
puhui999 2024-07-15 18:05:59 +08:00
parent a95a04085b
commit c8feb58a46
1 changed files with 52 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
<view ref="innerRef" v-if="refreshContent" style="width: 100%; padding-bottom: 10rpx">
<view ref="messageViewRef" class="messageView" v-if="refreshContent" style="width: 100%; padding-bottom: 10rpx">
<!-- 消息渲染 -->
<view class="message-item ss-flex-col scroll-item" v-for="(item, index) in getMessageList0" :key="item.id">
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-center ss-col-center">
@ -109,23 +110,25 @@
<script setup>
import { computed, getCurrentInstance, nextTick, reactive, ref, unref } from 'vue';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import _ from 'lodash'
import { KeFuMessageContentTypeEnum, UserTypeEnum } from '@/pages/chat/util/constants';
import { emojiList } from '@/pages/chat/util/emoji';
import { isEmpty } from '@/sheep/helper/utils';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import KeFuApi from '@/sheep/api/promotion/kefu';
import { formatDate } from '@/sheep/util';
import GoodsItem from '@/pages/chat/components/goods.vue';
import OrderItem from '@/pages/chat/components/order.vue';
import { computed, nextTick, reactive, ref, unref } from 'vue';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { emojiList } from '@/pages/chat/util/emoji';
import { isEmpty } from '@/sheep/helper/utils';
const { safeArea } = sheep.$platform.device;
const pageHeight = safeArea.height - 44 - 35 - 50;
const vm = getCurrentInstance();
const getMessageContent = computed(() => (item) => JSON.parse(item.content)); //
const messageList = ref([]); //
const currentTop = ref(0); //
const showNewMessageTip = ref(true); //
const showNewMessageTip = ref(false); //
const queryParams = reactive({
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
@ -177,7 +180,7 @@
defineExpose({ getMessageList, refreshMessageList });
/** 滚动到底部 */
const innerRef = ref();
const messageViewRef = ref();
const scrollToBottom = async () => {
// 1.
if (loadHistory.value) {
@ -185,7 +188,12 @@
// 2.
await nextTick();
currentTop.value = innerRef.value.$el.clientHeight;
// #ifdef MP
currentTop.value = await getMessageViewHeight();
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
currentTop.value = messageViewRef.value.$el.clientHeight;
// #endif
showNewMessageTip.value = false;
@ -202,13 +210,22 @@
if (event.detail.scrollTop === 0) {
await handleOldMessage();
// _.debounce(handleOldMessage, 200)
const handleOldMessage = async () => {
const oldPageHeight = innerRef.value.$el.clientHeight;
let oldPageHeight = 0;
// #ifdef MP
oldPageHeight = await getMessageViewHeight();
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
oldPageHeight = messageViewRef.value.$el.clientHeight;
// #endif
if (!oldPageHeight) {
@ -217,10 +234,35 @@
queryParams.pageNo += 1;
await getMessageList();
currentTop.value = innerRef.value.$el.clientHeight - oldPageHeight;
// #ifdef MP
// TODO puhui999:
currentTop.value = (await getMessageViewHeight()) - oldPageHeight - 127;
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
currentTop.value = messageViewRef.value.$el.clientHeight - oldPageHeight;
// #endif
const handleScrolltolower = () => {
// refreshContent.value = false;
// loadHistory.value = false;
// // messageList.value = messageList.value.slice(0, 10)
* 获得消息列表高度
const getMessageViewHeight = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(vm).select('.messageView').boundingClientRect((rect) => {
//======================= =======================
const showTime = computed(() => (item, index) => {
if (unref(messageList.value)[index + 1]) {
let dateString = dayjs(unref(messageList.value)[index + 1].createTime).fromNow();