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1.7.3 (2023-06-08)
Bug Fixes
- 打包循环依赖警告 (6f3f3fd)
- 定时器,时间格式化 (2fa63d8)
- 解决项目配置/界面功能/自动锁屏&菜单展开宽度样式变形问题 (8027dc3)
- 解决重定向路径 params 参数丢失问题 (7311bdb)
- 渠道编码直接卡死,界面奔溃 (113520a)
- 授权类型bugs (f00fec9)
- 修复操作页签后 打开页面需要使用fullPath,否则可能会导致参数丢失引起数据加载异常 (764b0f0)
- 修复未传参(params)的时,redo失效的问题 (da11f52)
- 由于 多路径字段获取值处理 造成的 set value值为0||''时不成功的情况 (ce1236d)
- 邮件模板-测试 模板内容 readonly (322d5ad)
- 邮件模版校验 (76e3105)
- axios responseInterceptorsCatch (34106d1)
- Cannot access 'pagewrapper' before init (7464ac0)
- config (f1cdf27)
- crontab number input (5733a2f)
- deepMerge: fix deepMerge (23cf34f)
- dict (855c705)
- dict (da0eb81)
- dict (7c8aeb8)
- dict (1bccba8)
- dict tag (c4d3b3e)
- eslint (2fe7395)
- file config action show (36a14be)
- form setting redoHeight (bbce129)
- memberUserIds render (664e25c)
- mitt (ac4180d)
- pay action (932bae5)
- renderImg (0413be5)
- renderImg (e8f1528)
- SSL required (4c59df6)
- sys area tree (7d523a0)
- user group (4754495)
- useTable (f780285)
- view: 修复登入页面点击其他登入方式后返回时视图异常的bug (0657ea5)
- warn (75cd1a3)
- 适配 vue 3.3 defineOptions (73ad948)
- 收银台 (7219895)
- 收银台 (5ecc189)
- 收银台 (aede08c)
- 添加表格查询隐藏按钮 (8f0c2fa)
- 完成邮件相关功能 (3f1a3a0)
- 站内信发送功能 (5b7530e)
- 站内信详情查看 (8b3b842)
- add defaultValue (c233dbc)
- add detail (3e04dde)
- add job detail (0245ecd)
- add parentFiled (20dca10)
- app channel config (0851598)
- area style (85ba687)
- bpm form init (61ff811)
- bpm my (3f5d1ed)
- bpm task (6e51ca7)
- bug fix (44c9085)
- Channel (08e041b)
- codegen use code editor pre (b6b9c8f)
- cron (81d2426)
- dashboard icon (44deb06)
- dataSourceConfigId (f4e9d2f)
- file upload (611da35)
- header上的通知及个人站内信功能 (0e44af8)
- icon (0401602)
- job log (5424d0b)
- model style (479cbdd)
- model table (9638599)
- model table (833443b)
- model upload (44eb9a8)
- mp (2d09a78)
- parent to parentLabel (cfd4ac8)
- preview style (99ac17a)
- remove console (3548ba0)
- Select defaultValue (d8312d5)
- send sms (2b8e4c6)
- show select all (e405733)
- style (08666c8)
- sync mitt (69547bc)
- tabs (d1eb0db)
- use ant design icon (875bdf4)
- user apitransfer (a261242)
- wx news init (e9a7b47)
Performance Improvements
- 优化modal弹窗样式 (0b7ed77)
- 优化tree getIcon方法类型定义 (a8a973b)
- remove console (35c8e13)
- remove console (af28b6b)
- modal (0262eb7)
1.7.3 (2023-06-08)
Bug Fixes
- 打包循环依赖警告 (6f3f3fd)
- 定时器,时间格式化 (2fa63d8)
- 解决项目配置/界面功能/自动锁屏&菜单展开宽度样式变形问题 (8027dc3)
- 解决重定向路径 params 参数丢失问题 (7311bdb)
- 修复操作页签后 打开页面需要使用fullPath,否则可能会导致参数丢失引起数据加载异常 (764b0f0)
- 修复未传参(params)的时,redo失效的问题 (da11f52)
- 由于 多路径字段获取值处理 造成的 set value值为0||''时不成功的情况 (ce1236d)
- 邮件模板-测试 模板内容 readonly (322d5ad)
- axios responseInterceptorsCatch (34106d1)
- Cannot access 'pagewrapper' before init (7464ac0)
- config (f1cdf27)
- crontab number input (5733a2f)
- deepMerge: fix deepMerge (23cf34f)
- dict (855c705)
- dict (da0eb81)
- dict (7c8aeb8)
- dict (1bccba8)
- dict tag (c4d3b3e)
- eslint (2fe7395)
- file config action show (36a14be)
- form setting redoHeight (bbce129)
- memberUserIds render (664e25c)
- mitt (ac4180d)
- pay action (932bae5)
- renderImg (0413be5)
- renderImg (e8f1528)
- SSL required (4c59df6)
- sys area tree (7d523a0)
- user group (4754495)
- useTable (f780285)
- view: 修复登入页面点击其他登入方式后返回时视图异常的bug (0657ea5)
- warn (75cd1a3)
- 适配 vue 3.3 defineOptions (73ad948)
- 收银台 (7219895)
- 收银台 (5ecc189)
- 收银台 (aede08c)
- 添加表格查询隐藏按钮 (8f0c2fa)
- 完成邮件相关功能 (3f1a3a0)
- 站内信发送功能 (5b7530e)
- 站内信详情查看 (8b3b842)
- add defaultValue (c233dbc)
- add detail (3e04dde)
- add job detail (0245ecd)
- add parentFiled (20dca10)
- app channel config (0851598)
- area style (85ba687)
- bpm form init (61ff811)
- bpm my (3f5d1ed)
- bpm task (6e51ca7)
- bug fix (44c9085)
- Channel (08e041b)
- codegen use code editor pre (b6b9c8f)
- cron (81d2426)
- dashboard icon (44deb06)
- dataSourceConfigId (f4e9d2f)
- file upload (611da35)
- header上的通知及个人站内信功能 (0e44af8)
- icon (0401602)
- job log (5424d0b)
- model style (479cbdd)
- model table (9638599)
- model table (833443b)
- model upload (44eb9a8)
- mp (2d09a78)
- parent to parentLabel (cfd4ac8)
- preview style (99ac17a)
- remove console (3548ba0)
- Select defaultValue (d8312d5)
- send sms (2b8e4c6)
- show select all (e405733)
- style (08666c8)
- sync mitt (69547bc)
- tabs (d1eb0db)
- use ant design icon (875bdf4)
- user apitransfer (a261242)
- wx news init (e9a7b47)
Performance Improvements
- 优化modal弹窗样式 (0b7ed77)
- 优化tree getIcon方法类型定义 (a8a973b)
- remove console (35c8e13)
- remove console (af28b6b)
- modal (0262eb7)