审批人的用户任务列表
const startUserSelectAssignees = ref({}) // 发起人选择审批人的数据
const startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules = ref({}) // 发起人选择审批人的表单 Rules
const userList = ref<any[]>([]) // 用户列表
const bpmnXML: any = ref(null) // BPMN 数据
/** 当前的Tab */
const activeTab = ref('form')
const emit = defineEmits(['cancel'])
/** 处理选择流程的按钮操作 **/
const initProcessInfo = async (row, formVariables?) => {
// 重置指定审批人
startUserSelectTasks.value = []
startUserSelectAssignees.value = {}
startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules.value = {}
// 情况一:流程表单
if (row.formType == 10) {
// 设置表单
setConfAndFields2(detailForm, row.formConf, row.formFields, formVariables)
// 加载流程图
const processDefinitionDetail = await DefinitionApi.getProcessDefinition(row.id)
if (processDefinitionDetail) {
bpmnXML.value = processDefinitionDetail.bpmnXml
startUserSelectTasks.value = processDefinitionDetail.startUserSelectTasks
// 设置指定审批人
if (startUserSelectTasks.value?.length > 0) {
type: 'startUserSelect',
props: {
title: '指定审批人'
// 设置校验规则
for (const userTask of startUserSelectTasks.value) {
startUserSelectAssignees.value[userTask.id] = []
startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules.value[userTask.id] = [
{ required: true, message: '请选择审批人', trigger: 'blur' }
// 加载用户列表
userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
// 情况二:业务表单
} else if (row.formCustomCreatePath) {
await push({
path: row.formCustomCreatePath
// 这里暂时无需加载流程图,因为跳出到另外个 Tab;
/** 提交按钮 */
const submitForm = async (formData) => {
if (!fApi.value || props.selectProcessDefinition) {
// 如果有指定审批人,需要校验
if (startUserSelectTasks.value?.length > 0) {
await startUserSelectAssigneesFormRef.value.validate()
// 提交请求
try {
await ProcessInstanceApi.createProcessInstance({
processDefinitionId: props.selectProcessDefinition.id,
variables: formData || detailForm.value.value,
startUserSelectAssignees: startUserSelectAssignees.value
// 提示
// 跳转回去
await push({
name: 'BpmProcessInstanceMy'
} finally {
const handleCancel = () => {
defineExpose({ initProcessInfo })
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$wrap-padding-height: 20px;
$wrap-margin-height: 15px;
$button-height: 51px;
$process-header-height: 194px;
.processInstance-wrap-main {
height: calc(
100vh - var(--top-tool-height) - var(--tags-view-height) - var(--app-footer-height) - 35px
max-height: calc(
100vh - var(--top-tool-height) - var(--tags-view-height) - var(--app-footer-height) - 35px
overflow: auto;
.form-scroll-area {
height: calc(
100vh - var(--top-tool-height) - var(--tags-view-height) - var(--app-footer-height) - 35px -
$process-header-height - 40px
max-height: calc(
100vh - var(--top-tool-height) - var(--tags-view-height) - var(--app-footer-height) - 35px -
$process-header-height - 40px
overflow: auto;
.form-box {
:deep(.el-card) {
border: none;
@ -43,86 +43,31 @@
<!-- 第二步,填写表单,进行流程的提交 -->
<!-- 第二步,填写表单,进行流程的提交 -->
<ContentWrap v-else>
<el-card class="box-card">
<div class="clearfix">
<span class="el-icon-document">申请信息【{{ selectProcessDefinition.name }}】</span>
<el-button style="float: right" type="primary" @click="selectProcessDefinition = undefined">
@cancel="selectProcessDefinition = undefined"
<Icon icon="ep:delete" /> 选择其它流程
<el-col :span="16" :offset="6" style="margin-top: 20px">
<template #type-startUserSelect>
<el-col :span="24">
<el-card class="mb-10px">
<template #header>指定审批人</template>
v-for="userTask in startUserSelectTasks"
v-for="user in userList"
<!-- 流程图预览 -->
<ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer :bpmn-xml="bpmnXML" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import * as DefinitionApi from '@/api/bpm/definition'
import * as DefinitionApi from '@/api/bpm/definition'
import * as ProcessInstanceApi from '@/api/bpm/processInstance'
import * as ProcessInstanceApi from '@/api/bpm/processInstance'
import { setConfAndFields2 } from '@/utils/formCreate'
import type { ApiAttrs } from '@form-create/element-ui/types/config'
import ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer from '../detail/ProcessInstanceBpmnViewer.vue'
import { CategoryApi } from '@/api/bpm/category'
import { CategoryApi } from '@/api/bpm/category'
import { useTagsViewStore } from '@/store/modules/tagsView'
import ProcessDefinitionDetail from './ProcessDefinitionDetail.vue'
import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
import { categoryList as cl, processDefinitionList as pl } from './mock'
import { categoryList as cl, processDefinitionList as pl } from './mock'
defineOptions({ name: 'BpmProcessInstanceCreate' })
defineOptions({ name: 'BpmProcessInstanceCreate' })
const route = useRoute() // 路由
const route = useRoute() // 路由
const { push, currentRoute } = useRouter() // 路由
const message = useMessage() // 消息
const message = useMessage() // 消息
const { delView } = useTagsViewStore() // 视图操作
const processInstanceId: any = route.query.processInstanceId
const processInstanceId: any = route.query.processInstanceId
const loading = ref(true) // 加载中
const loading = ref(true) // 加载中
const categoryList: any = ref([]) // 分类的列表
const categoryList: any = ref([]) // 分类的列表
const categoryActive: any = ref({}) // 选中的分类
const categoryActive: any = ref({}) // 选中的分类
const processDefinitionList = ref([]) // 流程定义的列表
const processDefinitionList = ref([]) // 流程定义的列表
/** 查询列表 */
/** 查询列表 */
const getList = async () => {
const getList = async () => {
loading.value = true
loading.value = true
@ -134,7 +79,6 @@ const getList = async () => {
if (categoryList.value.length > 0) {
if (categoryList.value.length > 0) {
categoryActive.value = categoryList.value[0]
categoryActive.value = categoryList.value[0]
console.log('[ categoryActive.value ] >', categoryActive.value)
// 流程定义
// 流程定义
processDefinitionList.value = await DefinitionApi.getProcessDefinitionList({
processDefinitionList.value = await DefinitionApi.getProcessDefinitionList({
suspensionState: 1
suspensionState: 1
@ -171,100 +115,17 @@ const categoryProcessDefinitionList: any = computed(() => {
// ========== 表单相关 ==========
// ========== 表单相关 ==========
const fApi = ref<ApiAttrs>()
const detailForm: any = ref({
rule: [],
option: {},
value: {}
}) // 流程表单详情
const selectProcessDefinition = ref() // 选择的流程定义
const selectProcessDefinition = ref() // 选择的流程定义
const processDefinitionDetailRef = ref()
// 指定审批人
const bpmnXML: any = ref(null) // BPMN 数据
const startUserSelectTasks: any = ref([]) // 发起人需要选择审批人的用户任务列表
const startUserSelectAssignees = ref({}) // 发起人选择审批人的数据
const startUserSelectAssigneesFormRef = ref() // 发起人选择审批人的表单 Ref
const startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules = ref({}) // 发起人选择审批人的表单 Rules
const userList = ref<any[]>([]) // 用户列表
/** 处理选择流程的按钮操作 **/
/** 处理选择流程的按钮操作 **/
const handleSelect = async (row, formVariables?) => {
const handleSelect = async (row, formVariables?) => {
// 设置选择的流程
// 设置选择的流程
selectProcessDefinition.value = row
selectProcessDefinition.value = row
// 初始化流程定义详情
// 重置指定审批人
await nextTick()
startUserSelectTasks.value = []
processDefinitionDetailRef.value?.initProcessInfo(row, formVariables)
startUserSelectAssignees.value = {}
startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules.value = {}
// 情况一:流程表单
if (row.formType == 10) {
// 设置表单
setConfAndFields2(detailForm, row.formConf, row.formFields, formVariables)
// 加载流程图
const processDefinitionDetail = await DefinitionApi.getProcessDefinition(row.id)
if (processDefinitionDetail) {
bpmnXML.value = processDefinitionDetail.bpmnXml
startUserSelectTasks.value = processDefinitionDetail.startUserSelectTasks
// 设置指定审批人
if (startUserSelectTasks.value?.length > 0) {
type: 'startUserSelect',
props: {
title: '指定审批人'
// 设置校验规则
for (const userTask of startUserSelectTasks.value) {
startUserSelectAssignees.value[userTask.id] = []
startUserSelectAssigneesFormRules.value[userTask.id] = [
{ required: true, message: '请选择审批人', trigger: 'blur' }
// 加载用户列表
userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
// 情况二:业务表单
} else if (row.formCustomCreatePath) {
await push({
path: row.formCustomCreatePath
// 这里暂时无需加载流程图,因为跳出到另外个 Tab;
/** 提交按钮 */
const submitForm = async (formData) => {
if (!fApi.value || !selectProcessDefinition.value) {
// 如果有指定审批人,需要校验
if (startUserSelectTasks.value?.length > 0) {
await startUserSelectAssigneesFormRef.value.validate()
// 提交请求
try {
await ProcessInstanceApi.createProcessInstance({
processDefinitionId: selectProcessDefinition.value.id,
variables: formData,
startUserSelectAssignees: startUserSelectAssignees.value
// 提示
// 跳转回去
await push({
name: 'BpmProcessInstanceMy'
} finally {
// 左侧分类切换
// 左侧分类切换
const handleCategoryClick = (val) => {
const handleCategoryClick = (val) => {
categoryActive.value = val
categoryActive.value = val
@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ export const processDefinitionList = [
category: 'approval',
category: 'approval',
icon: 'https://picsum.photos/200?r=1',
icon: 'https://picsum.photos/200?r=1',
formType: 10,
formType: 10,
formConf: {}, // 根据需要定义表单配置
formFields: [], // 根据需要定义表单字段
formFields: [
startUserSelectTasks: [
startUserSelectTasks: [
{ id: 'task1', name: '部门经理' },
{ id: 'task1', name: '部门经理' },
{ id: 'task2', name: '人力资源' }
{ id: 'task2', name: '人力资源' }
@ -27,8 +31,12 @@ export const processDefinitionList = [
category: 'approval',
category: 'approval',
icon: 'https://picsum.photos/200?r=2',
icon: 'https://picsum.photos/200?r=2',
formType: 10,
formType: 10,
formConf: {},
formFields: [],
formFields: [
startUserSelectTasks: [{ id: 'task3', name: '财务' }]
startUserSelectTasks: [{ id: 'task3', name: '财务' }]
@ -55,7 +63,8 @@ export const processDefinitionList = [
formConf: {},
formConf: {},
formFields: [],
formFields: [],
startUserSelectTasks: [{ id: 'task3', name: '财务' }]
startUserSelectTasks: [{ id: 'task3', name: '财务' }]
id: '5',
id: '5',
key: 'process_1',
key: 'process_1',
name: '请假申请',
name: '请假申请',
Reference in New Issue