!123 【众测版】合并最新的 Vue3 重构

Merge pull request !123 from 芋道源码/dev
芋道源码 2023-04-15 00:56:29 +00:00 committed by Gitee
commit 60cc4357cb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 173E9B9CA92EEF8F
32 changed files with 1157 additions and 1407 deletions

.vscode/settings.json vendored
View File

@ -40,5 +40,15 @@
"i18n-ally.displayLanguage": "zh-CN",
"i18n-ally.enabledFrameworks": ["vue", "react"],
"god.tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json",
"vue-i18n.i18nPaths": "src/locales"
"vue-i18n.i18nPaths": "src/locales",
"explorer.fileNesting.enabled": true,
"explorer.fileNesting.expand": false,
"explorer.fileNesting.patterns": {
"*.ts": "$(capture).test.ts, $(capture).test.tsx",
"*.tsx": "$(capture).test.ts, $(capture).test.tsx",
"*.env": "$(capture).env.*",
"package.json": "pnpm-lock.yaml,pnpm-workspace.yaml,LICENSE,.gitattributes,.gitignore,.gitpod.yml,CNAME,README*,.npmrc,.browserslistrc,vite.config.*,windi.*,tailwind.*,tsconfig.*,postcss*",
".eslintrc.js": ".eslintignore,.eslintrc-*,.prettierignore,.stylelintignore,.commitlintrc.js,.prettierrc.js,.stylelint*,stylelint*,prettier.*,.editorconfig"

View File

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ const include = [
const exclude = ['@iconify/json']

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
"@form-create/element-ui": "^3.1.17",
"@iconify/iconify": "^3.1.0",
"@videojs-player/vue": "^1.0.0",
"@vueup/vue-quill": "^1.1.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^9.13.0",
"@wangeditor/editor": "^5.1.23",
"@wangeditor/editor-for-vue": "^5.1.10",

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const props = defineProps({
editorId: propTypes.string.def('wangeEditor-1'),
height: propTypes.oneOfType([Number, String]).def('500px'),
editorConfig: {
type: Object as PropType<IEditorConfig>,
type: Object as PropType<Partial<IEditorConfig>>,
default: () => undefined
readonly: propTypes.bool.def(false),
@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ const editorConfig = computed((): IEditorConfig => {
props.editorConfig || {}
const editorStyle = computed(() => {
return {
height: isNumber(props.height) ? `${props.height}px` : props.height

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ watch(
return props.modelValue
() => {
if (props.modelValue && props.modelValue.contains(':')) {
if (props.modelValue && props.modelValue.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
currentActiveType.value = props.modelValue.substring(0, props.modelValue.indexOf(':') + 1)
icon.value = props.modelValue.substring(props.modelValue.indexOf(':') + 1)

View File

@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
<el-divider direction="vertical" />
style="color: #ff4d4f"
@click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'enum')"
@ -143,7 +144,8 @@
<el-divider direction="vertical" />
style="color: #ff4d4f"
@click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'constraint')"
@ -174,7 +176,8 @@
<el-divider direction="vertical" />
style="color: #ff4d4f"
@click="removeFieldOptionItem(scope, scope.$index, 'property')"

src/types/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-disable */
/* prettier-ignore */
// @ts-nocheck
// Generated by unplugin-vue-components
// Read more: https://github.com/vuejs/core/pull/3399
import '@vue/runtime-core'
export {}
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
Backtop: typeof import('./../components/Backtop/src/Backtop.vue')['default']
ConfigGlobal: typeof import('./../components/ConfigGlobal/src/ConfigGlobal.vue')['default']
ContentDetailWrap: typeof import('./../components/ContentDetailWrap/src/ContentDetailWrap.vue')['default']
ContentWrap: typeof import('./../components/ContentWrap/src/ContentWrap.vue')['default']
CopperModal: typeof import('./../components/Cropper/src/CopperModal.vue')['default']
CountTo: typeof import('./../components/CountTo/src/CountTo.vue')['default']
Crontab: typeof import('./../components/Crontab/src/Crontab.vue')['default']
Cropper: typeof import('./../components/Cropper/src/Cropper.vue')['default']
CropperAvatar: typeof import('./../components/Cropper/src/CropperAvatar.vue')['default']
Descriptions: typeof import('./../components/Descriptions/src/Descriptions.vue')['default']
Dialog: typeof import('./../components/Dialog/src/Dialog.vue')['default']
DictTag: typeof import('./../components/DictTag/src/DictTag.vue')['default']
DocAlert: typeof import('./../components/DocAlert/index.vue')['default']
Echart: typeof import('./../components/Echart/src/Echart.vue')['default']
Editor: typeof import('./../components/Editor/src/Editor.vue')['default']
ElAlert: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElAlert']
ElAutoResizer: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElAutoResizer']
ElAvatar: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElAvatar']
ElBadge: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElBadge']
ElButton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElButton']
ElButtonGroup: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElButtonGroup']
ElCard: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCard']
ElCheckbox: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCheckbox']
ElCheckboxGroup: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCheckboxGroup']
ElCol: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCol']
ElCollapse: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCollapse']
ElCollapseItem: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCollapseItem']
ElCollapseTransition: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElCollapseTransition']
ElConfigProvider: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElConfigProvider']
ElDatePicker: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDatePicker']
ElDescriptions: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDescriptions']
ElDescriptionsItem: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDescriptionsItem']
ElDialog: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDialog']
ElDivider: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDivider']
ElDrawer: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDrawer']
ElDropdown: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDropdown']
ElDropdownItem: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDropdownItem']
ElDropdownMenu: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElDropdownMenu']
ElementBaseInfo: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/base/ElementBaseInfo.vue')['default']
ElementForm: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/form/ElementForm.vue')['default']
ElementListeners: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/listeners/ElementListeners.vue')['default']
ElementMultiInstance: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/multi-instance/ElementMultiInstance.vue')['default']
ElementOtherConfig: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/other/ElementOtherConfig.vue')['default']
ElementProperties: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/properties/ElementProperties.vue')['default']
ElementTask: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/task/ElementTask.vue')['default']
ElForm: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElForm']
ElFormItem: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElFormItem']
ElIcon: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElIcon']
ElImage: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElImage']
ElImageViewer: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElImageViewer']
ElInput: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElInput']
ElInputNumber: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElInputNumber']
ElLink: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElLink']
ElOption: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElOption']
ElPagination: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElPagination']
ElPopover: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElPopover']
ElRadio: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRadio']
ElRadioButton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRadioButton']
ElRadioGroup: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRadioGroup']
ElRow: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElRow']
ElScrollbar: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElScrollbar']
ElSelect: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElSelect']
ElSkeleton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElSkeleton']
ElSpace: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElSpace']
ElSwitch: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElSwitch']
ElTable: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTable']
ElTableColumn: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTableColumn']
ElTableV2: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTableV2']
ElTabPane: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTabPane']
ElTabs: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTabs']
ElTag: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTag']
ElTimeline: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTimeline']
ElTimelineItem: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTimelineItem']
ElTooltip: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTooltip']
ElTree: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTree']
ElTreeSelect: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElTreeSelect']
ElUpload: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElUpload']
Error: typeof import('./../components/Error/src/Error.vue')['default']
FlowCondition: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/flow-condition/FlowCondition.vue')['default']
Form: typeof import('./../components/Form/src/Form.vue')['default']
Highlight: typeof import('./../components/Highlight/src/Highlight.vue')['default']
Icon: typeof import('./../components/Icon/src/Icon.vue')['default']
IconSelect: typeof import('./../components/Icon/src/IconSelect.vue')['default']
IFrame: typeof import('./../components/IFrame/src/IFrame.vue')['default']
ImageViewer: typeof import('./../components/ImageViewer/src/ImageViewer.vue')['default']
Infotip: typeof import('./../components/Infotip/src/Infotip.vue')['default']
InputPassword: typeof import('./../components/InputPassword/src/InputPassword.vue')['default']
Pagination: typeof import('./../components/Pagination/index.vue')['default']
ProcessDesigner: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/designer/ProcessDesigner.vue')['default']
ProcessPalette: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/palette/ProcessPalette.vue')['default']
ProcessViewer: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/designer/ProcessViewer.vue')['default']
PropertiesPanel: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/PropertiesPanel.vue')['default']
Qrcode: typeof import('./../components/Qrcode/src/Qrcode.vue')['default']
ReceiveTask: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/task/task-components/ReceiveTask.vue')['default']
RouterLink: typeof import('vue-router')['RouterLink']
RouterView: typeof import('vue-router')['RouterView']
ScriptTask: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/task/task-components/ScriptTask.vue')['default']
Search: typeof import('./../components/Search/src/Search.vue')['default']
SignalAndMessage: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/signal-message/SignalAndMessage.vue')['default']
Sticky: typeof import('./../components/Sticky/src/Sticky.vue')['default']
Table: typeof import('./../components/Table/src/Table.vue')['default']
Tooltip: typeof import('./../components/Tooltip/src/Tooltip.vue')['default']
UploadFile: typeof import('./../components/UploadFile/src/UploadFile.vue')['default']
UploadImg: typeof import('./../components/UploadFile/src/UploadImg.vue')['default']
UploadImgs: typeof import('./../components/UploadFile/src/UploadImgs.vue')['default']
UserTask: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/task/task-components/UserTask.vue')['default']
UserTaskListeners: typeof import('./../components/bpmnProcessDesigner/package/penal/listeners/UserTaskListeners.vue')['default']
Verify: typeof import('./../components/Verifition/src/Verify.vue')['default']
VerifyPoints: typeof import('./../components/Verifition/src/Verify/VerifyPoints.vue')['default']
VerifySlide: typeof import('./../components/Verifition/src/Verify/VerifySlide.vue')['default']
XButton: typeof import('./../components/XButton/src/XButton.vue')['default']
XTextButton: typeof import('./../components/XButton/src/XTextButton.vue')['default']
export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
vLoading: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElLoadingDirective']

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-disable */
/* prettier-ignore */
// @ts-nocheck
// Generated by unplugin-auto-import
export {}
declare global {
const DICT_TYPE: typeof import('@/utils/dict')['DICT_TYPE']
const EffectScope: typeof import('vue')['EffectScope']
const computed: typeof import('vue')['computed']
const createApp: typeof import('vue')['createApp']
const customRef: typeof import('vue')['customRef']
const defineAsyncComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineAsyncComponent']
const defineComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineComponent']
const effectScope: typeof import('vue')['effectScope']
const getCurrentInstance: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentInstance']
const getCurrentScope: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentScope']
const h: typeof import('vue')['h']
const inject: typeof import('vue')['inject']
const isProxy: typeof import('vue')['isProxy']
const isReactive: typeof import('vue')['isReactive']
const isReadonly: typeof import('vue')['isReadonly']
const isRef: typeof import('vue')['isRef']
const markRaw: typeof import('vue')['markRaw']
const nextTick: typeof import('vue')['nextTick']
const onActivated: typeof import('vue')['onActivated']
const onBeforeMount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeMount']
const onBeforeRouteLeave: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteLeave']
const onBeforeRouteUpdate: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteUpdate']
const onBeforeUnmount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUnmount']
const onBeforeUpdate: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUpdate']
const onDeactivated: typeof import('vue')['onDeactivated']
const onErrorCaptured: typeof import('vue')['onErrorCaptured']
const onMounted: typeof import('vue')['onMounted']
const onRenderTracked: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTracked']
const onRenderTriggered: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTriggered']
const onScopeDispose: typeof import('vue')['onScopeDispose']
const onServerPrefetch: typeof import('vue')['onServerPrefetch']
const onUnmounted: typeof import('vue')['onUnmounted']
const onUpdated: typeof import('vue')['onUpdated']
const provide: typeof import('vue')['provide']
const reactive: typeof import('vue')['reactive']
const readonly: typeof import('vue')['readonly']
const ref: typeof import('vue')['ref']
const required: typeof import('@/utils/formRules')['required']
const resolveComponent: typeof import('vue')['resolveComponent']
const shallowReactive: typeof import('vue')['shallowReactive']
const shallowReadonly: typeof import('vue')['shallowReadonly']
const shallowRef: typeof import('vue')['shallowRef']
const toRaw: typeof import('vue')['toRaw']
const toRef: typeof import('vue')['toRef']
const toRefs: typeof import('vue')['toRefs']
const triggerRef: typeof import('vue')['triggerRef']
const unref: typeof import('vue')['unref']
const useAttrs: typeof import('vue')['useAttrs']
const useCrudSchemas: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas')['useCrudSchemas']
const useCssModule: typeof import('vue')['useCssModule']
const useCssVars: typeof import('vue')['useCssVars']
const useI18n: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useI18n')['useI18n']
const useLink: typeof import('vue-router')['useLink']
const useMessage: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useMessage')['useMessage']
const useRoute: typeof import('vue-router')['useRoute']
const useRouter: typeof import('vue-router')['useRouter']
const useSlots: typeof import('vue')['useSlots']
const useTable: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useTable')['useTable']
const useVxeCrudSchemas: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useVxeCrudSchemas')['useVxeCrudSchemas']
const useXTable: typeof import('@/hooks/web/useXTable')['useXTable']
const watch: typeof import('vue')['watch']
const watchEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchEffect']
const watchPostEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchPostEffect']
const watchSyncEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchSyncEffect']
// for type re-export
declare global {
// @ts-ignore
export type { Component, ComponentPublicInstance, ComputedRef, InjectionKey, PropType, Ref, VNode } from 'vue'

View File

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
<el-col :span="24" style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px">
<el-form-item prop="tenantName" v-if="loginData.tenantEnable === 'true'">

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
<el-col :span="24" style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px">
<el-form-item prop="tenantName" v-if="loginData.tenantEnable === 'true'">

View File

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
<template #default="scope">
v-if="scope.row.formType === 10"
<span>{{ scope.row.formName }}</span>

View File

@ -79,14 +79,16 @@
<template #default="scope">
v-if="scope.row.formType === 10"
<span>{{ scope.row.formName }}</span>
v-else-if="scope.row.formType === 20"
<span>{{ scope.row.formCustomCreatePath }}</span>

View File

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="accountChanged" />
<el-form class="-mb-15px" :model="queryParams" :inline="true" label-width="68px">
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<!-- tab 切换 -->
<el-tabs v-model="type" @tab-change="handleTabChange">
<el-tabs v-model="msgType" @tab-change="handleTabChange">
<!-- 操作工具栏 -->
<el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8">
<el-col :span="1.5">
@ -18,26 +21,26 @@
v-if="type !== '1' || list.length <= 0"
v-if="msgType !== MsgType.Follow || list.length <= 0"
<Icon icon="ep:plus" />新增
<!-- tab -->
<el-tab-pane name="1">
<el-tab-pane :name="MsgType.Follow">
<template #label>
<span><Icon icon="ep:star-off" /> 关注时回复</span>
<span><Icon icon="ep:star" /> 关注时回复</span>
<el-tab-pane name="2">
<el-tab-pane :name="MsgType.Message">
<template #label>
<span><Icon icon="ep:chat-line-round" /> 消息回复</span>
<el-tab-pane name="3">
<el-tab-pane :name="MsgType.Keyword">
<template #label>
<span><Icon icon="ep:news" /> 关键词回复</span>
<span><Icon icon="fa:newspaper-o" /> 关键词回复</span>
@ -47,10 +50,20 @@
v-if="type === '2'"
v-if="msgType === MsgType.Message"
<el-table-column label="关键词" align="center" prop="requestKeyword" v-if="type === '3'" />
<el-table-column label="匹配类型" align="center" prop="requestMatch" v-if="type === '3'">
v-if="msgType === MsgType.Keyword"
v-if="msgType === MsgType.Keyword"
<template #default="scope">
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH" :value="scope.row.requestMatch" />
@ -64,7 +77,7 @@
<template #default="scope">
<div v-if="scope.row.responseMessageType === 'text'">{{ scope.row.responseContent }}</div>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.responseMessageType === 'voice'">
<WxVoicePlayer :url="scope.row.responseMediaUrl" />
<WxVoicePlayer v-if="scope.row.responseMediaUrl" :url="scope.row.responseMediaUrl" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.responseMessageType === 'image'">
<a target="_blank" :href="scope.row.responseMediaUrl">
@ -77,7 +90,11 @@
scope.row.responseMessageType === 'shortvideo'
<WxVideoPlayer :url="scope.row.responseMediaUrl" style="margin-top: 10px" />
style="margin-top: 10px"
<div v-else-if="scope.row.responseMessageType === 'news'">
<WxNews :articles="scope.row.responseArticles" />
@ -123,21 +140,21 @@
<!-- 添加或修改自动回复的对话框 -->
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="open" width="800px" append-to-body>
<el-form ref="formRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="消息类型" prop="requestMessageType" v-if="type === '2'">
<el-select v-model="form.requestMessageType" placeholder="请选择">
<el-dialog :title="title" v-model="showReplyFormDialog" width="800px" destroy-on-close>
<el-form ref="formRef" :model="replyForm" :rules="rules" label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="消息类型" prop="requestMessageType" v-if="msgType === MsgType.Message">
<el-select v-model="replyForm.requestMessageType" placeholder="请选择">
<template v-for="dict in getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.MP_MESSAGE_TYPE)" :key="dict.value">
<el-form-item label="匹配类型" prop="requestMatch" v-if="type === '3'">
<el-select v-model="form.requestMatch" placeholder="请选择匹配类型" clearable>
<el-form-item label="匹配类型" prop="requestMatch" v-if="msgType === MsgType.Keyword">
<el-select v-model="replyForm.requestMatch" placeholder="请选择匹配类型" clearable>
v-for="dict in getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH)"
@ -146,11 +163,11 @@
<el-form-item label="关键词" prop="requestKeyword" v-if="type === '3'">
<el-input v-model="form.requestKeyword" placeholder="请输入内容" clearable />
<el-form-item label="关键词" prop="requestKeyword" v-if="msgType === MsgType.Keyword">
<el-input v-model="replyForm.requestKeyword" placeholder="请输入内容" clearable />
<el-form-item label="回复消息">
<WxReplySelect :objData="objData" v-if="hackResetWxReplySelect" />
<WxReplySelect :objData="objData" />
<template #footer>
@ -160,7 +177,7 @@
<script setup name="MpAutoReply">
<script setup lang="ts" name="MpAutoReply">
import WxVideoPlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-video-play/main.vue'
import WxVoicePlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-voice-play/main.vue'
import WxMusic from '@/views/mp/components/wx-music/main.vue'
@ -168,30 +185,39 @@ import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import WxReplySelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-reply/main.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import * as MpAutoReplyApi from '@/api/mp/autoReply'
import { DICT_TYPE, getDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import { ContentWrap } from '@/components/ContentWrap'
import type { TabPaneName } from 'element-plus'
const message = useMessage()
// const queryFormRef = ref()
const formRef = ref()
// tab 123
const type = ref('3')
// Follow: Message: Keyword:
// tab.nameenumapi
enum MsgType {
Follow = 1,
Message = 2,
Keyword = 3
const msgType = ref<MsgType>(MsgType.Keyword)
const requestMessageTypes = ['text', 'image', 'voice', 'video', 'shortvideo', 'location', 'link']
const RequestMessageTypes = ['text', 'image', 'voice', 'video', 'shortvideo', 'location', 'link']
const loading = ref(true)
// const showSearch = ref(true)
const total = ref(0)
const list = ref([])
const list = ref<any[]>([])
const queryParams = reactive({
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
accountId?: number
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
accountId: undefined
@ -200,12 +226,50 @@ const queryParams = reactive({
const title = ref('')
const open = ref(false)
const showReplyFormDialog = ref(false)
const form = ref({})
type ReplyType = 'text' | 'image' | 'voice' | 'video' | 'shortvideo' | 'location' | 'link'
interface ReplyForm {
// relation:
id?: number
accountId?: number
type?: MsgType
// request:
requestMessageType?: ReplyType
requestMatch?: number
requestKeyword?: string
// response:
responseMessageType?: ReplyType
responseContent?: string
responseMediaId?: number
responseMediaUrl?: string
responseTitle?: string
responseDescription?: number
responseThumbMediaId?: string
responseThumbMediaUrl?: string
responseArticles?: any[]
responseMusicUrl?: string
responseHqMusicUrl?: string
interface ObjData {
type: ReplyType
accountId?: number
content?: string
mediaId?: number
url?: string
title?: string
description?: string
thumbMediaId?: number
thumbMediaUrl?: string
articles?: any[]
musicUrl?: string
hqMusicUrl?: string
const replyForm = ref<ReplyForm>({})
const objData = ref({
type: 'text'
const objData = ref<ObjData>({
type: 'text',
accountId: undefined
const rules = {
@ -213,11 +277,8 @@ const rules = {
requestMatch: [{ required: true, message: '请求的关键字的匹配不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }]
// WxReplySelect
const hackResetWxReplySelect = ref(false)
const accountChanged = (accountId) => {
queryParams.accountId = accountId
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.accountId = id
@ -227,7 +288,7 @@ const getList = async () => {
try {
const data = await MpAutoReplyApi.getAutoReplyPage({
type: type.value
type: msgType.value
list.value = data.list
total.value = data.total
@ -242,39 +303,37 @@ const handleQuery = () => {
const handleTabChange = (tabName) => {
type.value = tabName
const handleTabChange = (tabName: TabPaneName) => {
msgType.value = tabName as MsgType
/** 新增按钮操作 */
const handleAdd = () => {
open.value = true
title.value = '新增自动回复'
objData.value = {
type: 'text',
accountId: queryParams.accountId
title.value = '新增自动回复'
showReplyFormDialog.value = true
/** 修改按钮操作 */
const handleUpdate = (row) => {
const handleUpdate = async (row: any) => {
MpAutoReplyApi.getAutoReply(row.id).then((data) => {
const data = await MpAutoReplyApi.getAutoReply(row.id)
form.value = { ...data }
delete form.value['responseMessageType']
delete form.value['responseContent']
delete form.value['responseMediaId']
delete form.value['responseMediaUrl']
delete form.value['responseDescription']
delete form.value['responseArticles']
replyForm.value = { ...data }
delete replyForm.value['responseMessageType']
delete replyForm.value['responseContent']
delete replyForm.value['responseMediaId']
delete replyForm.value['responseMediaUrl']
delete replyForm.value['responseDescription']
delete replyForm.value['responseArticles']
objData.value = {
type: data.responseMessageType,
accountId: queryParams.accountId,
@ -291,55 +350,48 @@ const handleUpdate = (row) => {
open.value = true
title.value = '修改自动回复'
showReplyFormDialog.value = true
const handleSubmit = () => {
formRef.value?.validate((valid) => {
if (!valid) {
const handleSubmit = async () => {
const valid = await formRef.value?.validate()
if (!valid) return
const form = { ...form.value }
form.responseMessageType = objData.value.type
form.responseContent = objData.value.content
form.responseMediaId = objData.value.mediaId
form.responseMediaUrl = objData.value.url
form.responseTitle = objData.value.title
form.responseDescription = objData.value.description
form.responseThumbMediaId = objData.value.thumbMediaId
form.responseThumbMediaUrl = objData.value.thumbMediaUrl
form.responseArticles = objData.value.articles
form.responseMusicUrl = objData.value.musicUrl
form.responseHqMusicUrl = objData.value.hqMusicUrl
const submitForm: any = { ...replyForm.value }
submitForm.responseMessageType = objData.value.type
submitForm.responseContent = objData.value.content
submitForm.responseMediaId = objData.value.mediaId
submitForm.responseMediaUrl = objData.value.url
submitForm.responseTitle = objData.value.title
submitForm.responseDescription = objData.value.description
submitForm.responseThumbMediaId = objData.value.thumbMediaId
submitForm.responseThumbMediaUrl = objData.value.thumbMediaUrl
submitForm.responseArticles = objData.value.articles
submitForm.responseMusicUrl = objData.value.musicUrl
submitForm.responseHqMusicUrl = objData.value.hqMusicUrl
if (form.value.id !== undefined) {
MpAutoReplyApi.updateAutoReply(form).then(() => {
if (replyForm.value.id !== undefined) {
await MpAutoReplyApi.updateAutoReply(submitForm)
open.value = false
} else {
MpAutoReplyApi.createAutoReply(form).then(() => {
await MpAutoReplyApi.createAutoReply(submitForm)
open.value = false
showReplyFormDialog.value = false
await getList()
const reset = () => {
form.value = {
replyForm.value = {
id: undefined,
accountId: queryParams.accountId,
type: type.value,
type: msgType.value,
requestKeyword: undefined,
requestMatch: type.value === '3' ? 1 : undefined,
requestMatch: msgType.value === MsgType.Keyword ? 1 : undefined,
requestMessageType: undefined
@ -347,18 +399,10 @@ const reset = () => {
const cancel = () => {
open.value = false
showReplyFormDialog.value = false
// Editor
const resetEditor = () => {
hackResetWxReplySelect.value = false //
nextTick(() => {
hackResetWxReplySelect.value = true //
const handleDelete = async (row) => {
await message.confirm('是否确认删除此数据?')
await MpAutoReplyApi.deleteAutoReply(row.id)

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<el-option v-for="item in accountList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
<script lang="ts" setup name="WxMpSelect">
import * as MpAccountApi from '@/api/mp/account'
const accountId: Ref<number | undefined> = ref()
const accountList: Ref<MpAccountApi.AccountVO[]> = ref([])
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'change', id: number | undefined): void
onMounted(() => {
const handleQuery = async () => {
accountList.value = await MpAccountApi.getSimpleAccountList()
if (accountList.value.length > 0) {
accountId.value = accountList.value[0].id
emit('change', accountId.value)
const accountChanged = () => {
emit('change', accountId.value)

View File

@ -1,44 +1,37 @@
<el-form class="-mb-15px" ref="queryFormRef" :inline="true" label-width="68px">
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<!-- TODO 芋艿需要将 el-form el-select 解耦 -->
<el-select v-model="account.id" placeholder="请选择公众号" class="!w-240px" @change="onChanged">
<el-option v-for="item in accountList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
<slot name="actions"></slot>
<script setup name="WxAccountSelect">
<script lang="ts" setup name="WxAccountSelect">
import * as MpAccountApi from '@/api/mp/account'
const accountId = ref()
const accountList = ref([])
const queryFormRef = ref()
const emit = defineEmits(['change'])
onMounted(() => {
const account: MpAccountApi.AccountVO = reactive({
id: undefined,
name: ''
const accountList: Ref<MpAccountApi.AccountVO[]> = ref([])
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'change', id?: number, name?: string): void
const handleQuery = async () => {
accountList.value = await MpAccountApi.getSimpleAccountList()
if (accountList.value.length > 0) {
accountId.value = accountList.value[0].id
emit('change', accountId.value)
account.id = accountList.value[0].id
emit('change', account.id, account.name)
const accountChanged = () => {
emit('change', accountId.value)
const onChanged = () => {
emit('change', account.id, account.name)
/** 初始化 */
onMounted(() => {

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import { QuillEditor } from '@vueup/vue-quill'
import '@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.snow.css'
import { getAccessToken } from '@/utils/auth'
import editorOptions from './quill-options'
const BASE_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL
const message = useMessage()
const props = defineProps({
/* 公众号账号编号 */
accountId: {
type: Number,
required: true
/* 编辑器的内容 */
value: {
type: String,
default: ''
/* 图片大小 */
maxSize: {
type: Number,
default: 4000 // kb
const emit = defineEmits(['input'])
const myQuillEditorRef = ref()
const content = ref(props.value.replace(/data-src/g, 'src'))
const loading = ref(false) // loadingfalse,
const actionUrl = ref(BASE_URL + '/admin-api/mp/material/upload-news-image') //
const headers = ref({ Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken() }) //
const uploadData = reactive({
type: 'image', // TODO thumb
accountId: props.accountId
const onEditorChange = () => {
emit('input', content.value)
const beforeUpload = () => {
// loading
loading.value = true
// 访
const uploadSuccess = (res) => {
// res
const quill = myQuillEditorRef.value.quill
const link = res.data
if (link) {
let length = quill.getSelection().index
// res.info
quill.insertEmbed(length, 'image', link)
quill.setSelection(length + 1)
} else {
// loading
loading.value = false
const uploadError = () => {
// loading
loading.value = false
<div id="wxEditor">
<div v-loading="loading" element-loading-text="请稍等,图片上传中">
<!-- 图片上传组件辅助-->
.editor {
line-height: normal !important;
height: 500px;
.ql-snow .ql-tooltip[data-mode='link']::before {
content: '请输入链接地址:';
.ql-snow .ql-tooltip.ql-editing a.ql-action::after {
border-right: 0;
content: '保存';
padding-right: 0;
.ql-snow .ql-tooltip[data-mode='video']::before {
content: '请输入视频地址:';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item::before {
content: '14px';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value='small']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value='small']::before {
content: '10px';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value='large']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value='large']::before {
content: '18px';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value='huge']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value='huge']::before {
content: '32px';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item::before {
content: '文本';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='1']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='1']::before {
content: '标题1';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='2']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='2']::before {
content: '标题2';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='3']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='3']::before {
content: '标题3';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='4']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='4']::before {
content: '标题4';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='5']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='5']::before {
content: '标题5';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value='6']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value='6']::before {
content: '标题6';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item::before {
content: '标准字体';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label[data-value='serif']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item[data-value='serif']::before {
content: '衬线字体';
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label[data-value='monospace']::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item[data-value='monospace']::before {
content: '等宽字体';

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
const toolbarOptions = [
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], // 加粗 斜体 下划线 删除线
['blockquote', 'code-block'], // 引用 代码块
[{ header: 1 }, { header: 2 }], // 1、2 级标题
[{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }], // 有序、无序列表
[{ script: 'sub' }, { script: 'super' }], // 上标/下标
[{ indent: '-1' }, { indent: '+1' }], // 缩进
// [{'direction': 'rtl'}], // 文本方向
[{ size: ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }], // 字体大小
[{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], // 标题
[{ color: [] }, { background: [] }], // 字体颜色、字体背景颜色
[{ font: [] }], // 字体种类
[{ align: [] }], // 对齐方式
['clean'], // 清除文本格式
['link', 'image', 'video'] // 链接、图片、视频
export default {
theme: 'snow',
placeholder: '请输入文章内容',
modules: {
toolbar: {
container: toolbarOptions,
// container: "#toolbar",
handlers: {
image: function (value) {
if (value) {
// 触发input框选择图片文件
document.querySelector('.avatar-uploader input').click()
} else {
this.quill.format('image', false)
link: function (value) {
if (value) {
const href = prompt('注意!只支持公众号图文链接')
this.quill.format('link', href)
} else {
this.quill.format('link', false)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
<el-icon><Location /></el-icon>
<Icon icon="ep:location" />
{{ label }}
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@
<script setup lang="ts" name="WxLocation">
const props = defineProps({
locationX: {

View File

@ -39,79 +39,79 @@
:style="item.sendFrom === 2 ? 'background: #6BED72;' : ''"
<!-- 事件区域 -->
<div v-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'subscribe'">
<div v-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'subscribe'">
<el-tag type="success">关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'unsubscribe'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'unsubscribe'">
<el-tag type="danger">取消关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'CLICK'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'CLICK'">
{{ item.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'VIEW'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'VIEW'">
{{ item.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'scancode_waitmsg'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'scancode_waitmsg'">
{{ item.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'scancode_push'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'scancode_push'">
{{ item.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'pic_sysphoto'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'pic_sysphoto'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'pic_photo_or_album'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'pic_photo_or_album'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'pic_weixin'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'pic_weixin'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event' && item.event === 'location_select'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event && item.event === 'location_select'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'event'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Event">
<el-tag type="danger">未知事件类型</el-tag>
<!-- 消息区域 -->
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'text'">{{ item.content }}</div>
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'voice'">
<wx-voice-player :url="item.mediaUrl" :content="item.recognition" />
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Text">{{ item.content }}</div>
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Voice">
<WxVoicePlayer :url="item.mediaUrl" :content="item.recognition" />
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'image'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Image">
<a target="_blank" :href="item.mediaUrl">
<img :src="item.mediaUrl" style="width: 100px" />
v-else-if="item.type === 'video' || item.type === 'shortvideo'"
v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Video || item.type === 'shortvideo'"
style="text-align: center"
<wx-video-player :url="item.mediaUrl" />
<WxVideoPlayer :url="item.mediaUrl" />
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'link'" class="avue-card__detail">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Link" class="avue-card__detail">
<el-link type="success" :underline="false" target="_blank" :href="item.url">
<div class="avue-card__title"><i class="el-icon-link"></i>{{ item.title }}</div>
<div class="avue-card__info" style="height: unset">{{ item.description }}</div>
<!-- TODO 芋艿待完善 -->
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'location'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Location">
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'news'" style="width: 300px">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.News" style="width: 300px">
<!-- TODO 芋艿待测试详情页也存在类似的情况 -->
<wx-news :articles="item.articles" />
<WxNews :articles="item.articles" />
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'music'">
<div v-else-if="item.type === MsgType.Music">
@ -125,44 +125,35 @@
<div class="msg-send" v-loading="sendLoading">
<wx-reply-select ref="replySelect" :objData="objData" />
<WxReplySelect ref="replySelectRef" :objData="objData" />
<el-button type="success" size="small" class="send-but" @click="sendMsg">(S)</el-button>
<script lang="ts" name="WxMsg">
import { getMessagePage, sendMessage } from '@/api/mp/message'
<script setup lang="ts" name="WxMsg">
import WxReplySelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-reply/main.vue'
import WxVideoPlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-video-play/main.vue'
import WxVoicePlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-voice-play/main.vue'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import WxLocation from '@/views/mp/components/wx-location/main.vue'
import WxMusic from '@/views/mp/components/wx-music/main.vue'
import { getMessagePage, sendMessage } from '@/api/mp/message'
import { getUser } from '@/api/mp/user'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
const message = useMessage() //
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import profile from '@/assets/imgs/profile.jpg'
import wechat from '@/assets/imgs/wechat.png'
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import { MsgType } from './types'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
props: {
const message = useMessage() //
const props = defineProps({
userId: {
type: Number,
required: true
setup(props) {
const nowStr = ref(new Date().getTime()) // :id="'msg-div' + nowStr"
const loading = ref(false) //
const loadMore = ref(true) //
@ -172,52 +163,87 @@ export default defineComponent({
pageSize: 14, //
accountId: undefined
const user = reactive({
interface User {
nickname: string
avatar: string
accountId: number
// 使
const user: User = reactive({
nickname: '用户',
avatar: profile,
accountId: 0 //
const mp = reactive({
interface Mp {
nickname: string
avatar: string
const mp: Mp = reactive({
nickname: '公众号',
avatar: wechat
// ========= =========
const sendLoading = ref(false) //
const objData = reactive({
interface ObjData {
type: MsgType
accountId: number | null
articles: any[]
type: 'text',
const objData: ObjData = reactive({
type: MsgType.Text,
accountId: null,
articles: []
const replySelect = ref(null)
const replySelectRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof WxReplySelect> | null>(null)
/** 完成加载 */
onMounted(async () => {
const data = await getUser(props.userId)
user.nickname = data.nickname?.length > 0 ? data.nickname : user.nickname
user.avatar = user.avatar?.length > 0 ? data.avatar : user.avatar
user.accountId = data.accountId
queryParams.accountId = data.accountId
objData.accountId = data.accountId
const sendMsg = async () => {
if (!objData) {
// //
if (objData.type === 'news' && objData.articles.length > 1) {
if (objData.type === MsgType.News && objData.articles.length > 1) {
objData.articles = [objData.articles[0]]
message.success('图文消息条数限制在 1 条以内,已默认发送第一条')
let data = await sendMessage(Object.assign({ userId: props.userId }, { ...objData }))
const data = await sendMessage(Object.assign({ userId: props.userId }, { ...objData }))
sendLoading.value = false
list.value = [...list.value, ...[data]]
// tab
const deleteObj = (replySelect.value as any).deleteObj
const deleteObj = replySelectRef.value?.deleteObj
if (deleteObj) {
const loadingMore = () => {
getPage(queryParams, null)
const getPage = async (page, params) => {
loading.value = true
let dataTemp = await getMessagePage(
@ -231,13 +257,14 @@ export default defineComponent({
const msgDiv = document.getElementById('msg-div' + nowStr.value)
let scrollHeight = 0
if (msgDiv) {
scrollHeight = msgDiv.scrollHeight
let data = dataTemp.list.reverse()
const data = dataTemp.list.reverse()
list.value = [...data, ...list.value]
loading.value = false
if (data.length < queryParams.pageSize || data.length === 0) {
@ -261,9 +288,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
const refreshChange = () => {
getPage(queryParams, null)
/** 定位到消息底部 */
const scrollToBottom = () => {
nextTick(() => {
@ -273,34 +302,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
onMounted(async () => {
let data = await getUser(props.userId)
user.nickname = data.nickname && data.nickname.length > 0 ? data.nickname : user.nickname
user.avatar = data.avatar && user.avatar.length > 0 ? data.avatar : user.avatar
user.accountId = data.accountId
queryParams.accountId = data.accountId
objData.accountId = data.accountId
return {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
/* 因为 joolun 实现依赖 avue 组件,该页面使用了 comment.scss、card.scc */
@import './comment.scss';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export enum MsgType {
Event = 'event',
Text = 'text',
Voice = 'voice',
Image = 'image',
Video = 'video',
Link = 'link',
Location = 'location',
Music = 'music',
News = 'news'

View File

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
<template #trigger>
<el-button type="text">本地上传</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link>本地上传</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="openMaterial" style="margin-left: 5px"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import { IEditorConfig } from '@wangeditor/editor'
import { getAccessToken, getTenantId } from '@/utils/auth'
const message = useMessage()
type InsertFnType = (url: string, alt: string, href: string) => void
export const createEditorConfig = (
server: string,
accountId: number | undefined
): Partial<IEditorConfig> => {
return {
['uploadImage']: {
// 单个文件的最大体积限制,默认为 2M
maxFileSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024,
// 最多可上传几个文件,默认为 100
maxNumberOfFiles: 10,
// 选择文件时的类型限制,默认为 ['image/*'] 。如不想限制,则设置为 []
allowedFileTypes: ['image/*'],
// 自定义上传参数,例如传递验证的 token 等。参数会被添加到 formData 中,一起上传到服务端。
meta: {
accountId: accountId,
type: 'image'
// 将 meta 拼接到 url 参数中,默认 false
metaWithUrl: true,
// 自定义增加 http header
headers: {
Accept: '*',
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken(),
'tenant-id': getTenantId()
// 跨域是否传递 cookie ,默认为 false
withCredentials: true,
// 超时时间,默认为 10 秒
timeout: 5 * 1000, // 5 秒
// form-data fieldName后端接口参数名称默认值wangeditor-uploaded-image
fieldName: 'file',
// 上传之前触发
onBeforeUpload(file: File) {
return file
// 上传进度的回调函数
onProgress(progress: number) {
// progress 是 0-100 的数字
console.log('progress', progress)
onSuccess(file: File, res: any) {
console.log('onSuccess', file, res)
onFailed(file: File, res: any) {
console.log('onFailed', file, res)
onError(file: File, err: any, res: any) {
console.error('onError', file, err, res)
// 自定义插入图片
customInsert(res: any, insertFn: InsertFnType) {
insertFn(res.data.url, 'image', res.data.url)

View File

@ -3,14 +3,22 @@
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="accountChanged">
<template #actions>
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<el-button type="primary" plain @click="handleAdd" v-hasPermi="['mp:draft:create']">
<Icon icon="ep:plus" />新增
<!-- 列表 -->
@ -58,19 +66,17 @@
<!-- TODO @Dhb52迁移成独立路由 -->
<div class="app-container">
<!-- 添加或修改草稿对话框 -->
<Teleport to="body">
:title="operateMaterial === 'add' ? '新建图文' : '修改图文'"
<div class="left">
<el-aside width="40%">
<div class="select-item">
<div v-for="(news, index) in articlesAdd" :key="news.id">
@ -105,7 +111,7 @@
@ -133,21 +139,22 @@
v-if="articlesAdd.length < 8 && operateMaterial === 'add'"
<Icon icon="ep:plus" />
<div class="right" v-loading="addMaterialLoading" v-if="articlesAdd.length > 0">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div class="" v-loading="addMaterialLoading" v-if="articlesAdd.length > 0">
<!-- 标题作者原文地址 -->
<el-input v-model="articlesAdd[isActiveAddNews].title" placeholder="请输入标题(必填)" />
<el-row :gutter="20">
@ -158,15 +165,17 @@
style="margin-top: 5px"
<!-- 封面和摘要 -->
<div class="input-tt">封面和摘要</div>
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="12">
<div class="thumb-div">
style="width: 300px; max-height: 300px"
:class="isActiveAddNews === 0 ? 'avatar' : 'avatar1'"
@ -176,7 +185,7 @@
<div class="thumb-but">
@ -196,20 +205,28 @@
<template #tip>
<div class="el-upload__tip">支持 bmp/png/jpeg/jpg/gif 格式大小不超过 2M</div>
<div class="el-upload__tip"
>支持 bmp/png/jpeg/jpg/gif 格式大小不超过 2M</div
<Teleport to="body">
<el-dialog title="选择图片" v-model="dialogImageVisible" width="80%">
:objData="{ type: 'image', accountId: queryParams.accountId }"
<el-col :span="12">
@ -217,90 +234,111 @@
style="float: right"
<template #footer>
<el-button @click="dialogNewsVisible = false"> </el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm"> </el-button>
<script setup name="MpDraft">
import WxEditor from '@/views/mp/components/wx-editor/WxEditor.vue'
<script setup lang="ts" name="MpDraft">
import { Editor } from '@/components/Editor'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import WxMaterialSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-material-select/main.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import { getAccessToken } from '@/utils/auth'
import * as MpDraftApi from '@/api/mp/draft'
import * as MpFreePublishApi from '@/api/mp/freePublish'
// API
// import drafts from './mock'
import type { UploadFiles, UploadProps, UploadRawFile } from 'element-plus'
import { createEditorConfig } from './editor-config'
// import drafts from './mock' // API
import { IEditorConfig } from '@wangeditor/editor'
const message = useMessage() //
const loading = ref(true) //
const list = ref<any[]>([]) //
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref([]) //
const queryParams = reactive({
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
accountId?: number
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
accountId: undefined
// ========== ==========
const materialSelectRef = ref()
const BASE_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL
const actionUrl = ref(BASE_URL + '/admin-api/mp/material/upload-permanent') //
const headers = ref({ Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken() }) //
const fileList = ref([])
const uploadData = reactive({
const uploadUrl = BASE_URL + '/admin-api/mp/material/upload-permanent' //
const headers = { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken() } //
const materialSelectRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof WxMaterialSelect> | null>(null)
const fileList = ref<UploadFiles>([])
interface UploadData {
type: 'image' | 'video' | 'audio'
accountId?: number
const uploadData: UploadData = reactive({
type: 'image',
accountId: 1
// ========== 稿 or ==========
interface Article {
title: string
thumbMediaId: string
author: string
digest: string
showCoverPic: string
content: string
contentSourceUrl: string
needOpenComment: string
onlyFansCanComment: string
thumbUrl: string
const dialogNewsVisible = ref(false)
const addMaterialLoading = ref(false) // 稿 loading
const articlesAdd = ref([])
const articlesAdd = ref<Article[]>([])
const isActiveAddNews = ref(0)
const dialogImageVisible = ref(false)
const operateMaterial = ref('add')
const operateMaterial = ref<'add' | 'edit'>('add')
const articlesMediaId = ref('')
const hackResetEditor = ref(false)
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChanged = (accountId) => {
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
// ======================== ========================
/** 设置账号编号 */
const setAccountId = (accountId) => {
queryParams.accountId = accountId
uploadData.accountId = accountId
const setAccountId = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.accountId = id
uploadData.accountId = id
editorConfig.value = createEditorConfig(uploadUrl, queryParams.accountId)
const editorConfig = ref<Partial<IEditorConfig>>({})
/** 查询列表 */
const getList = async () => {
if (!queryParams.accountId) {
return false
loading.value = true
try {
const drafts = await MpDraftApi.getDraftPage(queryParams)
@ -321,7 +359,6 @@ const getList = async () => {
// ======================== /稿 ========================
/** 新增按钮操作 */
const handleAdd = () => {
operateMaterial.value = 'add'
@ -329,8 +366,7 @@ const handleAdd = () => {
/** 更新按钮操作 */
const handleUpdate = (item) => {
const handleUpdate = (item: any) => {
articlesMediaId.value = item.mediaId
articlesAdd.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item.content.newsItem))
@ -340,39 +376,29 @@ const handleUpdate = (item) => {
/** 提交按钮 */
const submitForm = () => {
// TODO @Dhb52: await
const submitForm = async () => {
addMaterialLoading.value = true
try {
if (operateMaterial.value === 'add') {
MpDraftApi.createDraft(queryParams.accountId, articlesAdd.value)
.then(() => {
await MpDraftApi.createDraft(queryParams.accountId, articlesAdd.value)
dialogNewsVisible.value = false
.finally(() => {
addMaterialLoading.value = false
} else {
MpDraftApi.updateDraft(queryParams.accountId, articlesMediaId.value, articlesAdd.value)
.then(() => {
await MpDraftApi.updateDraft(queryParams.accountId, articlesMediaId.value, articlesAdd.value)
} finally {
dialogNewsVisible.value = false
.finally(() => {
addMaterialLoading.value = false
await getList()
const dialogNewsClose = async (done) => {
const dialogNewsClose = async (onDone: () => {}) => {
try {
await message.confirm('修改内容可能还未保存,确定关闭吗?')
} catch {}
@ -382,16 +408,8 @@ const reset = () => {
articlesAdd.value = [buildEmptyArticle()]
// Editor
const resetEditor = () => {
hackResetEditor.value = false //
nextTick(() => {
hackResetEditor.value = true //
const downNews = (index) => {
const downNews = (index: number) => {
let temp = articlesAdd.value[index]
articlesAdd.value[index] = articlesAdd.value[index + 1]
articlesAdd.value[index + 1] = temp
@ -399,21 +417,20 @@ const downNews = (index) => {
const upNews = (index) => {
let temp = articlesAdd.value[index]
const upNews = (index: number) => {
const temp = articlesAdd.value[index]
articlesAdd.value[index] = articlesAdd.value[index - 1]
articlesAdd.value[index - 1] = temp
isActiveAddNews.value = index - 1
// index
const activeNews = (index) => {
const activeNews = (index: number) => {
isActiveAddNews.value = index
// index
const minusNews = async (index) => {
const minusNews = async (index: number) => {
try {
await message.confirm('确定删除该图文吗?')
articlesAdd.value.splice(index, 1)
@ -430,7 +447,7 @@ const plusNews = () => {
// article
const buildEmptyArticle = () => {
const buildEmptyArticle = (): Article => {
return {
title: '',
thumbMediaId: '',
@ -446,21 +463,18 @@ const buildEmptyArticle = () => {
// ======================== ========================
const beforeThumbImageUpload = (file) => {
const beforeThumbImageUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) => {
addMaterialLoading.value = true
const isType =
file.type === 'image/jpeg' ||
file.type === 'image/png' ||
file.type === 'image/gif' ||
file.type === 'image/bmp' ||
file.type === 'image/jpg'
const isType = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/jpg'].includes(
if (!isType) {
addMaterialLoading.value = false
return false
const isLt = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2
if (!isLt) {
if (rawFile.size / 1024 / 1024 > 2) {
message.error('上传图片大小不能超过 2M!')
addMaterialLoading.value = false
return false
@ -469,10 +483,10 @@ const beforeThumbImageUpload = (file) => {
return true
const handleUploadSuccess = (response, file, fileList) => {
const handleUploadSuccess: UploadProps['onSuccess'] = (res: any) => {
addMaterialLoading.value = false
if (response.code !== 0) {
message.error('上传出错:' + response.msg)
if (res.code !== 0) {
message.error('上传出错:' + res.msg)
return false
@ -480,12 +494,12 @@ const handleUploadSuccess = (response, file, fileList) => {
fileList.value = []
// 稿
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbMediaId = response.data.mediaId
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbUrl = response.data.url
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbMediaId = res.data.mediaId
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbUrl = res.data.url
// or 稿
const selectMaterial = (item) => {
const selectMaterial = (item: any) => {
dialogImageVisible.value = false
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbMediaId = item.mediaId
articlesAdd.value[isActiveAddNews.value].thumbUrl = item.url
@ -494,14 +508,10 @@ const selectMaterial = (item) => {
const openMaterial = () => {
dialogImageVisible.value = true
try {
materialSelectRef.value.queryParams.accountId = queryParams.accountId // accountId
materialSelectRef.value.handleQuery() //
} catch (e) {}
// ======================== 稿 ========================
const handlePublish = async (item) => {
const handlePublish = async (item: any) => {
const accountId = queryParams.accountId
const mediaId = item.mediaId
const content =
@ -515,7 +525,7 @@ const handlePublish = async (item) => {
/** 删除按钮操作 */
const handleDelete = async (item) => {
const handleDelete = async (item: any) => {
const accountId = queryParams.accountId
const mediaId = item.mediaId
try {
@ -543,6 +553,13 @@ const handleDelete = async (item) => {
padding-top: 5px;
.el-row {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.el-row:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
.item-name {
font-size: 12px;
overflow: hidden;
@ -556,35 +573,33 @@ const handleDelete = async (item) => {
.left {
display: inline-block;
width: 35%;
vertical-align: top;
margin-top: 200px;
// .left {
// display: inline-block;
// vertical-align: top;
// margin-top: 200px;
// }
.right {
display: inline-block;
width: 60%;
margin-top: -40px;
// .right {
// display: inline-block;
// width: 100%;
// }
.avatar-uploader {
width: 20%;
display: inline-block;
// .avatar-uploader {
// width: 20%;
// display: inline-block;
// }
.avatar-uploader .el-upload {
border-radius: 6px;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: unset !important;
// .avatar-uploader .el-upload {
// border-radius: 6px;
// cursor: pointer;
// position: relative;
// overflow: hidden;
// text-align: unset !important;
// }
.avatar-uploader .el-upload:hover {
border-color: #165dff;
// .avatar-uploader .el-upload:hover {
// border-color: #165dff;
// }
.avatar-uploader-icon {
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
@ -607,7 +622,7 @@ const handleDelete = async (item) => {
.digest {
width: 60%;
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
@ -628,28 +643,16 @@ const handleDelete = async (item) => {
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
p {
line-height: 30px;
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1300px) {
.waterfall {
column-count: 3;
p {
color: red;
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
.waterfall {
column-count: 2;
p {
color: orange;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
@ -715,10 +718,6 @@ p {
background-color: #acadae;
.input-tt {
padding: 5px;
.activeAddNews {
border: 5px solid #2bb673;
@ -755,7 +754,7 @@ p {
.thumb-div {
display: inline-block;
width: 30%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;

View File

@ -3,8 +3,17 @@
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="(accountId) => accountChanged(accountId)" />
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<!-- 列表 -->
@ -39,26 +48,31 @@
<script setup name="MpFreePublish">
<script lang="ts" setup name="MpFreePublish">
import * as FreePublishApi from '@/api/mp/freePublish'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
const message = useMessage() //
const { t } = useI18n() //
const loading = ref(true) //
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref([]) //
const queryParams = reactive({
const list = ref<any[]>([]) //
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
accountId?: number
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
accountId: undefined
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChanged = (accountId) => {
queryParams.accountId = accountId
const onAccountChanged = (id: number | undefined) => {
queryParams.accountId = id
@ -75,7 +89,7 @@ const getList = async () => {
/** 删除按钮操作 */
const handleDelete = async (item) => {
const handleDelete = async (item: any) => {
try {
await message.delConfirm('删除后用户将无法访问此页面,确定删除?')
@ -87,7 +101,6 @@ const handleDelete = async (item) => {
} catch {}
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.ope-row {
margin-top: 5px;

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
<el-form class="-mb-15px" :inline="true" label-width="68px">
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxMpSelect @change="accountChange" />
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<el-tabs v-model="type" @tab-change="handleTabChange">
<el-tabs v-model="type" @tab-change="onTabChange">
<!-- tab 1图片 -->
<el-tab-pane name="image">
<template #label>
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<el-table-column label="文件名" align="center" prop="name" />
<el-table-column label="语音" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
<WxVoicePlayer :url="scope.row.url" />
<WxVoicePlayer v-if="scope.row.url" :url="scope.row.url" />
@ -188,10 +188,8 @@
<template #footer>
<!-- <span class="dialog-footer"> -->
<el-button @click="cancelVideo"> </el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitVideo"> </el-button>
<!-- </span> -->
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@
<el-table-column label="介绍" align="center" prop="introduction" />
<el-table-column label="视频" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
<WxVideoPlayer :url="scope.row.url" />
<WxVideoPlayer v-if="scope.row.url" :url="scope.row.url" />
@ -250,7 +248,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup name="MpMaterial">
import WxVoicePlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-voice-play/main.vue'
import WxVideoPlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-video-play/main.vue'
import WxMpSelect from '@/views/mp/components/WxMpSelect.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import * as MpMaterialApi from '@/api/mp/material'
import * as authUtil from '@/utils/auth'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
@ -279,14 +277,11 @@ const uploadRules: FormRules = {
type MatertialType = 'image' | 'voice' | 'video'
const type = ref<MatertialType>('image')
const loading = ref(false)
const total = ref(0)
const list = ref([])
type MaterialType = 'image' | 'voice' | 'video'
const type = ref<MaterialType>('image')
const loading = ref(false) //
const list = ref<any[]>([]) //
const total = ref(0) //
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
@ -304,7 +299,7 @@ const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
const fileList = ref<UploadUserFile[]>([])
interface UploadData {
type: MatertialType
type: MaterialType
title: string
introduction: string
@ -319,8 +314,8 @@ const dialogVideoVisible = ref(false)
const addMaterialLoading = ref(false)
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChange = (accountId: number | undefined) => {
queryParams.accountId = accountId
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.accountId = id
@ -346,9 +341,9 @@ const handleQuery = () => {
const handleTabChange = (tabName: TabPaneName) => {
const onTabChange = (tabName: TabPaneName) => {
// type
uploadData.type = tabName as MatertialType
uploadData.type = tabName as MaterialType
// tab
list.value = []
@ -359,54 +354,49 @@ const handleTabChange = (tabName: TabPaneName) => {
// ======================== ========================
const beforeImageUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) => {
const isType = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/jpg'].includes(
if (!isType) {
const beforeUpload = (rawFile: UploadRawFile, category: 'image' | 'audio' | 'video'): boolean => {
let allowTypes: string[] = []
let maxSizeMB = 0
let name = ''
switch (category) {
case 'image':
allowTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/jpg']
maxSizeMB = 2
name = '图片'
case 'audio':
allowTypes = ['audio/mp3', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/wma', 'audio/wav', 'audio/amr']
maxSizeMB = 2
name = '图片'
case 'video':
allowTypes = ['video/mp4']
maxSizeMB = 10
name = '视频'
if (!allowTypes.includes(rawFile.type)) {
return false
const isLt = rawFile.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2
if (!isLt) {
message.error('上传图片大小不能超过 2M!')
if (rawFile.size / 1024 / 1024 > maxSizeMB) {
return false
loading.value = true
return true
const beforeVoiceUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) => {
const isType = ['audio/mp3', 'audio/wma', 'audio/wav', 'audio/amr'].includes(file.type)
const isLt = rawFile.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2
if (!isType) {
return false
if (!isLt) {
message.error('上传语音大小不能超过 2M!')
return false
loading.value = true
return true
const beforeImageUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) =>
beforeUpload(rawFile, 'image')
const beforeVideoUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) => {
const isType = rawFile.type === 'video/mp4'
if (!isType) {
return false
const beforeVoiceUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) =>
beforeUpload(rawFile, 'audio')
const isLt = rawFile.size / 1024 / 1024 < 10
if (!isLt) {
message.error('上传视频大小不能超过 10M!')
return false
addMaterialLoading.value = true
return true
const beforeVideoUpload: UploadProps['beforeUpload'] = (rawFile: UploadRawFile) =>
beforeUpload(rawFile, 'video')
const handleUploadSuccess: UploadProps['onSuccess'] = (response: any) => {
loading.value = false
@ -441,6 +431,7 @@ const submitVideo = () => {
// video
const handleAddVideo = () => {
dialogVideoVisible.value = true

View File

@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
<doc-alert title="公众号菜单" url="https://doc.iocoder.cn/mp/menu/" />
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="accountChanged" />
<el-form class="-mb-15px" ref="queryFormRef" :inline="true" label-width="68px">
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<!-- 列表 -->
@ -12,7 +15,7 @@
<div class="left">
<div class="weixin-hd">
<div class="weixin-title">{{ name }}</div>
<div class="weixin-title">{{ accountName }}</div>
<div class="weixin-menu menu_main clearfix">
<div class="menu_bottom" v-for="(item, i) of menuList" :key="i">
@ -68,7 +71,7 @@
<div v-if="showRightFlag" class="right">
<div class="configure_page">
<div class="delete_btn">
<el-button size="small" type="danger" @click="handleDeleteMenu(tempObj)">
<el-button size="small" type="danger" @click="handleDeleteMenu">
删除当前菜单<Icon icon="ep:delete" />
@ -155,7 +158,7 @@
<div v-else>
<el-row justify="center">
<el-col :span="24" style="text-align: center">
<el-button type="success" @click="openMaterial">
<el-button type="success" @click="dialogNewsVisible = true">
素材库选择<Icon icon="ep:circle-check" />
@ -185,24 +188,26 @@
<script setup name="MpMenu">
import { handleTree } from '@/utils/tree'
<script lang="ts" setup name="MpMenu">
import WxReplySelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-reply/main.vue'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import WxMaterialSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-material-select/main.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import * as MpMenuApi from '@/api/mp/menu'
import { handleTree } from '@/utils/tree'
import menuOptions from './menuOptions'
const message = useMessage() //
// ======================== ========================
const loading = ref(true) //
const accountId = ref(undefined) // Id
const menuList = ref({ children: [] })
const loading = ref(false) //
const accountId = ref<number | undefined>()
const accountName = ref<string | undefined>('')
const menuList = ref<any>({ children: [] })
// ======================== ========================
const isActive = ref(-1) //
const isSubMenuActive = ref(-1) //
const isSubMenuActive = ref<string | number>(-1) //
const isSubMenuFlag = ref(-1) //
// ======================== ========================
@ -210,15 +215,16 @@ const showRightFlag = ref(false) // 右边配置显示默认详情还是配置
const nameMaxLength = ref(0) // 1 4 2 7
const showConfigureContent = ref(true) //
const hackResetWxReplySelect = ref(false) // WxReplySelect
const tempObj = ref({}) //
const tempObj = ref<any>({}) //
// tempObjmenu
const tempSelfObj = ref({})
const tempSelfObj = ref<any>({})
const dialogNewsVisible = ref(false) //
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChanged = (id) => {
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number, name?: string) => {
accountId.value = id
accountName.value = name
@ -241,10 +247,10 @@ const handleQuery = () => {
// menuList menuList
const convertMenuList = (list) => {
const convertMenuList = (list: any[]) => {
if (!list) return []
const menuList = []
const result: any[] = []
list.forEach((item) => {
const menu = {
@ -271,9 +277,9 @@ const convertMenuList = (list) => {
hqMusicUrl: item.replyHqMusicUrl
return menuList
return result
@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ const resetForm = () => {
showRightFlag.value = false
nameMaxLength.value = 0
showConfigureContent.value = 0
showConfigureContent.value = false
hackResetWxReplySelect.value = false
tempObj.value = {}
tempSelfObj.value = {}
@ -295,7 +301,7 @@ const resetForm = () => {
// ======================== ========================
const menuClick = (i, item) => {
const menuClick = (i: number, item: any) => {
showRightFlag.value = true //
@ -312,11 +318,10 @@ const menuClick = (i, item) => {
const subMenuClick = (subItem, index, k) => {
const subMenuClick = (subItem: any, index: number, k: number) => {
showRightFlag.value = true //
tempObj.value = subItem //
tempSelfObj.value.grand = '2' //
tempSelfObj.value.index = index //
@ -331,7 +336,7 @@ const subMenuClick = (subItem, index, k) => {
const addMenu = () => {
const menuKeyLength = menuList.value.length
const menuKeyLength: number = menuList.value.length
const addButton = {
name: '菜单名称',
children: [],
@ -342,10 +347,10 @@ const addMenu = () => {
menuList.value[menuKeyLength] = addButton
menuClick(menuKeyLength.value - 1, addButton)
menuClick(menuKeyLength - 1, addButton)
// item
const addSubMenu = (i, item) => {
const addSubMenu = (i: number, item: any) => {
// name
if (!item.children || item.children.length <= 0) {
item.children = []
@ -361,8 +366,8 @@ const addSubMenu = (i, item) => {
showConfigureContent.value = false
let subMenuKeyLength = item.children.length // key
let addButton = {
const subMenuKeyLength = item.children.length // key
const addButton = {
name: '子菜单名称',
reply: {
@ -399,7 +404,7 @@ const handleDeleteMenu = async () => {
// ======================== ========================
const handleSave = async () => {
try {
await message.confirm('确定要删除吗?')
await message.confirm('确定要保存吗?')
loading.value = true
await MpMenuApi.saveMenu(accountId.value, convertMenuFormList())
@ -413,7 +418,6 @@ const handleSave = async () => {
const resetEditor = () => {
hackResetWxReplySelect.value = false //
nextTick(() => {
hackResetWxReplySelect.value = true //
@ -432,9 +436,9 @@ const handleDelete = async () => {
// menuList menuList
const convertMenuFormList = () => {
const result = []
const result: any[] = []
menuList.value.forEach((item) => {
let menu = convertMenuForm(item)
const menu = convertMenuForm(item)
@ -450,7 +454,7 @@ const convertMenuFormList = () => {
// menu menu
const convertMenuForm = (menu) => {
const convertMenuForm = (menu: any) => {
let result = {
children: undefined, //
@ -473,11 +477,7 @@ const convertMenuForm = (menu) => {
// ======================== ========================
const openMaterial = () => {
dialogNewsVisible.value = true
const selectMaterial = (item) => {
const selectMaterial = (item: any) => {
const articleId = item.articleId
const articles = item.content.newsItem

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
<el-table v-loading="props.loading" :data="props.list">
<el-table-column label="消息类型" align="center" prop="type" width="80" />
<el-table-column label="发送方" align="center" prop="sendFrom" width="80">
<template #default="scope">
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.sendFrom === 1" type="success"></el-tag>
<el-tag v-else type="info">公众号</el-tag>
<el-table-column label="用户标识" align="center" prop="openid" width="300" />
<el-table-column label="内容" prop="content">
<template #default="scope">
<!-- 事件区域 -->
<div v-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'subscribe'">
<el-tag type="success">关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'unsubscribe'">
<el-tag type="danger">取消关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'CLICK'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'VIEW'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'scancode_waitmsg'"
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'scancode_push'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'pic_sysphoto'">
v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'pic_photo_or_album'"
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'pic_weixin'">
v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event && scope.row.event === 'location_select'"
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Event">
<el-tag type="danger">未知事件类型</el-tag>
<!-- 消息区域 -->
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Text">{{ scope.row.content }}</div>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Voice">
<wx-voice-player :url="scope.row.mediaUrl" :content="scope.row.recognition" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Image">
<a target="_blank" :href="scope.row.mediaUrl">
<img :src="scope.row.mediaUrl" style="width: 100px" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Video || scope.row.type === 'shortvideo'">
<wx-video-player :url="scope.row.mediaUrl" style="margin-top: 10px" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Link">
<a :href="scope.row.url" target="_blank">{{ scope.row.title }}</a>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Location">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.Music">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === MsgType.News">
<WxNews :articles="scope.row.articles" />
<div v-else>
<el-tag type="danger">未知消息类型</el-tag>
<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width">
<template #default="scope">
@click="emit('send', scope.row.userId)"
<!-- 分页组件 -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import WxVideoPlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-video-play/main.vue'
import WxVoicePlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-voice-play/main.vue'
import WxLocation from '@/views/mp/components/wx-location/main.vue'
import WxMusic from '@/views/mp/components/wx-music/main.vue'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import { MsgType } from '@/views/mp/components/wx-msg/types'
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: Array,
required: true
loading: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
const emit = defineEmits<{ (e: 'send', v: number) }>()

View File

@ -9,14 +9,7 @@
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<el-select v-model="queryParams.accountId" placeholder="请选择公众号" class="!w-240px">
v-for="item in accountList"
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<el-form-item label="消息类型" prop="type">
<el-select v-model="queryParams.type" placeholder="请选择消息类型" class="!w-240px">
@ -65,152 +58,50 @@
<!-- 列表 -->
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
<el-table-column label="消息类型" align="center" prop="type" width="80" />
<el-table-column label="发送方" align="center" prop="sendFrom" width="80">
<template #default="scope">
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.sendFrom === 1" type="success"></el-tag>
<el-tag v-else type="info">公众号</el-tag>
<el-table-column label="用户标识" align="center" prop="openid" width="300" />
<el-table-column label="内容" prop="content">
<template #default="scope">
<!-- 事件区域 -->
<div v-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'subscribe'">
<el-tag type="success">关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'unsubscribe'">
<el-tag type="danger">取消关注</el-tag>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'CLICK'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'VIEW'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'scancode_waitmsg'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'scancode_push'">
{{ scope.row.eventKey }}
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'pic_sysphoto'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'pic_photo_or_album'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'pic_weixin'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event' && scope.row.event === 'location_select'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'event'">
<el-tag type="danger">未知事件类型</el-tag>
<!-- 消息区域 -->
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'text'">{{ scope.row.content }}</div>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'voice'">
<wx-voice-player :url="scope.row.mediaUrl" :content="scope.row.recognition" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'image'">
<a target="_blank" :href="scope.row.mediaUrl">
<img :src="scope.row.mediaUrl" style="width: 100px" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'video' || scope.row.type === 'shortvideo'">
<wx-video-player :url="scope.row.mediaUrl" style="margin-top: 10px" />
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'link'">
<a :href="scope.row.url" target="_blank">{{ scope.row.title }}</a>
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'location'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'music'">
<div v-else-if="scope.row.type === 'news'">
<wx-news :articles="scope.row.articles" />
<div v-else>
<el-tag type="danger">未知消息类型</el-tag>
<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width">
<template #default="scope">
<!-- 分页组件 -->
<MessageTable :list="list" :loading="loading" @send="handleSend" />
v-show="total > 0"
<!-- 发送消息的弹窗 -->
<el-dialog title="粉丝消息列表" v-model="open" @click="openDialog()" width="50%">
<template #footer>
<wx-msg :user-id="userId" v-if="open" />
@click="messageBox.show = true"
<WxMsg :user-id="messageBox.userId" />
<script setup lang="ts" name="MpMessage">
import WxVideoPlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-video-play/main.vue'
import WxVoicePlayer from '@/views/mp/components/wx-voice-play/main.vue'
import WxMsg from '@/views/mp/components/wx-msg/main.vue'
import WxLocation from '@/views/mp/components/wx-location/main.vue'
import WxMusic from '@/views/mp/components/wx-music/main.vue'
import WxNews from '@/views/mp/components/wx-news/main.vue'
import * as MpAccountApi from '@/api/mp/account'
import * as MpMessageApi from '@/api/mp/message'
const message = useMessage() //
import WxMsg from '@/views/mp/components/wx-msg/main.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import MessageTable from './MessageTable.vue'
import { DICT_TYPE, getStrDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import { MsgType } from '@/views/mp/components/wx-msg/types'
import type { FormInstance } from 'element-plus'
const loading = ref(true) //
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref([]) //
const queryParams = reactive({
const loading = ref(false)
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref<any[]>([]) //
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
openid: string | null
accountId: number | null
type: MsgType | null
createTime: string[] | []
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
openid: null,
@ -218,19 +109,27 @@ const queryParams = reactive({
type: null,
createTime: []
const queryFormRef = ref() //
const open = ref(false) //
const userId = ref(0) //
const accountList = ref<MpAccountApi.AccountVO[]>([]) //
const queryFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null) //
const messageBox = reactive({
show: false,
userId: 0
/** 侦听accountId */
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.accountId = id as number
/** 查询列表 */
const getList = async () => {
if (!queryParams.accountId) {
await message.error('未选中公众号,无法查询消息')
const handleQuery = () => {
queryParams.pageNo = 1
const getList = async () => {
try {
loading.value = true
const data = await MpMessageApi.getMessagePage(queryParams)
@ -241,42 +140,18 @@ const getList = async () => {
/** 搜索按钮操作 */
const handleQuery = () => {
queryParams.pageNo = 1
/** 重置按钮操作 */
const resetQuery = async () => {
if (accountList.value.length > 0) {
// @ts-ignore
queryParams.accountId = accountList.value[0].id
// accountId reset
const accountId = queryParams.accountId
queryParams.accountId = accountId
const handleSend = async (row) => {
userId.value = row.userId
open.value = true
const openDialog = () => {
open.value = true
/** 打开消息发送窗口 */
const handleSend = async (userId: number) => {
messageBox.userId = userId
messageBox.show = true
// const closeDiaLog = () => {
// open.value = false
// }
/** 初始化 **/
onMounted(async () => {
accountList.value = await MpAccountApi.getSimpleAccountList()
if (accountList.value.length > 0) {
// @ts-ignore
queryParams.accountId = accountList.value[0].id
await getList()

View File

@ -19,24 +19,30 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import * as MpTagApi from '@/api/mp/tag'
import type { FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus'
const { t } = useI18n() //
const message = useMessage() //
const dialogVisible = ref(false) //
const dialogTitle = ref('') //
const formLoading = ref(false) // 12
const formType = ref('') // create - update -
const formType = ref<'create' | 'update' | ''>('') // create - update -
const formData = ref({
accountId: -1,
name: ''
const formRules = reactive({
const formRules: FormRules = {
name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入标签名称', trigger: 'blur' }]
const formRef = ref() // Ref
const formRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null) // Ref
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'success'): void
/** 打开弹窗 */
const open = async (type: string, accountId: number, id?: number) => {
const open = async (type: 'create' | 'update', accountId: number, id?: number) => {
dialogVisible.value = true
dialogTitle.value = t('action.' + type)
formType.value = type
@ -55,11 +61,10 @@ const open = async (type: string, accountId: number, id?: number) => {
defineExpose({ open }) // open
/** 提交表单 */
const emit = defineEmits(['success']) // success
const submitForm = async () => {
if (!formRef) return
const valid = await formRef.value.validate()
const valid = await formRef.value?.validate()
if (!valid) return
formLoading.value = true

View File

@ -3,17 +3,25 @@
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="accountChanged">
<template #actions>
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<el-button type="primary" plain @click="openForm('create')" v-hasPermi="['mp:tag:create']">
<Icon icon="ep:plus" class="mr-5px" /> 新增
<el-button type="success" plain @click="handleSync" v-hasPermi="['mp:tag:sync']">
<Icon icon="ep:refresh" class="mr-5px" /> 同步
<!-- 列表 -->
@ -64,25 +72,32 @@
<script setup lang="ts" name="MpTag">
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import * as MpTagApi from '@/api/mp/tag'
import TagForm from './TagForm.vue'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
const message = useMessage() //
const { t } = useI18n() //
const loading = ref(true) //
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref([]) //
const queryParams = reactive({
const list = ref<any>([]) //
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
accountId?: number
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
accountId: undefined
const formRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof TagForm> | null>(null)
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChanged = (accountId) => {
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.pageNo = 1
queryParams.accountId = accountId
queryParams.accountId = id
@ -99,9 +114,8 @@ const getList = async () => {
/** 添加/修改操作 */
const formRef = ref()
const openForm = (type: string, id?: number) => {
formRef.value.open(type, queryParams.accountId, id)
formRef.value?.open(type, queryParams.accountId as number, id)
/** 删除按钮操作 */
@ -121,8 +135,7 @@ const handleDelete = async (id: number) => {
const handleSync = async () => {
try {
await message.confirm('是否确认同步标签?')
// @ts-ignore
await MpTagApi.syncTag(queryParams.accountId)
await MpTagApi.syncTag(queryParams.accountId as number)
await getList()
} catch {}

View File

@ -3,14 +3,42 @@
<!-- 搜索工作栏 -->
<!-- TODO @芋艿调整成 el-form WxAccountSelect -->
<WxAccountSelect @change="(accountId) => accountChanged(accountId)">
<template #actions>
<el-form-item label="公众号" prop="accountId">
<WxAccountSelect @change="onAccountChanged" />
<el-form-item label="用户标识" prop="openid">
<el-form-item label="昵称" prop="nickname">
<el-button @click="handleQuery"> <Icon icon="ep:search" />搜索 </el-button>
<el-button @click="resetQuery"> <Icon icon="ep:refresh" />重置 </el-button>
<el-button type="success" plain @click="handleSync" v-hasPermi="['mp:user:sync']">
<Icon icon="ep:refresh" class="mr-5px" /> 同步
<!-- 列表 -->
@ -66,35 +94,40 @@
<UserForm ref="formRef" @success="getList" />
<script lang="ts" setup name="MpUser">
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
import * as MpUserApi from '@/api/mp/user'
import * as MpTagApi from '@/api/mp/tag'
import WxAccountSelect from '@/views/mp/components/wx-account-select/main.vue'
import type { FormInstance } from 'element-plus'
import UserForm from './UserForm.vue'
const message = useMessage() //
const loading = ref(true) //
const total = ref(0) //
const list = ref([]) //
const queryParams = reactive({
const list = ref<any[]>([]) //
interface QueryParams {
pageNo: number
pageSize: number
accountId?: number
openid: string | null
nickname: string | null
const queryParams: QueryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
accountId: null,
accountId: undefined,
openid: null,
nickname: null
const tagList = ref([]) //
/** 初始化 */
onMounted(async () => {
tagList.value = await MpTagApi.getSimpleTagList()
const queryFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null) //
const tagList = ref<any[]>([]) //
/** 侦听公众号变化 **/
const accountChanged = (accountId) => {
const onAccountChanged = (id?: number) => {
queryParams.pageNo = 1
queryParams.accountId = accountId
queryParams.accountId = id
@ -110,20 +143,38 @@ const getList = async () => {
/** 搜索按钮操作 */
const handleQuery = () => {
queryParams.pageNo = 1
/** 重置按钮操作 */
const resetQuery = () => {
const accountId = queryParams.accountId
queryParams.accountId = accountId
/** 添加/修改操作 */
const formRef = ref()
const formRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof UserForm> | null>(null)
const openForm = (id: number) => {
/** 同步标签 */
const handleSync = async () => {
const accountId = queryParams.accountId
try {
await message.confirm('是否确认同步粉丝?')
await MpUserApi.syncUser(accountId)
await MpUserApi.syncUser(queryParams.accountId)
await getList()
} catch {}
/** 初始化 */
onMounted(async () => {
tagList.value = await MpTagApi.getSimpleTagList()