<template> <view class="pos-order-list" ref="container"> <view class="nav acea-row row-around row-middle"> <view class="item" :class="where.status == 0 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(0)"> 待付款 </view> <view class="item" :class="where.status == 1 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(1)"> 待发货 </view> <view class="item" :class="where.status == 2 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(2)"> 待收货 </view> <view class="item" :class="where.status == 3 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(3)"> 待评价 </view> <view class="item" :class="where.status == 4 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(4)"> 已完成 </view> <view class="item" :class="where.status == -3 ? 'on' : ''" @click="changeStatus(-3)"> 退款 </view> </view> <view class="list"> <view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index"> <view class="order-num acea-row row-middle" @click="toDetail(item)"> 订单号:{{ item.order_id }} <span class="time">下单时间:{{ item.add_time }}</span> </view> <view class="pos-order-goods" v-for="(val, key) in item._info" :key="key"> <view class="goods acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="toDetail(item)"> <view class="picTxt acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="val.cart_info.productInfo.image" /> </view> <view class="text acea-row row-between row-column"> <view class="info line2"> {{ val.cart_info.productInfo.store_name }} </view> <view class="attr" v-if="val.cart_info.productInfo.suk"> {{ val.cart_info.productInfo.suk }} </view> </view> </view> <view class="money"> <view class="x-money">¥{{ val.cart_info.productInfo.price }}</view> <view class="num">x{{ val.cart_info.cart_num }}</view> <view class="y-money"> ¥{{ val.cart_info.productInfo.ot_price }} </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="public-total"> 共{{ item.total_num }}件商品,应支付 <span class="money">¥{{ item.pay_price }}</span> ( 邮费 ¥{{ item.total_postage }} ) </view> <view class="operation acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <view class="more"> <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-gengduo" @click="more(index)"></view>--> <!-- <view class="order" v-show="current === index">--> <!-- <view class="items">--> <!-- {{ where.status > 0 ? "删除" : "取消" }}订单--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <view class="arrow"></view>--> <!-- </view>--> </view> <view class="acea-row row-middle"> <view class="bnt" @click="modify(item, 0)" v-if="where.status == 0"> 一键改价 </view> <view class="bnt" @click="modify(item, 1)">订单备注</view> <view class="bnt" @click="modify(item, 0)" v-if="where.status == -3 && item.refund_status === 1"> 立即退款 </view> <view class="bnt cancel" v-if="item.pay_type === 'offline' && item.paid === 0" @click="offlinePay(item)"> 确认付款 </view> <navigator class="bnt" v-if="where.status == 1" :url="'/pages/admin/delivery/index?id='+item.order_id">去发货 </navigator> </view> </view> </view> </view> <Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading> <PriceChange :change="change" :orderInfo="orderInfo" v-on:closechange="changeclose($event)" v-on:savePrice="savePrice" :status="status"></PriceChange> </view> </template> <script> import { getAdminOrderList, setAdminOrderPrice, setAdminOrderRemark, setOfflinePay, setOrderRefund } from "@/api/admin"; import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index' import PriceChange from '@/components/PriceChange/index' import { isMoney } from '@/utils/validate.js' export default { name: "AdminOrderList", components: { Loading, PriceChange }, data() { return { current: "", change: false, types: 0, where: { page: 1, limit: 10, status: 0 }, list: [], loaded: false, loading: false, orderInfo: {}, status: "" }; }, watch: { "$route.params.types": function(newVal) { let that = this; if (newVal != undefined) { that.where.status = newVal; that.init(); } }, types: function() { this.getIndex(); } }, onLoad(option) { this.where.status = option.types this.current = ""; this.getIndex(); }, methods: { // 获取数据 getIndex: function() { let that = this; if (that.loading || that.loaded) return; that.loading = true; getAdminOrderList(that.where).then( res => { that.loading = false; that.loaded = res.data.length < that.where.limit; that.list.push.apply(that.list, res.data); that.where.page = that.where.page + 1; }, err => { that.$dialog.error(err); } ); }, // 初始化 init: function() { this.list = []; this.where.page = 1; this.loaded = false; this.loading = false; this.getIndex(); this.current = ""; }, // 导航切换 changeStatus(val) { if (this.where.status != val) { this.where.status = val; this.init(); } }, // 商品操作 modify: function(item, status) { let temp = status.toString() this.change = true; this.orderInfo = item; this.status = temp; }, changeclose: function(msg) { this.change = msg; }, async savePrice(opt) { let that = this, data = {}, price = opt.price, refund_price = opt.refund_price, refund_status = that.orderInfo.refund_status, remark = opt.remark; data.order_id = that.orderInfo.order_id; if (that.status == 0 && refund_status === 0) { if(!isMoney(price)){ return that.$util.Tips({title: '请输入正确的金额'}); } data.price = price; setAdminOrderPrice(data).then( function() { that.change = false; that.$util.Tips({ title:'改价成功', icon:'success' }) that.init(); }, function() { that.change = false; that.$util.Tips({ title:'改价失败', icon:'none' }) } ); } else if (that.status == 0 && refund_status === 1) { if(!isMoney(refund_price)){ return that.$util.Tips({title: '请输入正确的金额'}); } data.price = refund_price; data.type = opt.type; setOrderRefund(data).then( res => { that.change = false; that.$util.Tips({title: res}); that.init(); }, err => { that.change = false; that.$util.Tips({title: err}); } ); } else { if(!remark){ return this.$util.Tips({ title:'请输入备注' }) } data.remark = remark; setAdminOrderRemark(data).then( res => { that.change = false; this.$util.Tips({ title:res, icon:'success' }) that.init(); }, err => { that.change = false; that.$util.Tips({title: err}); } ); } }, toDetail(item){ uni.navigateTo({ url:`/pages/admin/orderDetail/index?id=${item.order_id}` }) } }, onReachBottom() { this.getIndex() } } </script> <style> .pos-order-list .nav { width: 100%; height: 96upx; background-color: #fff; font-size: 30upx; color: #282828; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 9999; } .pos-order-list .nav .item.on { color: #2291f8; } .pos-order-list .list { margin-top: 120upx; 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