import sheep from '@/sheep'; // #ifdef H5 import $wxsdk from '@/sheep/libs/sdk-h5-weixin'; // #endif import { getRootUrl } from '@/sheep/helper'; import PayOrderApi from '@/sheep/api/pay/order'; /** * 支付 * * @param {String} payment = ['wechat','alipay','wallet','offline'] - 支付方式 * @param {String} orderType = ['goods','recharge','groupon'] - 订单类型 * @param {String} id - 订单号 */ export default class SheepPay { constructor(payment, orderType, id) { this.payment = payment; = id; this.orderType = orderType; this.payAction(); } payAction() { const payAction = { WechatOfficialAccount: { wechat: () => { this.wechatOfficialAccountPay(); }, alipay: () => { this.redirectPay(); // 现在公众号可以直接跳转支付宝页面 }, wallet: () => { this.walletPay(); }, offline: () => { this.offlinePay(); } }, WechatMiniProgram: { wechat: () => { this.wechatMiniProgramPay(); }, alipay: () => { this.copyPayLink(); }, wallet: () => { this.walletPay(); }, offline: () => { this.offlinePay(); } }, App: { wechat: () => { this.wechatAppPay(); }, alipay: () => {; }, wallet: () => { this.walletPay(); }, offline: () => { this.offlinePay(); } }, H5: { wechat: () => { this.wechatWapPay(); }, alipay: () => { this.redirectPay(); }, wallet: () => { this.walletPay(); }, offline: () => { this.offlinePay(); } }, }; return payAction[sheep.$][this.payment](); } // 预支付 prepay(channel) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let data = { id:, channelCode: channel, channelExtras: {} }; if (uni.getStorageSync('openid')) { data.openid = uni.getStorageSync('openid'); } PayOrderApi.submitOrder(data).then((res) => { // 成功时 res.code === 0 && resolve(res); // 失败时 if (res.code !== 0 && res.msg === 'miss_openid') { uni.showModal({ title: '微信支付', content: '请先绑定微信再使用微信支付', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { sheep.$platform.useProvider('wechat').bind(); } }, }); } }); }); } // #ifdef H5 // 微信公众号JSSDK支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async wechatOfficialAccountPay() { let that = this; let { error, data, msg } = await this.prepay(); if (error !== 0) { console.log('支付错误', msg); return; } $wxsdk.wxpay(data.pay_data, { success: () => { that.payResult('success'); }, cancel: () => { sheep.$helper.toast('支付已手动取消'); }, fail: () => { that.payResult('fail'); }, }); } //浏览器微信H5支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async wechatWapPay() { const { error, data } = await this.prepay(); if (error === 0) { const redirect_url = `${getRootUrl()}pages/pay/result?id=${}&payment=${this.payment }&orderType=${this.orderType}`; location.href = `${data.pay_data.h5_url}&redirect_url=${encodeURIComponent(redirect_url)}`; } } // 支付链接 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async redirectPay() { let { error, data } = await this.prepay(); if (error === 0) { const redirect_url = `${getRootUrl()}pages/pay/result?id=${}&payment=${this.payment }&orderType=${this.orderType}`; location.href = data.pay_data + encodeURIComponent(redirect_url); } } // #endif // 微信小程序支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async wechatMiniProgramPay() { let that = this; let result = await this.prepay(); uni.requestPayment({ provider: 'wxpay',, success: (res) => { that.payResult('success'); }, fail: (err) => { if (err.errMsg === 'requestPayment:fail cancel') { sheep.$helper.toast('支付已手动取消'); } else { that.payResult('fail'); } }, }); } // 余额支付 async walletPay() { const { code } = await this.prepay('wallet'); code === 0 && this.payResult('success'); } // 货到付款 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async offlinePay() { const { error } = await this.prepay(); error === 0 && this.payResult('success'); } // 支付宝复制链接支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async copyPayLink() { let that = this; let { error, data } = await this.prepay(); if (error === 0) { // 引入showModal 点击确认 复制链接; uni.showModal({ title: '支付宝支付', content: '复制链接到外部浏览器', confirmText: '复制链接', success: (res) => { if (res.confirm) { sheep.$helper.copyText(data.pay_data); } }, }); } } // 支付宝支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async alipay() { let that = this; const { error, data } = await this.prepay(); if (error === 0) { uni.requestPayment({ provider: 'alipay', orderInfo: data.pay_data, //支付宝订单数据 success: (res) => { that.payResult('success'); }, fail: (err) => { if (err.errMsg === 'requestPayment:fail [paymentAlipay:62001]user cancel') { sheep.$helper.toast('支付已手动取消'); } else { that.payResult('fail'); } }, }); } } // 微信支付 TODO 芋艿:待接入 async wechatAppPay() { let that = this; let { error, data } = await this.prepay(); if (error === 0) { uni.requestPayment({ provider: 'wxpay', orderInfo: data.pay_data, //微信订单数据(官方说是string。实测为object) success: (res) => { that.payResult('success'); }, fail: (err) => { err.errMsg !== 'requestPayment:fail cancel' && that.payResult('fail'); }, }); } } // 支付结果跳转,success:成功,fail:失败 payResult(resultType) { sheep.$router.redirect('/pages/pay/result', { id:, orderType: this.orderType, payState: resultType }); } } export function getPayMethods(channels) { const payMethods = [ { icon: '/static/img/shop/pay/wechat.png', title: '微信支付', value: 'wechat', disabled: true, }, { icon: '/static/img/shop/pay/alipay.png', title: '支付宝支付', value: 'alipay', disabled: true, }, { icon: '/static/img/shop/pay/wallet.png', title: '余额支付', value: 'wallet', disabled: true, }, { icon: '/static/img/shop/pay/apple.png', title: 'Apple Pay', value: 'apple', disabled: true, }, { icon: '/static/img/shop/pay/wallet.png', title: '模拟支付', value: 'mock', disabled: true, } ]; const platform = sheep.$ // 1. 处理【微信支付】 const wechatMethod = payMethods[0]; if ((platform === 'WechatOfficialAccount' && channels.includes('wx_pub')) || platform === 'WechatMiniProgram' && channels.includes('wx_lite') || platform === 'App' && channels.includes('wx_app')) { wechatMethod.disabled = false; } // 2. 处理【支付宝支付】 const alipayMethod = payMethods[1]; if ((platform === 'WechatOfficialAccount' && channels.includes('alipay_wap')) || platform === 'WechatMiniProgram' && channels.includes('alipay_wap') || platform === 'App' && channels.includes('alipay_app')) { alipayMethod.disabled = false; } // 3. 处理【余额支付】 const walletMethod = payMethods[2]; if (channels.includes('wallet')) { walletMethod.disabled = false; } // 4. 处理【苹果支付】TODO 芋艿:未来接入 // 5. 处理【模拟支付】 const mockMethod = payMethods[4]; if (channels.includes('mock')) { mockMethod.disabled = false; } return payMethods; }