
落日晚风 2023-12-18 17:58:00 +08:00
parent 4cb256af6c
commit 4a487b5894
9 changed files with 801 additions and 771 deletions

View File

@ -1,108 +1,117 @@
<!-- 账户 -->
<view class="account-card">
<view class="account-card-box">
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between card-box-header">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="header-title ss-m-r-16">账户信息</view>
class="ss-reset-button look-btn ss-flex"
@tap="state.showMoney = !state.showMoney"
:type="state.showMoney ? 'eye-filled' : 'eye-slash-filled'"
<view class="ss-flex" @tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/user/wallet/commission')">
<view class="header-title ss-m-r-4">查看明细</view>
<text class="cicon-play-arrow"></text>
<!-- 收益 -->
<view class="card-content ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">总收益()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? agentInfo.total_income || '0.00' : '***' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">我的佣金()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? userInfo.commission || '0.00' : '***' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">我的消费()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? userInfo.total_consume || '0.00' : '***' }}
<view class="account-card">
<view class="account-card-box">
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between card-box-header">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="header-title ss-m-r-16">账户信息</view>
<button class="ss-reset-button look-btn ss-flex" @tap="state.showMoney = !state.showMoney">
<uni-icons :type="state.showMoney ? 'eye-filled' : 'eye-slash-filled'" color="#A57A55"
<view class="ss-flex" @tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/user/wallet/commission')">
<view class="header-title ss-m-r-4">查看明细</view>
<text class="cicon-play-arrow"></text>
<!-- 收益 -->
<view class="card-content ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">当前佣金()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? userInfo.brokeragePrice || '0.00' : '***' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">昨天的佣金()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? userInfo.yesterdayPrice || '0.00' : '***' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1 ss-flex-col ss-col-center">
<view class="item-title">累计已提()</view>
<view class="item-detail">
{{ state.showMoney ? userInfo.withdrawPrice || '0.00' : '***' }}
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import {
} from 'vue';
const userInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').userInfo);
const agentInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').agentInfo);
const userInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').userInfo);
const agentInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').agentInfo);
const state = reactive({
showMoney: false,
const state = reactive({
showMoney: false,
onMounted(async () => {
let res = await sheep.$api.commission.getSummary();
userInfo = res.data;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.account-card {
width: 694rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 2rpx;
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #ffffff 0.88%, #fff9ec 100%);
border-radius: 12rpx;
z-index: 3;
position: relative;
.account-card-box {
background: #ffefd6;
.card-box-header {
padding: 0 30rpx;
height: 72rpx;
box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px #f2debe;
.header-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #a17545;
line-height: 30rpx;
.cicon-play-arrow {
color: #a17545;
font-size: 24rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
.card-content {
height: 190rpx;
background: #fdfae9;
.item-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #cba67e;
line-height: 30rpx;
margin-bottom: 24rpx;
.item-detail {
font-size: 36rpx;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
font-weight: bold;
color: #692e04;
line-height: 30rpx;
.account-card {
width: 694rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 2rpx;
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #ffffff 0.88%, #fff9ec 100%);
border-radius: 12rpx;
z-index: 3;
position: relative;
.account-card-box {
background: #ffefd6;
.card-box-header {
padding: 0 30rpx;
height: 72rpx;
box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px #f2debe;
.header-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #a17545;
line-height: 30rpx;
.cicon-play-arrow {
color: #a17545;
font-size: 24rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
.card-content {
height: 190rpx;
background: #fdfae9;
.item-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #cba67e;
line-height: 30rpx;
margin-bottom: 24rpx;
.item-detail {
font-size: 36rpx;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
font-weight: bold;
color: #692e04;
line-height: 30rpx;

View File

@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
<!-- 分销商信息 -->
<!-- 用户资料 -->
<view class="user-card ss-flex ss-col-bottom">
<view class="card-top ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="head-img-box">
<image class="head-img" :src="sheep.$url.cdn(userInfo.avatar)" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="ss-flex-col">
<view class="user-name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view>
<view class="user-info-box ss-flex">
<view class="tag-box ss-flex" v-if="agentInfo.level_info">
<text class="tag-title">{{ agentInfo.level_info?.name }}</text>
<view class="ss-iconfont uicon-arrow-right" style="color: #fff; font-size: 28rpx">
<!-- 用户资料 -->
<view class="user-card ss-flex ss-col-bottom">
<view class="card-top ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="head-img-box">
<image class="head-img" :src="sheep.$url.cdn(userInfo.avatar)" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="ss-flex-col">
<view class="user-name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view>
<view class="user-info-box ss-flex">
<view class="tag-box ss-flex" v-if="agentInfo.level_info">
<image v-if="agentInfo.level_info?.image" class="tag-img"
:src="sheep.$url.cdn(agentInfo.level_info?.image)" mode="aspectFill">
<text class="tag-title">{{ agentInfo.level_info?.name }}</text>
<view class="ss-iconfont uicon-arrow-right" style="color: #fff; font-size: 28rpx">
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import {
} from 'vue';
const userInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').userInfo);
const agentInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').agentInfo);
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/commission/background.png');
const state = reactive({
showMoney: false,
const userInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').userInfo);
const agentInfo = computed(() => sheep.$store('user').agentInfo);
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/commission/background.png');
const state = reactive({
showMoney: false,
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.user-card {
width: 690rpx;
height: 192rpx;
margin: -88rpx 20rpx 0 20rpx;
padding-top: 88rpx;
background: v-bind(headerBg) no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
.user-card {
width: 690rpx;
height: 192rpx;
margin: -88rpx 20rpx 0 20rpx;
padding-top: 88rpx;
background: v-bind(headerBg) no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
.head-img-box {
margin-right: 20rpx;
width: 100rpx;
height: 100rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
position: relative;
background: #fce0ad;
.head-img-box {
margin-right: 20rpx;
width: 100rpx;
height: 100rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
position: relative;
background: #fce0ad;
.head-img {
width: 92rpx;
height: 92rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.head-img {
width: 92rpx;
height: 92rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.card-top {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding-bottom: 34rpx;
.user-name {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #692e04;
line-height: 30rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.card-top {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding-bottom: 34rpx;
.log-btn {
width: 84rpx;
height: 42rpx;
border: 2rpx solid rgba(#ffffff, 0.33);
border-radius: 21rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
font-weight: 400;
color: #ffffff;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.user-name {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #692e04;
line-height: 30rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.look-btn {
color: #fff;
width: 40rpx;
height: 40rpx;
.log-btn {
width: 84rpx;
height: 42rpx;
border: 2rpx solid rgba(#ffffff, 0.33);
border-radius: 21rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
font-weight: 400;
color: #ffffff;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.user-info-box {
.tag-box {
background: #ff6000;
border-radius: 18rpx;
line-height: 36rpx;
.look-btn {
color: #fff;
width: 40rpx;
height: 40rpx;
.tag-img {
width: 36rpx;
height: 36rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-left: -2rpx;
.user-info-box {
.tag-box {
background: #ff6000;
border-radius: 18rpx;
line-height: 36rpx;
.tag-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 36rpx;
color: #fff;
.tag-img {
width: 36rpx;
height: 36rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-left: -2rpx;
.tag-title {
font-size: 24rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 36rpx;
color: #fff;

View File

@ -1,137 +1,123 @@
<!-- 页面 -->
<s-layout title="推广商品" :onShareAppMessage="state.shareInfo">
<view class="goods-item ss-m-20" v-for="item in state.pagination.data" :key="item.id">
@tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/index', { id: item.id })"
<template #rightBottom>
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="commission-num">预计佣金{{ item.commission }}</view>
class="ss-reset-button share-btn ui-BG-Main-Gradient"
v-if="state.pagination.total === 0"
<!-- 加载更多 -->
v-if="state.pagination.total > 0"
<s-layout title="推广商品" :onShareAppMessage="state.shareInfo">
<view class="goods-item ss-m-20" v-for="item in state.pagination.data" :key="item.id">
<s-goods-item size="lg" :img="item.picUrl" :title="item.name" :subTitle="item.subtitle" :price="item.price"
:originPrice="item.original_price" priceColor="#333"
@tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/index', { id: item.id })">
<template #rightBottom>
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="commission-num">预计佣金{{ item.commission }}</view>
<button class="ss-reset-button share-btn ui-BG-Main-Gradient" @tap.stop="onShareGoods(item)">
<s-empty v-if="state.pagination.total === 0" icon="/static/goods-empty.png" text="暂无推广商品"></s-empty>
<!-- 加载更多 -->
<uni-load-more v-if="state.pagination.total > 0" :status="state.loadStatus" :content-text="{
contentdown: '上拉加载更多',
}" @tap="loadmore" />
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import $share from '@/sheep/platform/share';
import { onLoad, onReachBottom } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { showShareModal } from '@/sheep/hooks/useModal';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import $share from '@/sheep/platform/share';
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import {
} from 'vue';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {
} from '@/sheep/hooks/useModal';
const state = reactive({
pagination: {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
loadStatus: '',
shareInfo: {},
const state = reactive({
pagination: {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
loadStatus: '',
shareInfo: {},
function onShareGoods(goodsInfo) {
state.shareInfo = $share.getShareInfo(
title: goodsInfo.title,
image: sheep.$url.cdn(goodsInfo.image),
desc: goodsInfo.subtitle,
params: {
page: '2',
query: goodsInfo.id,
type: 'goods', //
title: goodsInfo.title, //
image: sheep.$url.cdn(goodsInfo.image), //
price: goodsInfo.price[0], //
original_price: goodsInfo.original_price, //
function onShareGoods(goodsInfo) {
state.shareInfo = $share.getShareInfo({
title: goodsInfo.title,
image: sheep.$url.cdn(goodsInfo.image),
desc: goodsInfo.subtitle,
params: {
page: '2',
query: goodsInfo.id,
}, {
type: 'goods', //
title: goodsInfo.title, //
image: sheep.$url.cdn(goodsInfo.image), //
price: goodsInfo.price[0], //
original_price: goodsInfo.original_price, //
}, );
async function getGoodsList(page = 1, list_rows = 8) {
state.pagination.current_page = page;
state.loadStatus = 'loading';
let res = await sheep.$api.commission.goods({
pageSize: list_rows,
pageNo: page,
if (res.code === 0) {
let orderList = _.concat(state.pagination.data, res.data.list);
state.pagination = {
data: orderList,
if (state.pagination.data.length < state.pagination.total) {
state.loadStatus = 'more';
} else {
state.loadStatus = 'noMore';
async function getGoodsList(page = 1, list_rows = 8) {
state.loadStatus = 'loading';
let res = await sheep.$api.commission.goods({
if (res.error === 0) {
let orderList = _.concat(state.pagination.data, res.data.data);
state.pagination = {
data: orderList,
if (state.pagination.current_page < state.pagination.last_page) {
state.loadStatus = 'more';
} else {
state.loadStatus = 'noMore';
onLoad(async () => {
onLoad(async () => {
function loadmore() {
if (state.loadStatus !== 'noMore') {
getGoodsList(state.pagination.current_page + 1);
function loadmore() {
if (state.loadStatus !== 'noMore') {
getGoodsList(state.pagination.current_page + 1);
onReachBottom(() => {
onReachBottom(() => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.goods-item {
.commission-num {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: $red;
.goods-item {
.commission-num {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: $red;
.share-btn {
width: 120rpx;
height: 50rpx;
border-radius: 25rpx;
.share-btn {
width: 120rpx;
height: 50rpx;
border-radius: 25rpx;

View File

@ -1,417 +1,411 @@
<!-- 分销订单 -->
<s-layout title="分销订单" :class="state.scrollTop ? 'order-warp' : ''" navbar="inner">
<s-layout title="分销订单" :class="state.scrollTop ? 'order-warp' : ''" navbar="inner">
<view class="header-box" :style="[
marginTop: '-' + Number(statusBarHeight + 88) + 'rpx',
paddingTop: Number(statusBarHeight + 108) + 'rpx',
<!-- 团队数据总览 -->
<view class="team-data-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="data-card">
<view class="total-item">
<view class="item-title">团队订单数量</view>
<view class="total-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_all || 0 }}
<view class="category-item ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">一级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_1 || 0 }}
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">二级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_2 || 0 }}
<view class="data-card">
<view class="total-item">
<view class="item-title">团队订单金额</view>
<view class="total-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_all || '0.00' }}
<view class="category-item ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">一级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_1 || '0.00' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">二级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_2 || '0.00' }}
<!-- 自购 -->
<view class="direct-box ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="direct-item">
<view class="item-title">自购分销订单数量</view>
<view class="item-value">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_0 || 0 }}
<view class="direct-item">
<view class="item-title">自购分销订单金额</view>
<view class="item-value">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_0 || '0.00' }}
<!-- 团队数据总览 -->
<view class="team-data-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="data-card">
<view class="total-item">
<view class="item-title">团队订单数量</view>
<view class="total-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_all || 0 }}
<view class="category-item ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">一级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_1 || 0 }}
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">二级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_2 || 0 }}
<view class="data-card">
<view class="total-item">
<view class="item-title">团队订单金额</view>
<view class="total-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_all || '0.00' }}
<view class="category-item ss-flex">
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">一级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_1 || '0.00' }}
<view class="ss-flex-1">
<view class="item-title">二级订单</view>
<view class="category-num">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_2 || '0.00' }}
<!-- 自购 -->
<view class="direct-box ss-flex ss-row-between">
<view class="direct-item">
<view class="item-title">自购分销订单数量</view>
<view class="item-value">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_count_0 || 0 }}
<view class="direct-item">
<view class="item-title">自购分销订单金额</view>
<view class="item-value">
{{ state.agentInfo.child_order_money_0 || '0.00' }}
<!-- tab -->
<su-sticky bgColor="#fff">
<!-- tab -->
<su-sticky bgColor="#fff">
<su-tabs :list="tabMaps" :scrollable="false" :current="state.currentTab" @change="onTabsChange">
<!-- 订单 -->
<view class="order-box">
<view class="order-item" v-for="item in state.pagination.data" :key="item">
<view class="order-header">
<view class="no-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<text class="order-code">订单编号{{ item.order.order_sn }}</text>
<text class="order-state">{{ item.order_item.status_text }}</text>
<view class="order-from ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="from-user ss-flex ss-col-center">
<image class="user-avatar" :src="sheep.$url.cdn(item.buyer.avatar)" mode="aspectFill">
<text class="user-name">{{ item.buyer.nickname }}</text>
<view class="order-time">{{ item.create_time }}</view>
<template #rightBottom>
<view class="ss-flex commission-box ss-row-between ss-m-t-10">
<view class="ss-flex">
<text class="name">佣金</text>
<text class="commission-num">{{ item.rewards[0]?.commission }}</text>
<view class="order-status">
{{ item.commission_order_status_text }}
<!-- 数据为空 -->
<s-empty v-if="state.pagination.total === 0" icon="/static/order-empty.png" text="暂无订单">
<!-- 加载更多 -->
v-if="state.pagination.total > 0"
<!-- 订单 -->
<view class="order-box">
<view class="order-item" v-for="item in state.pagination.data" :key="item">
<view class="order-header">
<view class="no-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<text class="order-code">订单编号{{ item.order.order_sn }}</text>
<text class="order-state">{{ item.order_item.status_text }}</text>
<view class="order-from ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="from-user ss-flex ss-col-center">
<image class="user-avatar" :src="sheep.$url.cdn(item.buyer.avatar)" mode="aspectFill">
<text class="user-name">{{ item.buyer.nickname }}</text>
<view class="order-time">{{ item.create_time }}</view>
<s-goods-item class="border-bottom" :img="item.order_item.goods_image"
:title="item.order_item.goods_title" :skuText="item.order_item.goods_sku_text"
:price="item.order_item.goods_price" :num="item.order_item.goods_num">
<template #rightBottom>
<view class="ss-flex commission-box ss-row-between ss-m-t-10">
<view class="ss-flex">
<text class="name">佣金</text>
<text class="commission-num">{{ item.rewards[0]?.commission }}</text>
<view class="order-status">
{{ item.commission_order_status_text }}
<!-- 数据为空 -->
<s-empty v-if="state.pagination.total === 0" icon="/static/order-empty.png" text="暂无订单">
<!-- 加载更多 -->
<uni-load-more v-if="state.pagination.total > 0" :status="state.loadStatus" :content-text="{
contentdown: '上拉加载更多',
<!-- </view> -->
}" @tap="loadmore" />
<!-- </view> -->
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { onLoad, onReachBottom } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { onPageScroll } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import {
} from 'vue';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
const statusBarHeight = sheep.$platform.device.statusBarHeight * 2;
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/user/withdraw_bg.png');
onPageScroll((e) => {
if (e.scrollTop > 100) {
state.scrollTop = false;
} else {
state.scrollTop = true;
const statusBarHeight = sheep.$platform.device.statusBarHeight * 2;
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/user/withdraw_bg.png');
onPageScroll((e) => {
if (e.scrollTop > 100) {
state.scrollTop = false;
} else {
state.scrollTop = true;
const state = reactive({
pagination: {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
loadStatus: '',
currentTab: 0,
agentInfo: {},
scrollTop: false,
const state = reactive({
pagination: {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
loadStatus: '',
currentTab: 0,
agentInfo: {},
scrollTop: false,
const tabMaps = [
name: '全部',
value: 'all',
// {
// name: '',
// value: 'no'
// },
name: '已计入',
value: 'yes',
name: '已扣除',
value: 'back',
name: '已取消',
value: 'cancel',
function onTabsChange(e) {
state.pagination = {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
state.currentTab = e.index;
const tabMaps = [{
name: '全部',
value: 'all',
// {
// name: '',
// value: 'no'
// },
name: '已计入',
value: 'yes',
name: '已扣除',
value: 'back',
name: '已取消',
value: 'cancel',
function onTabsChange(e) {
state.pagination = {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
state.currentTab = e.index;
async function getOrderList(page = 1, list_rows = 5) {
state.loadStatus = 'loading';
let res = await sheep.$api.commission.order({
type: tabMaps[state.currentTab].value,
if (res.error === 0) {
let orderList = _.concat(state.pagination.data, res.data.data);
state.pagination = {
data: orderList,
if (state.pagination.current_page < state.pagination.last_page) {
state.loadStatus = 'more';
} else {
state.loadStatus = 'noMore';
async function getOrderList(page = 1, list_rows = 5) {
state.loadStatus = 'loading';
let res = await sheep.$api.commission.order({
type: tabMaps[state.currentTab].value,
if (res.error === 0) {
let orderList = _.concat(state.pagination.data, res.data.data);
state.pagination = {
data: orderList,
if (state.pagination.current_page < state.pagination.last_page) {
state.loadStatus = 'more';
} else {
state.loadStatus = 'noMore';
async function getAgentInfo() {
const { error, data, msg } = await sheep.$api.commission.agent();
if (error === 0) {
state.agentInfo = data;
async function getAgentInfo() {
const {
} = await sheep.$api.commission.agent();
if (error === 0) {
state.agentInfo = data;
onLoad(() => {
onLoad(() => {
function loadmore() {
if (state.loadStatus !== 'noMore') {
getOrderList(state.pagination.current_page + 1);
function loadmore() {
if (state.loadStatus !== 'noMore') {
getOrderList(state.pagination.current_page + 1);
onReachBottom(() => {
onReachBottom(() => {
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project.config.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"appid": "wxd4da84f87dcafd80",
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"tabIndent": "insertSpaces",
"tabSize": 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"description": "项目私有配置文件。此文件中的内容将覆盖 project.config.json 中的相同字段。项目的改动优先同步到此文件中。详见文档https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/devtools/projectconfig.html",
"projectname": "uni3",
"setting": {
"compileHotReLoad": true

View File

@ -1,65 +1,71 @@
import request from '@/sheep/request';
export default {
// 分销商详情
agent: () =>
url: 'commission/agent',
method: 'GET',
custom: {
showLoading: false,
showError: false,
// 分销表单
form: () =>
url: 'commission/agent/form',
method: 'GET',
// 申请分销商
apply: (data) =>
url: 'commission/agent/apply',
method: 'POST',
custom: {
showSuccess: true,
// 分销动态
log: (params) =>
url: 'commission/log',
method: 'GET',
// 分销订单
order: (params) =>
url: 'commission/order',
method: 'GET',
// 分销商品
goods: (params) =>
url: 'commission/goods',
method: 'GET',
// 我的团队
team: (params) =>
url: 'commission/agent/team',
method: 'GET',
// 佣金转余额
transfer: (data) =>
url: 'commission/agent/transfer',
method: 'POST',
// 分销商详情
agent: () =>
url: 'commission/agent',
method: 'GET',
custom: {
showLoading: false,
showError: false,
// 分销表单
form: () =>
url: 'commission/agent/form',
method: 'GET',
// 申请分销商
apply: (data) =>
url: 'commission/agent/apply',
method: 'POST',
custom: {
showSuccess: true,
// 分销动态
log: (params) =>
url: 'commission/log',
method: 'GET',
// 分销订单
order: (params) =>
url: 'commission/order',
method: 'GET',
// 分销商品
goods: (params) =>
url: '/app-api/product/spu/page',
method: 'GET',
// 我的团队
team: (params) =>
url: 'commission/agent/team',
method: 'GET',
// 佣金转余额
transfer: (data) =>
url: 'commission/agent/transfer',
method: 'POST',
getSummary: (data) =>
url: '/app-api/trade/brokerage-user/get-summary',
method: 'GET',

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ http.interceptors.request.use(
if (config.url.indexOf('/app-api/') !== -1) {
config.header['Accept'] = '*/*'
config.header['tenant-id'] = '1';
config.header['terminal'] = '20';
config.header['terminal'] = '20';
config.header['Authorization'] = 'Bearer test247';
return config;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ http.interceptors.response.use(
if (response.header.authorization || response.header.Authorization) {
$store('user').setToken(response.header.authorization || response.header.Authorization);
// TODO 芋艿:如果是登录的 API则自动设置 token
// TODO 芋艿:如果是登录的 API则自动设置 token
response.config.custom.showLoading && closeLoading();
if (response.data.error !== 0 && response.data.code !== 0) {
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ http.interceptors.response.use(
return Promise.resolve(response.data);
// 成功时的提示
// 成功时的提示
if (
(response.data.error === 0 || response.data.code === 0) &&
( response.data.msg !== '' || response.config.custom.successMsg !== '' ) &&
(response.data.msg !== '' || response.config.custom.successMsg !== '') &&
) {
@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ const request = (config) => {
// TODO 芋艿:额外拼接
if (config.url.indexOf('/app-api/') >= 0) {
// config.url = 'http://api-dashboard.yudao.iocoder.cn' + config.url; // 调用【云端】
config.url = '' + config.url; // 调用【本地】
config.url = 'http://api-dashboard.yudao.iocoder.cn' + config.url; // 调用【云端】
// config.url = '' + config.url; // 调用【本地】
return http.middleware(config);

View File

@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ http.interceptors.request.use(
if (config.url.indexOf('/app-api/') !== -1) {
config.header['Accept'] = '*/*'
config.header['tenant-id'] = '1';
config.header['terminal'] = '20';
config.header['Authorization'] = 'Bearer test247';
config.header['terminal'] = '20';
config.header['Authorization'] = 'Bearer test247';
return config;