
puhui999 2024-10-02 12:15:53 +08:00
parent fb3120d818
commit da4cd2238e
2 changed files with 58 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
<!-- 页面 -->
<s-layout title="积分商城" navbar="normal" :leftWidth="0" :rightWidth="0">
<!-- 筛选 -->
<su-sticky bgColor="#fff">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="list-icon" @tap="iconStatus = !iconStatus">
<text v-if="iconStatus" class="sicon-goods-list" />
<text v-else class="sicon-goods-card" />
:style="{ height: pageHeight + 'rpx' }"
@ -8,7 +20,7 @@
<s-point-card ref="sPointCardRef" :property="sPointCardData" />
<s-point-card ref="sPointCardRef" :property="sPointCardData" class="ss-p-x-20 ss-m-t-20"/>
v-if="activityTotal === 0"
@ -28,7 +40,7 @@
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { onLoad, onReachBottom } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import PointApi from '@/sheep/api/promotion/point';
import SLayout from '@/sheep/components/s-layout/s-layout.vue';
@ -39,10 +51,31 @@
(safeArea.height + safeAreaInsets.bottom) * 2 + statusBarHeight - sheep.$platform.navbar - 350;
const sPointCardData = ref({
'layoutType': 'oneColBigImg',
'layoutType': 'twoCol',
const LayoutTypeEnum = {
ONE_COL_BIG_IMG: 'oneColBigImg',
TWO_COL: 'twoCol',
const sPointCardRef = ref();
// true - false -
const iconStatus = computed({
get() {
return sPointCardData.value.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_BIG_IMG;
set(newValue) {
newValue ? (sPointCardData.value.layoutType = LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_BIG_IMG) :
(sPointCardData.value.layoutType = LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL);
if (sPointCardData.value.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL) {
const activityPageParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1, //
@ -55,8 +88,8 @@
async function getActivityList() {
loadStatus.value = 'loading';
const { data } = await PointApi.getPointActivityPage(activityPageParams);
await sPointCardRef.value.concatActivity(data.list)
activityCount.value = sPointCardRef.value.getActivityCount()
await sPointCardRef.value.concatActivity(data.list);
activityCount.value = sPointCardRef.value.getActivityCount();
activityTotal.value = data.total;
loadStatus.value = activityCount.value < activityTotal.value ? 'more' : 'noMore';

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<!-- 布局1. 单列大图上图下内容-->
v-if="layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_BIG_IMG && state.spuList.length"
v-if="state.property.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_BIG_IMG && state.spuList.length"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<!-- 购买按钮 -->
<template v-slot:cart>
<button class="ss-reset-button cart-btn" :style="[buyStyle]">
{{ btnBuy.type === 'text' ? btnBuy.text : '' }}
{{ state.property.btnBuy.type === 'text' ? state.property.btnBuy.text : '' }}
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<!-- 布局2. 单列小图左图右内容 -->
v-if="layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_SMALL_IMG && state.spuList.length"
v-if="state.property.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.ONE_COL_SMALL_IMG && state.spuList.length"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<!-- 购买按钮 -->
<template v-slot:cart>
<button class="ss-reset-button cart-btn" :style="[buyStyle]">
{{ btnBuy.type === 'text' ? btnBuy.text : '' }}
{{ state.property.btnBuy.type === 'text' ? state.property.btnBuy.text : '' }}
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<!-- 布局3. 双列每一列上图下内容-->
v-if="layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL && state.spuList.length"
v-if="state.property.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL && state.spuList.length"
class="goods-md-wrap ss-flex ss-flex-wrap ss-col-top"
<view class="goods-list-box">
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<!-- 购买按钮 -->
<template v-slot:cart>
<button class="ss-reset-button cart-btn" :style="[buyStyle]">
{{ btnBuy.type === 'text' ? btnBuy.text : '' }}
{{ state.property.btnBuy.type === 'text' ? state.property.btnBuy.text : '' }}
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<!-- 购买按钮 -->
<template v-slot:cart>
<button class="ss-reset-button cart-btn" :style="[buyStyle]">
{{ btnBuy.type === 'text' ? btnBuy.text : '' }}
{{ state.property.btnBuy.type === 'text' ? state.property.btnBuy.text : '' }}
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
* 商品卡片
import { computed, onMounted, reactive, watch } from 'vue';
import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, reactive, watch } from 'vue';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import SpuApi from '@/sheep/api/product/spu';
import { PromotionActivityTypeEnum } from '@/sheep/util/const';
@ -222,23 +222,22 @@
watch(() => props.property, (newVal) => {
state.property = { ...state.property, ...newVal };
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
const { layoutType, btnBuy } = state.property || {};
const { marginLeft, marginRight } = state.styles || {};
const { marginLeft, marginRight } = state.property.styles || {};
const buyStyle = computed(() => {
if (btnBuy.type === 'text') {
if (state.property.btnBuy.type === 'text') {
// 线
return {
background: `linear-gradient(to right, ${btnBuy.bgBeginColor}, ${btnBuy.bgEndColor})`,
background: `linear-gradient(to right, ${state.property.btnBuy.bgBeginColor}, ${state.property.btnBuy.bgEndColor})`,
if (btnBuy.type === 'img') {
if (state.property.btnBuy.type === 'img') {
return {
width: '54rpx',
height: '54rpx',
background: `url(${sheep.$url.cdn(btnBuy.imgUrl)}) no-repeat`,
background: `url(${sheep.$url.cdn(state.property.btnBuy.imgUrl)}) no-repeat`,
backgroundSize: '100% 100%',
@ -309,20 +308,16 @@
spu.activityType = PromotionActivityTypeEnum.POINT.type;
if (state.property.layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL) {
function getActivityCount() {
return state.spuList.length;
defineExpose({ concatActivity,getActivityCount });
onMounted(async () => {
if (layoutType === LayoutTypeEnum.TWO_COL) {
defineExpose({ concatActivity,getActivityCount,calculateGoodsColumn });
<style lang="scss" scoped>