@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ public class DateUtil {
* @return 计算后的日志
public static Date addDate(Date date, int field, int amount) {
if (amount == 0) {
return date;
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
if (date != null) {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import java.util.Date;
public class AdminsCouponTemplateController {
public class AdminsCouponController {
@Reference(validation = "true")
private CouponService couponService;
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNo", value = "页码,从 1 开始", example = "1"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "每页条数", required = true, example = "10"),
public CommonResult<AdminsCouponTemplatePageVO> page(@RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) Integer type,
@RequestParam(value = "title", required = false) String title,
@RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) Integer status,
@RequestParam(value = "preferentialType", required = false) Integer preferentialType,
@RequestParam(value = "pageNo", defaultValue = "0") Integer pageNo,
@RequestParam(value = "pageSize", defaultValue = "10") Integer pageSize) {
public CommonResult<AdminsCouponTemplatePageVO> templatePage(@RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) Integer type,
@RequestParam(value = "title", required = false) String title,
@RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) Integer status,
@RequestParam(value = "preferentialType", required = false) Integer preferentialType,
@RequestParam(value = "pageNo", defaultValue = "0") Integer pageNo,
@RequestParam(value = "pageSize", defaultValue = "10") Integer pageSize) {
CommonResult<CouponTemplatePageBO> result = couponService.getCouponTemplatePage(new CouponTemplatePageDTO()
@ -71,24 +71,24 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "percentOff", value = "折扣百分比", example = "当 preferentialType 为折扣卷时,非空"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "discountPriceLimit", value = "折扣上限", example = "当 preferentialType 为折扣卷时,非空"),
public CommonResult<AdminsCouponTemplateVO> add(@RequestParam(value = "title") String title,
@RequestParam(value = "description", required = false) String description,
@RequestParam(value = "quota") Integer quota,
@RequestParam(value = "total", required = false) Integer total,
@RequestParam(value = "priceAvailable") Integer priceAvailable,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeType") Integer rangeType,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeValues", required = false) String rangeValues,
@RequestParam(value = "dateType") Integer dateType,
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
public CommonResult<AdminsCouponTemplateVO> templateCardAdd(@RequestParam(value = "title") String title,
@RequestParam(value = "description", required = false) String description,
@RequestParam(value = "quota") Integer quota,
@RequestParam(value = "total", required = false) Integer total,
@RequestParam(value = "priceAvailable") Integer priceAvailable,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeType") Integer rangeType,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeValues", required = false) String rangeValues,
@RequestParam(value = "dateType") Integer dateType,
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@RequestParam(value = "validStartTime", required = false) Date validStartTime,
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@RequestParam(value = "validEndTime", required = false) Date validEndTime,
@RequestParam(value = "fixedBeginTerm", required = false) Integer fixedBeginTerm,
@RequestParam(value = "fixedEndTerm", required = false) Integer fixedEndTerm,
@RequestParam(value = "preferentialType") Integer preferentialType,
@RequestParam(value = "priceOff", required = false) Integer priceOff,
@RequestParam(value = "percentOff", required = false) Integer percentOff,
@RequestParam(value = "discountPriceLimit", required = false) Integer discountPriceLimit) {
@RequestParam(value = "fixedBeginTerm", required = false) Integer fixedBeginTerm,
@RequestParam(value = "fixedEndTerm", required = false) Integer fixedEndTerm,
@RequestParam(value = "preferentialType") Integer preferentialType,
@RequestParam(value = "priceOff", required = false) Integer priceOff,
@RequestParam(value = "percentOff", required = false) Integer percentOff,
@RequestParam(value = "discountPriceLimit", required = false) Integer discountPriceLimit) {
// 创建 CouponCardTemplateAddDTO 对象
validStartTime = DateUtil.getDayBegin(validStartTime); // 开始时间,以当前 00:00:00 为准
validEndTime = DateUtil.getDayBegin(validEndTime); // 结束时间,以当前 25:59:59 为准
@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "rangeType", value = "可用范围的类型", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplateRangeTypeEnum 枚举"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "rangeValues", value = "指定商品 / 分类列表,使用逗号分隔商品编号"),
public CommonResult<Boolean> update(@RequestParam(value = "id") Integer id,
@RequestParam(value = "title") String title,
@RequestParam(value = "description", required = false) String description,
@RequestParam(value = "quota") Integer quota,
@RequestParam(value = "total", required = false) Integer total,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeType") Integer rangeType,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeValues", required = false) String rangeValues) {
public CommonResult<Boolean> templateCardUpdate(@RequestParam(value = "id") Integer id,
@RequestParam(value = "title") String title,
@RequestParam(value = "description", required = false) String description,
@RequestParam(value = "quota") Integer quota,
@RequestParam(value = "total", required = false) Integer total,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeType") Integer rangeType,
@RequestParam(value = "rangeValues", required = false) String rangeValues) {
// 创建 CouponCardTemplateAddDTO 对象
CouponCardTemplateUpdateDTO couponCardTemplateUpdateDTO = new CouponCardTemplateUpdateDTO()
@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "Banner 编号", required = true, example = "1"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "status", value = "状态。1 - 开启;2 - 禁用", required = true, example = "1"),
public CommonResult<Boolean> updateStatus(@RequestParam("id") Integer id,
@RequestParam("status") Integer status) {
public CommonResult<Boolean> templateUpdateStatus(@RequestParam("id") Integer id,
@RequestParam("status") Integer status) {
return couponService.updateCouponTemplateStatus(AdminSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAdminId(), id, status);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import java.util.List;
@Api("Banner 模块")
public class UsersProductCategoryController {
public class UsersBannerController {
@Reference(validation = "true")
private BannerService bannerService;
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ public class UsersProductCategoryController {
return CommonResult.success(BannerConvert.INSTANCE.convertList(result));
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.controller.users;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.CouponService;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponCardBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponTemplateBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert.CouponCardConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert.CouponTemplateConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersCouponCardVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersCouponTemplateVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.user.sdk.context.UserSecurityContextHolder;
import com.alibaba.dubbo.config.annotation.Reference;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class UsersCouponController {
@Reference(validation = "true")
private CouponService couponService;
// ========== 优惠劵(码)模板 ==========
@ApiOperation(value = "优惠劵(码)模板信息")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "优惠劵(码)模板编号", required = true, example = "10")
public CommonResult<UsersCouponTemplateVO> templateGet(@RequestParam("id") Integer id) {
CouponTemplateBO template = couponService.getCouponTemplate(id).getData();
return CommonResult.success(CouponTemplateConvert.INSTANCE.convert2(template));
// ========== 优惠劵 ==========
@ApiOperation(value = "领取优惠劵")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "templateId", value = "优惠劵(码)模板编号", required = true, example = "10")
public CommonResult<UsersCouponCardVO> cardAdd(@RequestParam("templateId") Integer templateId) {
CommonResult<CouponCardBO> result = couponService.addCouponCard(UserSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getUserId(), templateId);
return CouponCardConvert.INSTANCE.convert(result);
// ========== 优惠码 ==========
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponCardBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersCouponCardVO;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mappings;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
public interface CouponCardConvert {
CouponCardConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(CouponCardConvert.class);
CommonResult<UsersCouponCardVO> convert(CommonResult<CouponCardBO> result);
// @Mappings({})
// List<UsersCouponTemplateVO> convertList2(List<CouponTemplateBO> banners);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponTemplateBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponTemplatePageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.admins.AdminsCouponTemplatePageVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.admins.AdminsCouponTemplateVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersCouponTemplateVO;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mappings;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
@ -28,6 +29,9 @@ public interface CouponTemplateConvert {
List<AdminsCouponTemplateVO> convertList(List<CouponTemplateBO> templates);
UsersCouponTemplateVO convert2(CouponTemplateBO template);
// @Mappings({})
// List<UsersCouponTemplateVO> convertList2(List<CouponTemplateBO> banners);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateVO {
// ========== 使用规则 END ==========
// ========== 使用效果 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠类型", example = "参见 CouponTemplatePreferentialTypeEnum 枚举")
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠类型", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplatePreferentialTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer preferentialType;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣百分比")
private Integer percentOff;
@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ public class AdminsCouponTemplateVO {
// ========== 使用效果 END ==========
// ========== 统计信息 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣上限", required = true)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "领取优惠券的次数", required = true)
private Integer statFetchNum;
// ========== 统计信息 END ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣上限", required = true)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", required = true)
private Date createTime;
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.util.Date;
* 优惠劵 VO
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class UsersCouponCardVO {
// ========== 基本信息 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠劵编号", required = true, example = "1")
private Integer id;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "模板编号,自增唯一", required = true, example = "1")
private Integer templateId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠码状态", required = true, example = "参见 CouponCardStatusEnum 枚举")
private Integer status;
// ========== 基本信息 END ==========
// ========== 使用规则 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "固定日期-生效开始时间", required = true)
private Date validStartTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "固定日期-生效结束时间", required = true)
private Date validEndTime;
// ========== 使用规则 END ==========
// ========== 使用效果 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠类型", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplatePreferentialTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer preferentialType;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣百分比")
private Integer percentOff;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠金额,单位:分")
private Integer priceOff;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣上限")
private Integer discountPriceLimit;
// ========== 使用效果 END ==========
// ========== 使用情况 BEGIN ==========
* 是否使用
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否使用", required = true)
private Boolean used;
// TODO 芋艿,后续要加优惠劵的使用日志,因为下单后,可能会取消。
// ========== 使用情况 END ==========
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.util.Date;
@ApiModel("CouponTemplate VO")
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class UsersCouponTemplateVO {
// ========== 基本信息 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "模板编号,自增唯一", required = true, example = "1")
private Integer id;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "标题", required = true, example = "优惠劵牛逼")
private String title;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠码状态", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplateStatusEnum 枚举")
private Integer status;
// ========== 领取规则 END ==========
// ========== 使用规则 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否设置满多少金额可用,单位:分", required = true, example = "0-不限制;大于0-多少金额可用")
private Integer priceAvailable;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "可用范围的类型", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplateRangeTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer rangeType;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "指定商品 / 分类列表,使用逗号分隔商品编号", example = "参见 CouponTemplateRangeTypeEnum 枚举")
private String rangeValues;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "生效日期类型", example = "参见 CouponTemplateDateTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer dateType;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "固定日期-生效开始时间")
private Date validStartTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "固定日期-生效结束时间")
private Date validEndTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "领取日期-开始天数", example = "例如,0-当天;1-次天")
private Integer fixedStartTerm;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "领取日期-结束天数")
private Integer fixedEndTerm;
// ========== 使用规则 END ==========
// ========== 使用效果 BEGIN ==========
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠类型", required = true, example = "参见 CouponTemplatePreferentialTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer preferentialType;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣百分比")
private Integer percentOff;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "优惠金额,单位:分")
private Integer priceOff;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "折扣上限")
private Integer discountPriceLimit;
// ========== 使用效果 END ==========
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ public interface CouponService {
// ========== 优惠劵(码)模板 ==========
CommonResult<CouponTemplateBO> getCouponTemplate(Integer couponTemplateId);
CommonResult<CouponTemplatePageBO> getCouponTemplatePage(CouponTemplatePageDTO couponTemplatePageDTO);
@ -3,10 +3,113 @@ package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.util.Date;
* 优惠劵 BO
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class CouponCardBO {
// ========== 基本信息 BEGIN ==========
* 优惠劵编号
private Integer id;
* 优惠劵(码)分组编号
private Integer templateId;
// /**
// * 核销码
// */
// private String verifyCode;
* 优惠码状态
* 1-未使用
* 2-已使用
* 3-已失效
private Integer status;
// ========== 基本信息 END ==========
// ========== 领取情况 BEGIN ==========
* 用户编号
private Integer userId;
* 领取类型
* 1 - 用户主动领取
* 2 - 后台自动发放
private Integer takeType;
// ========== 领取情况 END ==========
// ========== 使用规则 BEGIN ==========
* 生效开始时间
private Date validStartTime;
* 生效结束时间
private Date validEndTime;
// ========== 使用规则 END ==========
// ========== 使用效果 BEGIN ==========
* 优惠类型
* 1-代金卷
* 2-折扣卷
private Integer preferentialType;
* 折扣
private Integer percentOff;
* 优惠金额,单位:分。
private Integer priceOff;
* 折扣上限,仅在 {@link #preferentialType} 等于 2 时生效。
* 例如,折扣上限为 20 元,当使用 8 折优惠券,订单金额为 1000 元时,最高只可折扣 20 元,而非 80 元。
private Integer discountPriceLimit;
// ========== 使用效果 END ==========
// ========== 使用情况 BEGIN ==========
* 是否使用
private Boolean used;
* 使用订单号
private Integer usedOrderId;
* 订单中优惠面值,单位:分
private Integer usedPrice;
* 使用时间
private Date usedTime;
// TODO 芋艿,后续要加优惠劵的使用日志,因为下单后,可能会取消。
// ========== 使用情况 END ==========
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.constant;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.core.IntArrayValuable;
import java.util.Arrays;
* 优惠劵状态枚举
public enum CouponCardStatusEnum implements IntArrayValuable {
UNUSED(1, "未使用"),
USED(2, "已使用"),
EXPIRE(3, "已过期"),
public static final int[] ARRAYS = Arrays.stream(values()).mapToInt(CouponCardStatusEnum::getValue).toArray();
* 值
private final Integer value;
* 名字
private final String name;
CouponCardStatusEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int[] array() {
return ARRAYS;
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.constant;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.core.IntArrayValuable;
import java.util.Arrays;
* 优惠劵领取方式
public enum CouponCardTakeTypeEnum implements IntArrayValuable {
BY_USER(1, "用户主动领取"),
BY_ADMIN(2, "已使用"),
public static final int[] ARRAYS = Arrays.stream(values()).mapToInt(CouponCardTakeTypeEnum::getValue).toArray();
* 值
private final Integer value;
* 名字
private final String name;
CouponCardTakeTypeEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int[] array() {
return ARRAYS;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ public enum PromotionErrorCodeEnum {
PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_CARD(1006002001, "不是优惠劵模板"),
PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_CODE(1006002002, "不是优惠码模板"),
PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_TOTAL_CAN_NOT_REDUCE(1006002003, "优惠劵(码)模板的发放数量不能减小"),
PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_STATUS_NOT_ENABLE(1006002004, "优惠劵模板(码)未开启"),
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.convert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponCardBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dataobject.CouponCardDO;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mappings;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
import java.util.List;
public interface CouponCardConvert {
CouponCardConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(CouponCardConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// CouponCardBO convertToBO(CouponCardDO banner);
List<CouponCardBO> convertToBO(List<CouponCardDO> cardList);
CouponCardBO convert(CouponCardDO card);
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dao;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dataobject.CouponCardDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.List;
public interface CouponCardMapper {
CouponCardDO selectById(@Param("id") Integer id);
List<CouponCardDO> selectListByPage(@Param("status") Integer status);
Integer selectCountByPage(@Param("status") Integer status);
void insert(CouponCardDO couponCardDO);
int update(CouponCardDO couponCardDO);
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ public class CouponCardDO extends BaseDO {
// ========== 使用规则 BEGIN ==========
* 固定日期-生效开始时间
* 生效开始时间
private Date validStartTime;
* 固定日期-生效结束时间
* 生效结束时间
private Date validEndTime;
// ========== 使用规则 END ==========
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class CouponCardDO extends BaseDO {
* 折扣
private Double percentOff;
private Integer percentOff;
* 优惠金额,单位:分。
@ -87,14 +87,10 @@ public class CouponCardDO extends BaseDO {
// ========== 使用效果 END ==========
// ========== 使用情况 BEGIN ==========
* 是否使用
private Boolean used;
* 使用订单号
private String usedOrderId;
private Integer usedOrderId;
* 订单中优惠面值,单位:分
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.service;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.constant.SysErrorCodeEnum;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.DateUtil;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ServiceExceptionUtil;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.CouponService;
@ -9,12 +10,17 @@ import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponTemplateBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.CouponTemplatePageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.constant.*;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.dto.*;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.convert.CouponCardConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.convert.CouponTemplateConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.convert.CouponTemplateConvertImpl;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dao.CouponCardMapper;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dao.CouponTemplateMapper;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dataobject.CouponCardDO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dataobject.CouponTemplateDO;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
@Service // 实际上不用添加。添加的原因是,必须 Spring 报错提示
@ -23,9 +29,17 @@ public class CouponServiceImpl implements CouponService {
private CouponTemplateMapper couponTemplateMapper;
private CouponCardMapper couponCardMapper;
// ========== 优惠劵(码)模板 ==========
public CommonResult<CouponTemplateBO> getCouponTemplate(Integer couponTemplateId) {
CouponTemplateDO template = couponTemplateMapper.selectById(couponTemplateId);
return CommonResult.success(CouponTemplateConvertImpl.INSTANCE.convert(template));
public CommonResult<CouponTemplatePageBO> getCouponTemplatePage(CouponTemplatePageDTO couponTemplatePageDTO) {
CouponTemplatePageBO couponTemplatePageBO = new CouponTemplatePageBO();
@ -163,7 +177,37 @@ public class CouponServiceImpl implements CouponService {
public CommonResult<CouponCardBO> addCouponCard(Integer userId, Integer couponTemplateId) {
return null;
// 校验 CouponCardTemplate 存在
CouponTemplateDO template = couponTemplateMapper.selectById(couponTemplateId);
if (template == null) {
return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(PromotionErrorCodeEnum.PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXISTS.getCode());
// 校验 CouponCardTemplate 是 CARD
if (!CouponTemplateTypeEnum.CARD.getValue().equals(template.getType())) {
return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(PromotionErrorCodeEnum.PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_CARD.getCode());
// 校验 CouponCardTemplate 状态是否开启
if (!CouponTemplateStatusEnum.ENABLE.getValue().equals(template.getStatus())) {
return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(PromotionErrorCodeEnum.PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_STATUS_NOT_ENABLE.getCode());
// 创建优惠劵
// 1. 基本信息 + 领取情况
CouponCardDO card = new CouponCardDO()
.setTakeType(CouponCardTakeTypeEnum.BY_USER.getValue()); // TODO 需要改
// 2. 使用规则
setCouponCardValidTime(card, template);
// 3. 使用效果
// 保存优惠劵模板到数据库
card.setCreateTime(new Date());
// 返回成功
return CommonResult.success(CouponCardConvert.INSTANCE.convert(card));
@ -176,6 +220,17 @@ public class CouponServiceImpl implements CouponService {
return null;
private void setCouponCardValidTime(CouponCardDO card, CouponTemplateDO template) {
if (CouponTemplateDateTypeEnum.FIXED_DATE.getValue().equals(template.getDateType())) {
} else if (CouponTemplateDateTypeEnum.FIXED_TERM.getValue().equals(template.getDateType())) {
Date validStartTime = DateUtil.getDayBegin(new Date());
card.setValidStartTime(DateUtil.addDate(validStartTime, Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, template.getFixedStartTerm()));
Date validEndTime = DateUtil.getDayEnd(card.getValidStartTime());
card.setValidEndTime(DateUtil.addDate(validEndTime, Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, template.getFixedEndTerm() - 1));
// ========== 优惠码 ==========
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.biz.dao.CouponCardMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
id, template_id, status, user_id, take_type,
valid_start_time, valid_end_time, preferential_type, percent_off, price_off,
discount_price_limit, used_order_id, used_price, used_time,
<!-- <select id="selectListByPidAndStatusOrderBySort" resultType="CouponCardDO">-->
<!-- SELECT-->
<!-- <include refid="FIELDS" />-->
<!-- FROM coupon_card-->
<!-- WHERE pid = #{pid}-->
<!-- AND status = #{status}-->
<!-- AND deleted = 0-->
<!-- ORDER BY sort ASC-->
<!-- </select>-->
<!-- <select id="selectList" resultType="CouponCardDO">-->
<!-- SELECT-->
<!-- <include refid="FIELDS" />-->
<!-- FROM coupon_card-->
<!-- WHERE deleted = 0-->
<!-- </select>-->
<select id="selectById" parameterType="Integer" resultType="CouponCardDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM coupon_card
WHERE id = #{id}
<select id="selectListByPage" resultType="CouponCardDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM coupon_card
<if test="status != null">
AND status = #{status}
LIMIT #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id="selectCountByPage" resultType="Integer">
FROM coupon_card
<if test="status != null">
AND status = #{status}
<insert id="insert" parameterType="CouponCardDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO coupon_card (
template_id, status, user_id, take_type,
valid_start_time, valid_end_time, preferential_type, percent_off, price_off,
discount_price_limit, used_order_id, used_price, used_time,
#{templateId}, #{status}, #{userId}, #{takeType},
#{validStartTime}, #{validEndTime}, #{preferentialType}, #{percentOff}, #{priceOff},
#{discountPriceLimit}, #{usedOrderId}, #{usedPrice}, #{usedTime},
<update id="update" parameterType="CouponCardDO">
UPDATE coupon_card
<if test="status != null">
status = #{status},
<if test="usedOrderId != null">
used_order_id = #{usedOrderId},
<if test="usedPrice != null">
used_price = #{usedPrice},
<if test="usedTime != null">
used_time = #{usedTime},
WHERE id = #{id}
Reference in New Issue