1918 lines
46 KiB
1918 lines
46 KiB
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<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
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<!-- <image v-if="!logoUrl" class="logo" src="/static/images/crmeb.png"></image> -->
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<tabNav class="tabNav" :class="{'fixed':isFixed}" :tabTitle="navTop" @changeTab='changeTab' @emChildTab='emChildTab'
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<view class="mp-header">
<view class="sys-head" view :style="{ height: statusBarHeight }"></view>
<view class="serch-box" view style="height: 43px;">
<view class="serch-wrapper flex">
<view class="logo">
<!-- <image class="logo" src="/static/images/crmeb.png"></image> -->
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<navigator url="/pages/goods_search/index" class="input" hover-class="none"><text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
<tabNav class="tabNav" :tabTitle="navTop" @changeTab='changeTab'></tabNav>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 首页展示 -->
<view class="page_content" :style="'margin-top:'+(marTop+30)+'px;'" v-if="navIndex == 0">
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<view class="mp-bg"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- banner -->
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<block v-for="(item,index) in imgUrls" :key="index">
<navigator :url='item.url' class='slide-navigator acea-row row-between-wrapper' hover-class='none'>
<image :src="item.pic" class="slide-image"></image>
<!-- menu -->
<view class='nav acea-row' v-if="menus.length">
<block v-for="(item,index) in menus" :key="index">
<navigator class='item' v-if="item.show == '1'" :url='item.url' open-type='switchTab' hover-class='none'>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.pic'></image>
<view class="menu-txt">{{item.name}}</view>
<navigator class='item' v-else :url='item.url' hover-class='none'>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.pic'></image>
<view class="menu-txt">{{item.name}}</view>
<!-- 直播 -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<block v-if="liveList.length>0">
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v-if="liveList.length==1" hover-class="none">
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<block v-if="liveList[0].live_status == 102">
<image src="/static/images/live-03.png" mode=""></image>
<image :src="liveList[0].share_img"></image>
<view class="live-title line1">{{liveList[0].name}}</view>
<view class="live-wrapper mores" v-else>
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex">
<navigator hover-class="none" class="item" v-for="(item,index) in liveList" :key="index" :url="'plugin-private://wx2b03c6e691cd7370/pages/live-player-plugin?room_id='+item.roomid">
<view class="live-top" :class="item.type == 1?'pictrue_log_xl':item.type == 2?'pictrue_log_xl_gray':'pictrue_log_xl_blue'">
<block v-if="item.live_status == 101">
<image src="/static/images/live-01.png" mode=""></image>
<block v-if="item.live_status == 103">
<image src="/static/images/live-02.png" mode=""></image>
<block v-if="item.live_status == 102">
<image src="/static/images/live-03.png" mode=""></image>
<image :src="item.share_img"></image>
<view class="live-title">{{item.name}}</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 拼团热点图 -->
<view class="hot-img" :style="{'marginTop':liveList.length>0?'40rpx':'0'}">
<swiper :autoplay="autoplay" :circular="circular" :interval="interval">
<block v-for="(item,index) in activityList" :key="index">
<navigator :url='item.link' class='slide-navigator acea-row row-between-wrapper' hover-class='none'>
<image :src="item.image" class="slide-image"></image>
<!-- 超值爆款 -->
<view class="explosion">
<view class="hd">
<image src="/static/images/explosion-title.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="txt">美好生活由此开始</view>
<view class="bd">
<navigator class="item" v-for="(item,index) in explosiveMoney" :key="index" :url="'/pages/columnGoods/HotNewGoods/index?type='+item.type"
<view class="con-box">
<view class="title line1">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="con line2">{{item.info}}</view>
<view class="go">GO!<image src="/static/images/right-icon.png" mode=""></image>
<image :src="item.image"></image>
<!-- 限时秒杀 -->
<view class="spike-box" v-if="spikeList.length>0">
<view class="hd">
<view class="left">
<image src="/static/images/spike-icon-002.gif" class="icon"></image>
<image src="/static/images/spike-icon-001.png" class="title"></image>
<countDown :is-day="false" :tip-text="' '" :day-text="' '" :hour-text="' : '" :minute-text="' : '" :second-text="' '"
<navigator class="more" url="/pages/activity/goods_seckill/index">更多 <text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"
<view class="spike-wrapper">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex" show-scrollbar="false">
<navigator class="spike-item" v-for="(item,index) in spikeList" :key="index" :url="'/pages/activity/goods_seckill_details/index?id='+item.id+'&time='+datatime+'&status=1'"
<view class="img-box">
<image :src="item.image" mode=""></image>
<view class="msg flex-aj-center">{{item.discountNum}}折起</view>
<view class="info">
<view class="name line1">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="price-box">
<text class="tips">抢</text>
<text class="price"><text>¥</text>{{item.price}}</text>
<!-- 砍价专区 -->
<view class="barg" v-if="bargList.length>0">
<view class="title">
<image src="/static/images/barg001.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="barg-swiper">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex" show-scrollbar="true">
<view class="wrapper">
<block v-for="(item,index) in bargList" :key="index">
<view class='list-box' @click="bargDetail(item)">
<image :src="item.image" class="slide-image"></image>
<view class="info-txt">
<view class="price">¥{{item.price}}</view>
<view class="txt">立即砍价</view>
<navigator url="/pages/activity/goods_bargain/index" class="more-box" hover-class="none">
<view class="txt">查看更多</view>
<image src="/static/images/mores.png"></image>
<!-- 拼团活动 -->
<view class="group-wrapper" v-if="combinationList.length>0">
<view class="hd">
<view class="left">
<image src="/static/images/group02.gif" class="icon"></image>
<image src="/static/images/group01.png" class="title"></image>
<view class="person">
<view class="avatar-box">
<block v-for="item in pinkInfo.avatars">
<image :src="item" mode=""></image>
<view class="num" v-if="pinkInfo.pink_count>0">{{pinkInfo.pink_count}}人拼团成功</view>
<navigator class="more" url="/pages/activity/goods_combination/index" hover-class="none">更多 <text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text></navigator>
<view class="group-scroll">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex" show-scrollbar="false">
<navigator class="group-item" v-for="(item,index) in combinationList" :key="index" :url="'/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id='+item.id"
<image :src="item.image" mode=""></image>
<view class="info">
<view class="name line1">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="price-box">
<text class="tips">拼团价</text>
<text class="price"><text>¥</text>{{item.price}}</text>
<view class="bom-btn">参与拼团</view>
<!-- 精品推荐 -->
<view class='boutique'>
<swiper autoplay="true" indicator-dots="true" :circular="circular" :interval="interval" :duration="duration"
indicator-color="rgba(0,0,0,.4)" indicator-active-color="#fff">
<block v-for="(item,index) in bastBanner" :key="index">
<navigator :url='item.link' style='width:100%;height:100%;' hover-class='none'>
<image :src="item.img" class="slide-image" />
<!-- 首页推荐 -->
<view class="index-product-wrapper" style="min-height: 1500rpx;">
<view class="nav-bd">
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in explosiveMoney" :key="index" :index="item.id" :class="{active:index == ProductNavindex}"
<view class="txt">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="label">{{item.info2}}</view>
<!-- 首发新品 -->
<view class="list-box animated" :class='tempArr.length > 0?"fadeIn on":""'>
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in tempArr" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)">
<view class="pictrue">
<span class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">秒杀</span>
<span class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">砍价</span>
<span class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">拼团</span>
<image :src="item.image" mode=""></image>
<view class="text-info">
<view class="title line1">{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class="old-price"><text>¥</text>{{item.ot_price}}</view>
<view class="price">
<view class="txt" v-if="item.checkCoupon">券</view>
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if="goodScroll">
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>
<view class="mores-txt flex" v-if="!goodScroll">
<!-- 分类页 -->
<view class="productList" v-if="navIndex>0" :style="'margin-top:'+prodeuctTop+'px'">
<block v-if="sortProduct.length>0">
<view class='list acea-row row-between-wrapper' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'>
<view class='item' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"' hover-class='none' v-for="(item,index) in sortProduct" :key="index"
<view class='pictrue' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'>
<image :src='item.image' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'></image>
<span class="pictrue_log_class" :class="is_switch === true ? 'pictrue_log_big' : 'pictrue_log'" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">秒杀</span>
<span class="pictrue_log_class" :class="is_switch === true ? 'pictrue_log_big' : 'pictrue_log'" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">砍价</span>
<span class="pictrue_log_class" :class="is_switch === true ? 'pictrue_log_big' : 'pictrue_log'" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">拼团</span>
<view class='text' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'>
<view class='name line1'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class='money font-color' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'>¥<text class='num'>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view class='vip acea-row row-between-wrapper' :class='is_switch==true?"":"on"'>
<view class='vip-money' v-if="item.vip_price && item.vip_price > 0">¥{{item.vip_price}}
<image src='../../static/images/vip.png'></image>
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if='sortProduct.length > 0'>
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}}
<block v-if="sortProduct.length == 0">
<view class="noCommodity">
<view class='pictrue'>
<image src='/static/images/noShopper.png'></image>
<recommend :hostProduct="hostProduct"></recommend>
<coupon-window :window='window' :couponList="couponList" @onColse="onColse"></coupon-window>
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" :isGoIndex="false"></authorize>
<!-- #endif -->
var statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight + 'px';
let app = getApp();
import {
} from '@/api/api.js';
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
import {
} from '@/api/api.js';
import {
} from '@/config/cache';
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
import {
} from '@/api/public.js';
// #endif
import {
} from '@/api/public.js';
import goodList from '@/components/goodList';
import promotionGood from '@/components/promotionGood';
import couponWindow from '@/components/couponWindow';
import ClipboardJS from "@/plugin/clipboard/clipboard.js";
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
import {
} from "vuex";
import tabNav from '@/components/tabNav.vue'
import {
} from '@/api/activity.js';
import countDown from '@/components/countDown';
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
import recommend from '@/components/recommend';
// #ifdef MP
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
// #endif
import {
} from '@/utils';
export default {
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin', 'uid']),
components: {
// #ifdef MP
// #endif
data() {
return {
loading: false,
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight,
navIndex: 0,
navTop: [],
subscribe: false,
followUrl: "",
followHid: true,
followCode: false,
logoUrl: "",
imgUrls: [],
itemNew: [],
activityList: [],
menus: [],
bastBanner: [],
bastInfo: '',
bastList: [],
fastInfo: '',
fastList: [],
firstInfo: '',
firstList: [],
salesInfo: '',
likeInfo: [],
benefit: [],
indicatorDots: false,
circular: true,
autoplay: true,
interval: 3000,
duration: 500,
window: false,
iShidden: false,
navH: "",
newGoodsBananr: '',
couponList: [],
lovely: [],
liveList: [],
spikeList: [],
combinationList: [],
hotList: [{
pic: '/static/images/hot_001.png'
}, {
pic: '/static/images/hot_002.png'
}, {
pic: '/static/images/hot_003.png'
bargList: [],
ProductNavindex: 0,
marTop: 0,
datatime: 0,
childID: 0,
loadend: false,
loading: false,
loadTitle: '加载更多',
sortProduct: [],
where: {
cid: 0,
page: 1,
limit: 20,
is_switch: true,
hostProduct: [],
hotPage: 1,
hotLimit: 10,
hotScroll: false,
explosiveMoney: [],
prodeuctTop: 0,
pinkInfo: '',
searchH: 0,
isFixed: false,
goodType: 0, //精品推荐Type
goodScroll: true, //精品推荐开关
params: { //精品推荐分页
page: 1,
limit: 10,
tempArr: [], //精品推荐临时数组
pageInfo: '', // 精品推荐全数据
site_name: '', //首页title
onLoad() {
type: 'wgs84',
success: function(res) {
try {
uni.setStorageSync('user_latitude', res.latitude);
uni.setStorageSync('user_longitude', res.longitude);
} catch {}
let self = this
// #ifdef MP
// 获取小程序头部高度
this.navH = app.globalData.navHeight;
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".mp-header");
info.boundingClientRect(function(data) {
self.marTop = data.height
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
this.navH = 0;
// #endif
this.isLogin && silenceBindingSpread();
Promise.all([this.getAllCategory(), this.getIndexConfig(), this.getSeckillIndexTime(), this.getBargainList(), this.getCombinationList(),
this.pink(), this.setVisit()
// #ifdef MP
// #endif
onShow() {
let self = this
title: self.site_name
// #ifdef H5
this.$nextTick(function() {
const clipboard = new ClipboardJS(".copy-data");
clipboard.on("success", () => {
// this.$util.Tips({
// title: '已成功复制口令'
// });
// #endif
methods: {
let that = this;
that.copywords = res.data.words;
// #ifndef H5
data: res.data.words,
success: function () {
// return that.$util.Tips({
// title: '已成功复制口令'
// });
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
let messageTmplIds = wx.getStorageSync(SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE);
if (!messageTmplIds){
if (res.data)
wx.setStorageSync(SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE, JSON.stringify(res.data));
// #endif
// 关闭优惠券弹窗
this.$set(this, "window", false);
// 记录会员访问
setVisit() {
url: '/pages/index/index'
}).then(res => {
// 获取导航
getAllCategory: function() {
let that = this;
getCategoryList().then(res => {
'name': '首页'
that.navTop = res.data;
// 导航分类切换
changeTab(e) {
let self = this
if (e.type == 'big') {
if (e.index == 0) {
this.navIndex = e.index
} else {
// #ifdef MP
setTimeout(res => {
this.navH = app.globalData.navHeight;
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".mp-header");
info.boundingClientRect(function(data) {
self.prodeuctTop = data.height
}, 300)
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
self.prodeuctTop = 18
// #endif
this.navIndex = e.index
if (this.navTop[e.index].children.length > 0) {
this.where.cid = this.navTop[e.index].children[0].id
} else {
this.where.cid = this.navTop[e.index].id
this.loadend = false
this.loading = false
this.where.page = 1
this.sortProduct = []
} else {
this.navIndex = e.parentIndex
this.where.cid = this.navTop[e.parentIndex].children[e.childIndex].id
this.loadend = false
this.loading = false
this.where.page = 1
this.sortProduct = []
get_product_list: function(isPage) {
let that = this;
if (that.loadend) return;
if (that.loading) return;
// if (isPage === true) that.$set(that, 'productList', []);
that.loading = true;
that.loadTitle = '';
getProductslist(that.where).then(res => {
if (that.where.page == 1 && res.data.length == 0) {
that.hotScroll = false
that.hotPage = 1
that.hostProduct = []
let list = res.data;
let productList = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.sortProduct);
let loadend = list.length < that.where.limit;
that.loadend = loadend;
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = loadend ? '已全部加载' : '加载更多';
that.$set(that, 'sortProduct', productList);
that.$set(that.where, 'page', that.where.page + 1);
}).catch(err => {
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
* 获取我的推荐
get_host_product: function() {
let that = this;
that.loading = true;
if (that.hotScroll) return
).then(res => {
that.hotScroll = res.data.length < that.hotLimit
that.hostProduct = that.hostProduct.concat(res.data)
// that.$set(that, 'hostProduct', res.data)
// 首页数据
getIndexConfig: function() {
let that = this;
getIndexData().then(res => {
title: res.data.site_name
that.$set(that, "logoUrl", res.data.logoUrl);
that.$set(that, "site_name", res.data.site_name);
that.$set(that, "imgUrls", res.data.banner);
that.$set(that, "menus", res.data.menus);
that.$set(that, "activityList", res.data.activity);
that.lovely = res.data.lovely
that.$set(that, "pageInfo", res.data)
that.$set(that, "firstList", res.data.info.firstList);
that.$set(that, "bastList", res.data.info.bastList);
that.$set(that, "likeInfo", res.data.likeInfo);
that.$set(that, "benefit", res.data.benefit);
that.$set(that, "bastBanner", res.data.info.bastBanner);
that.$set(that, "couponList", res.data.couponList);
that.explosiveMoney = res.data.explosive_money
that.goodType = res.data.explosive_money[0].type
// #ifdef H5
that.subscribe = res.data.subscribe;
// #endif
// 小程序判断用户是否授权;
// #ifdef MP
success(res) {
if (!res.authSetting['scope.userInfo']) {
that.window = that.couponList.length ? true : false;
} else {
that.window = false;
that.iShidden = true;
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
if (that.isLogin) {
that.window = false;
} else {
that.window = that.couponList.length ? true : false;
// #endif
// 微信分享;
setOpenShare: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
getShare().then(res => {
let data = res.data.data;
let configAppMessage = {
desc: data.synopsis,
title: data.title,
link: location.href,
imgUrl: data.img
that.$wechat.wechatEvevt(["updateAppMessageShareData", "updateTimelineShareData"], configAppMessage);
// 秒杀
getSeckillIndexTime() {
let params = {
page: 1,
limit: 6,
type: 'index'
getSeckillIndexTime().then(res => {
this.datatime = res.data.seckillTime[res.data.seckillTimeIndex].stop
let id = res.data.seckillTime[res.data.seckillTimeIndex].id
getSeckillList(id, params).then(({
}) => {
data.forEach((item) => {
let num = ((parseFloat(item.price) / parseFloat(item.ot_price)).toFixed(2))
item.discountNum = this.$util.$h.Mul(num, 10)
this.spikeList = data
// 砍价列表
getBargainList() {
page: 1,
limit: 20
}).then(res => {
this.bargList = res.data
// 拼团列表
getCombinationList: function() {
var that = this;
var data = {
page: 1,
limit: 6
getCombinationList(data).then(function(res) {
var combinationList = that.combinationList;
that.combinationList = combinationList.concat(res.data);
}).catch(() => {
that.loading = false
// 拼团数据
pink: function() {
pink().then(res => {
this.pinkInfo = res.data
// 砍价详情
bargDetail(item) {
if (!this.isLogin) {
// #ifdef H5
title: '提示',
content: '您未登陆,请登陆!',
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
url: '/pages/users/login/index'
} else if (res.cancel) {}
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.$set(this, 'isAuto', true);
this.$set(this, 'isShowAuth', true);
// #endif
} else {
url: `/pages/activity/goods_bargain_details/index?id=${item.id}&bargain=${this.uid}`
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e
// 授权回调
onLoadFun() {
// 首发新品切换
ProductNavTab(item, index) {
this.goodType = item.type
this.ProductNavindex = index
this.tempArr = []
this.params.page = 1
this.goodScroll = true
// 首发新品详情
goDetail(item) {
if (item.activity && item.activity.type === "2" && !this.isLogin) {
// #ifdef H5
title: '提示',
content: '您未登陆,请登陆!',
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
url: '/pages/users/login/index'
} else if (res.cancel) {}
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.$set(this, 'isAuto', true);
this.$set(this, 'isShowAuth', true);
// #endif
} else {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.id}`
// 分类详情
godDetail(item) {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.id}`
// 直播
getLiveList: function() {
getLiveList(1, 20).then(res => {
this.liveList = res.data
}).catch(res => {
// 精品推荐
getGroomList() {
this.loading = true
let type = this.goodType;
if (!this.goodScroll) return
getGroomList(type, this.params).then(({
}) => {
this.loading = false
this.goodScroll = data.list.length >= this.params.limit
this.tempArr = this.tempArr.concat(data.list)
mounted() {
let self = this
// #ifdef H5
// 获取H5 搜索框高度
let appSearchH = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".serch-wrapper");
appSearchH.boundingClientRect(function(data) {
self.searchH = data.height
// #endif
// 滚动到底部
onReachBottom() {
if (this.navIndex == 0) {
// 首页加载更多
if (this.params.page != 1) {
} else {
// 分类栏目加载更多
if (this.sortProduct.length > 0) {
} else {
// 滚动监听
onPageScroll(e) {
let self = this
if (e.scrollTop >= self.searchH) {
self.isFixed = true
} else {
self.isFixed = false
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