<template> <view class="uni-data-checklist" :style="{ 'margin-top': isTop + 'px' }"> <template v-if="!isLocal"> <view class="uni-data-loading"> <uni-load-more v-if="!mixinDatacomErrorMessage" status="loading" iconType="snow" :iconSize="18" :content-text="contentText" ></uni-load-more> <text v-else>{{ mixinDatacomErrorMessage }}</text> </view> </template> <template v-else> <checkbox-group v-if="multiple" class="checklist-group" :class="{ 'is-list': mode === 'list' || wrap }" @change="chagne" > <label class="checklist-box" :class="[ 'is--' + mode, item.selected ? 'is-checked' : '', disabled || !!item.disabled ? 'is-disable' : '', index !== 0 && mode === 'list' ? 'is-list-border' : '', ]" :style="item.styleBackgroud" v-for="(item, index) in dataList" :key="index" > <checkbox class="hidden" hidden :disabled="disabled || !!item.disabled" :value="item[map.value] + ''" :checked="item.selected" /> <view v-if="(mode !== 'tag' && mode !== 'list') || (mode === 'list' && icon === 'left')" class="checkbox__inner" :style="item.styleIcon" > <view class="checkbox__inner-icon"></view> </view> <view class="checklist-content" :class="{ 'list-content': mode === 'list' && icon === 'left' }" > <text class="checklist-text" :style="item.styleIconText">{{ item[map.text] }}</text> <view v-if="mode === 'list' && icon === 'right'" class="checkobx__list" :style="item.styleBackgroud" ></view> </view> </label> </checkbox-group> <radio-group v-else class="checklist-group" :class="{ 'is-list': mode === 'list', 'is-wrap': wrap }" @change="chagne" > <!-- --> <label class="checklist-box" :class="[ 'is--' + mode, item.selected ? 'is-checked' : '', disabled || !!item.disabled ? 'is-disable' : '', index !== 0 && mode === 'list' ? 'is-list-border' : '', ]" :style="item.styleBackgroud" v-for="(item, index) in dataList" :key="index" > <radio class="hidden" hidden :disabled="disabled || item.disabled" :value="item[map.value] + ''" :checked="item.selected" /> <view v-if="(mode !== 'tag' && mode !== 'list') || (mode === 'list' && icon === 'left')" class="radio__inner" :style="item.styleBackgroud" > <view class="radio__inner-icon" :style="item.styleIcon"></view> </view> <view class="checklist-content" :class="{ 'list-content': mode === 'list' && icon === 'left' }" > <text class="checklist-text" :style="item.styleIconText">{{ item[map.text] }}</text> <view v-if="mode === 'list' && icon === 'right'" :style="item.styleRightIcon" class="checkobx__list" ></view> </view> </label> </radio-group> </template> </view> </template> <script> /** * DataChecklist 数据选择器 * @description 通过数据渲染 checkbox 和 radio * @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=xxx * @property {String} mode = [default| list | button | tag] 显示模式 * @value default 默认横排模式 * @value list 列表模式 * @value button 按钮模式 * @value tag 标签模式 * @property {Boolean} multiple = [true|false] 是否多选 * @property {Array|String|Number} value 默认值 * @property {Array} localdata 本地数据 ,格式 [{text:'',value:''}] * @property {Number|String} min 最小选择个数 ,multiple为true时生效 * @property {Number|String} max 最大选择个数 ,multiple为true时生效 * @property {Boolean} wrap 是否换行显示 * @property {String} icon = [left|right] list 列表模式下icon显示位置 * @property {Boolean} selectedColor 选中颜色 * @property {Boolean} emptyText 没有数据时显示的文字 ,本地数据无效 * @property {Boolean} selectedTextColor 选中文本颜色,如不填写则自动显示 * @property {Object} map 字段映射, 默认 map={text:'text',value:'value'} * @value left 左侧显示 * @value right 右侧显示 * @event {Function} change 选中发生变化触发 */ export default { name: 'uniDataChecklist', mixins: [uniCloud.mixinDatacom || {}], emits: ['input', 'update:modelValue', 'change'], props: { mode: { type: String, default: 'default', }, multiple: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, value: { type: [Array, String, Number], default() { return ''; }, }, // TODO vue3 modelValue: { type: [Array, String, Number], default() { return ''; }, }, localdata: { type: Array, default() { return []; }, }, min: { type: [Number, String], default: '', }, max: { type: [Number, String], default: '', }, wrap: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, icon: { type: String, default: 'left', }, selectedColor: { type: String, default: '', }, selectedTextColor: { type: String, default: '', }, emptyText: { type: String, default: '暂无数据', }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, map: { type: Object, default() { return { text: 'text', value: 'value', }; }, }, }, watch: { localdata: { handler(newVal) { this.range = newVal; this.dataList = this.getDataList(this.getSelectedValue(newVal)); }, deep: true, }, mixinDatacomResData(newVal) { this.range = newVal; this.dataList = this.getDataList(this.getSelectedValue(newVal)); }, value(newVal) { this.dataList = this.getDataList(newVal); // fix by mehaotian is_reset 在 uni-forms 中定义 if (!this.is_reset) { this.is_reset = false; this.formItem && this.formItem.setValue(newVal); } }, modelValue(newVal) { this.dataList = this.getDataList(newVal); if (!this.is_reset) { this.is_reset = false; this.formItem && this.formItem.setValue(newVal); } }, }, data() { return { dataList: [], range: [], contentText: { contentdown: '查看更多', contentrefresh: '加载中', contentnomore: '没有更多', }, isLocal: true, styles: { selectedColor: '#2979ff', selectedTextColor: '#666', }, isTop: 0, }; }, computed: { dataValue() { if (this.value === '') return this.modelValue; if (this.modelValue === '') return this.value; return this.value; }, }, created() { this.form = this.getForm('uniForms'); this.formItem = this.getForm('uniFormsItem'); // this.formItem && this.formItem.setValue(this.value) if (this.formItem) { this.isTop = 6; if (this.formItem.name) { // 如果存在name添加默认值,否则formData 中不存在这个字段不校验 if (!this.is_reset) { this.is_reset = false; this.formItem.setValue(this.dataValue); } this.rename = this.formItem.name; this.form.inputChildrens.push(this); } } if (this.localdata && this.localdata.length !== 0) { this.isLocal = true; this.range = this.localdata; this.dataList = this.getDataList(this.getSelectedValue(this.range)); } else { if (this.collection) { this.isLocal = false; this.loadData(); } } }, methods: { loadData() { this.mixinDatacomGet() .then((res) => { this.mixinDatacomResData = res.result.data; if (this.mixinDatacomResData.length === 0) { this.isLocal = false; this.mixinDatacomErrorMessage = this.emptyText; } else { this.isLocal = true; } }) .catch((err) => { this.mixinDatacomErrorMessage = err.message; }); }, /** * 获取父元素实例 */ getForm(name = 'uniForms') { let parent = this.$parent; let parentName = parent.$options.name; while (parentName !== name) { parent = parent.$parent; if (!parent) return false; parentName = parent.$options.name; } return parent; }, chagne(e) { const values = e.detail.value; let detail = { value: [], data: [], }; if (this.multiple) { this.range.forEach((item) => { if (values.includes(item[this.map.value] + '')) { detail.value.push(item[this.map.value]); detail.data.push(item); } }); } else { const range = this.range.find((item) => item[this.map.value] + '' === values); if (range) { detail = { value: range[this.map.value], data: range, }; } } this.formItem && this.formItem.setValue(detail.value); // TODO 兼容 vue2 this.$emit('input', detail.value); // // TOTO 兼容 vue3 this.$emit('update:modelValue', detail.value); this.$emit('change', { detail, }); if (this.multiple) { // 如果 v-model 没有绑定 ,则走内部逻辑 // if (this.value.length === 0) { this.dataList = this.getDataList(detail.value, true); // } } else { this.dataList = this.getDataList(detail.value); } }, /** * 获取渲染的新数组 * @param {Object} value 选中内容 */ getDataList(value) { // 解除引用关系,破坏原引用关系,避免污染源数据 let dataList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.range)); let list = []; if (this.multiple) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value = []; } } dataList.forEach((item, index) => { item.disabled = item.disable || item.disabled || false; if (this.multiple) { if (value.length > 0) { let have = value.find((val) => val === item[this.map.value]); item.selected = have !== undefined; } else { item.selected = false; } } else { item.selected = value === item[this.map.value]; } list.push(item); }); return this.setRange(list); }, /** * 处理最大最小值 * @param {Object} list */ setRange(list) { let selectList = list.filter((item) => item.selected); let min = Number(this.min) || 0; let max = Number(this.max) || ''; list.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.multiple) { if (selectList.length <= min) { let have = selectList.find((val) => val[this.map.value] === item[this.map.value]); if (have !== undefined) { item.disabled = true; } } if (selectList.length >= max && max !== '') { let have = selectList.find((val) => val[this.map.value] === item[this.map.value]); if (have === undefined) { item.disabled = true; } } } this.setStyles(item, index); list[index] = item; }); return list; }, /** * 设置 class * @param {Object} item * @param {Object} index */ setStyles(item, index) { // 设置自定义样式 item.styleBackgroud = this.setStyleBackgroud(item); item.styleIcon = this.setStyleIcon(item); item.styleIconText = this.setStyleIconText(item); item.styleRightIcon = this.setStyleRightIcon(item); }, /** * 获取选中值 * @param {Object} range */ getSelectedValue(range) { if (!this.multiple) return this.dataValue; let selectedArr = []; range.forEach((item) => { if (item.selected) { selectedArr.push(item[this.map.value]); } }); return this.dataValue && this.dataValue.length > 0 ? this.dataValue : selectedArr; }, /** * 设置背景样式 */ setStyleBackgroud(item) { let styles = {}; let selectedColor = this.selectedColor ? this.selectedColor : '#2979ff'; if (this.mode !== 'list') { styles['border-color'] = item.selected ? selectedColor : '#DCDFE6'; } if (this.mode === 'tag') { styles['background-color'] = item.selected ? selectedColor : '#f5f5f5'; } let classles = ''; for (let i in styles) { classles += `${i}:${styles[i]};`; } return classles; }, setStyleIcon(item) { let styles = {}; let classles = ''; let selectedColor = this.selectedColor ? this.selectedColor : '#2979ff'; styles['background-color'] = item.selected ? selectedColor : '#fff'; styles['border-color'] = item.selected ? selectedColor : '#DCDFE6'; if (!item.selected && item.disabled) { styles['background-color'] = '#F2F6FC'; styles['border-color'] = item.selected ? selectedColor : '#DCDFE6'; } for (let i in styles) { classles += `${i}:${styles[i]};`; } return classles; }, setStyleIconText(item) { let styles = {}; let classles = ''; let selectedColor = this.selectedColor ? this.selectedColor : '#2979ff'; if (this.mode === 'tag') { styles.color = item.selected ? this.selectedTextColor ? this.selectedTextColor : '#fff' : '#666'; } else { styles.color = item.selected ? this.selectedTextColor ? this.selectedTextColor : selectedColor : '#666'; } if (!item.selected && item.disabled) { styles.color = '#999'; } for (let i in styles) { classles += `${i}:${styles[i]};`; } return classles; }, setStyleRightIcon(item) { let styles = {}; let classles = ''; if (this.mode === 'list') { styles['border-color'] = item.selected ? this.styles.selectedColor : '#DCDFE6'; } for (let i in styles) { classles += `${i}:${styles[i]};`; } return classles; }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss"> $checked-color: var(--ui-BG-Main); $border-color: #dcdfe6; $disable: 0.4; @mixin flex { /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ } .uni-data-loading { @include flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 36px; padding-left: 10px; color: #999; } .uni-data-checklist { position: relative; z-index: 0; flex: 1; // 多选样式 .checklist-group { @include flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; &.is-list { flex-direction: column; } .checklist-box { @include flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; position: relative; margin: 5px 0; margin-right: 25px; .hidden { position: absolute; opacity: 0; } // 文字样式 .checklist-content { @include flex; flex: 1; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; .checklist-text { font-size: 14px; color: #666; margin-left: 5px; line-height: 14px; } .checkobx__list { border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #007aff; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-color: #007aff; border-bottom-style: solid; height: 12px; width: 6px; left: -5px; transform-origin: center; transform: rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } } // 多选样式 .checkbox__inner { /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ flex-shrink: 0; box-sizing: border-box; /* #endif */ position: relative; width: 16px; height: 16px; border: 1px solid $border-color; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #fff; z-index: 1; .checkbox__inner-icon { position: absolute; /* #ifdef APP-NVUE */ top: 2px; /* #endif */ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ top: 1px; /* #endif */ left: 5px; height: 8px; width: 4px; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #fff; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-color: #fff; border-bottom-style: solid; opacity: 0; transform-origin: center; transform: rotate(40deg); } } // 单选样式 .radio__inner { @include flex; /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ flex-shrink: 0; box-sizing: border-box; /* #endif */ justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative; width: 16px; height: 16px; border: 1px solid $border-color; border-radius: 16px; background-color: #fff; z-index: 1; .radio__inner-icon { width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 10px; opacity: 0; } } // 默认样式 &.is--default { // 禁用 &.is-disable { /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ .checkbox__inner { background-color: #f2f6fc; border-color: $border-color; /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ } .radio__inner { background-color: #f2f6fc; border-color: $border-color; } .checklist-text { color: #999; } } // 选中 &.is-checked { .checkbox__inner { border-color: $checked-color; background-color: $checked-color; .checkbox__inner-icon { opacity: 1; transform: rotate(45deg); } } .radio__inner { border-color: $checked-color; .radio__inner-icon { opacity: 1; background-color: $checked-color; } } .checklist-text { color: $checked-color; } // 选中禁用 &.is-disable { .checkbox__inner { opacity: $disable; } .checklist-text { opacity: $disable; } .radio__inner { opacity: $disable; } } } } // 按钮样式 &.is--button { margin-right: 10px; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px $border-color solid; border-radius: 3px; transition: border-color 0.2s; // 禁用 &.is-disable { /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ border: 1px #eee solid; opacity: $disable; .checkbox__inner { background-color: #f2f6fc; border-color: $border-color; /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ } .radio__inner { background-color: #f2f6fc; border-color: $border-color; /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ } .checklist-text { color: #999; } } &.is-checked { border-color: $checked-color; .checkbox__inner { border-color: $checked-color; background-color: $checked-color; .checkbox__inner-icon { opacity: 1; transform: rotate(45deg); } } .radio__inner { border-color: $checked-color; .radio__inner-icon { opacity: 1; background-color: $checked-color; } } .checklist-text { color: $checked-color; } // 选中禁用 &.is-disable { opacity: $disable; } } } // 标签样式 &.is--tag { margin-right: 10px; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px $border-color solid; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #f5f5f5; .checklist-text { margin: 0; color: #666; } // 禁用 &.is-disable { /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ opacity: $disable; } &.is-checked { background-color: $checked-color; border-color: $checked-color; .checklist-text { color: #fff; } } } // 列表样式 &.is--list { /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ padding: 10px 15px; padding-left: 0; margin: 0; &.is-list-border { border-top: 1px #eee solid; } // 禁用 &.is-disable { /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ .checkbox__inner { background-color: #f2f6fc; border-color: $border-color; /* #ifdef H5 */ cursor: not-allowed; /* #endif */ } .checklist-text { color: #999; } } &.is-checked { .checkbox__inner { border-color: $checked-color; background-color: $checked-color; .checkbox__inner-icon { opacity: 1; transform: rotate(45deg); } } .radio__inner { .radio__inner-icon { opacity: 1; } } .checklist-text { color: $checked-color; } .checklist-content { .checkobx__list { opacity: 1; border-color: $checked-color; } } // 选中禁用 &.is-disable { .checkbox__inner { opacity: $disable; } .checklist-text { opacity: $disable; } } } } } } } </style>