!32 秒杀活动适配

Merge pull request !32 from 疯狂的世界/master-vue3
芋道源码 2023-12-25 15:49:27 +00:00 committed by Gitee
commit 2dcba5bbea
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 173E9B9CA92EEF8F
8 changed files with 509 additions and 346 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,58 @@
<s-layout navbar="inner" :bgStyle="{ color: 'rgb(245,28,19)' }">
:style="[{ marginTop: '-' + Number(statusBarHeight + 88) + 'rpx' }]"
:style="[{ marginTop: '-' + Number(statusBarHeight + 88) + 'rpx' }]"
<view class="list-content">
<view class="content-header ss-flex-col ss-col-center ss-row-center">
<view class="content-header-title ss-m-b-22 ss-flex ss-row-center">
<view>{{ state.activityInfo.title }}</view>
<!-- <view class="more">更多</view> -->
<!-- 时间段轮播图 -->
<view class="header" v-if="activeTimeConfig?.sliderPicUrls?.length > 0">
<swiper indicator-dots="true" autoplay="true" :circular="true" interval="3000" duration="1500"
indicator-color="rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" indicator-active-color="#fff">
<block v-for="(picUrl, index) in activeTimeConfig.sliderPicUrls" :key="index">
<swiper-item class="borRadius14">
<image :src="picUrl" class="slide-image borRadius14" lazy-load />
<!-- 时间段列表 -->
<view class="flex align-center justify-between ss-p-25">
<!-- 左侧图标 -->
<view class="time-icon">
<image class="ss-w-100 ss-h-100" src="http://mall.yudao.iocoder.cn/static/images/priceTag.png"></image>
<scroll-view class="time-list" :scroll-into-view="activeTimeElId" scroll-x scroll-with-animation>
<view v-for="(config, index) in timeConfigList" :key="index"
:class="['item', { active: activeTimeIndex === index}]"
<!-- 活动起始时间 -->
<view class="time">{{ config.startTime }}</view>
<!-- 活动状态 -->
<view class="status">{{ config.status }}</view>
<!-- 内容区 -->
<view class="list-content">
<!-- 活动倒计时 -->
<view class="content-header ss-flex-col ss-col-center ss-row-center">
<view class="content-header-box ss-flex ss-row-center">
<view class="countdown-box ss-flex" v-if="endTime?.ms > 0 && state.activityInfo">
<view class="countdown-box ss-flex" v-if="activeTimeConfig?.status === TimeStatusEnum.STARTED">
<view class="countdown-title ss-m-r-12">距结束</view>
<view class="ss-flex countdown-time">
<view class="ss-flex countdown-h">{{ endTime.h }}</view>
<view class="ss-flex countdown-h">{{ countDown.h }}</view>
<view class="ss-m-x-4">:</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ endTime.m }}</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ countDown.m }}</view>
<view class="ss-m-x-4">:</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ endTime.s }}</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ countDown.s }}</view>
<view class="" v-if="endTime?.ms < 0 && state.activityInfo"> </view>
<view v-else> {{ activeTimeConfig?.status }} </view>
<!-- 活动列表 -->
:style="{ height: pageHeight + 'rpx' }"
@ -31,125 +60,260 @@
<view class="goods-box ss-m-b-20" v-for="item in state.pagination.data" :key="item.id">
<view class="goods-box ss-m-b-20" v-for="activity in activityList" :key="activity.id">
:data="{ ...activity, price: activity.seckillPrice }"
sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/seckill', {
id: item.id,
activity_id: state.activityId,
@click="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/seckill', { id: activity.id })"
<template v-slot:cart>
<button class="ss-reset-button cart-btn">去抢购</button>
<!-- 抢购进度 -->
<template #activity>
<view class="limit">限量 <text class="ss-m-l-5">{{ activity.stock}} {{activity.unitName}}</text></view>
<su-progress :percentage="activity.percent" strokeWidth="10" textInside isAnimate />
<!-- 抢购按钮 -->
<template #cart>
<button :class="['ss-reset-button cart-btn', { disabled: activeTimeConfig.status === TimeStatusEnum.END }]">
<span v-if="activeTimeConfig?.status === TimeStatusEnum.WAIT_START"></span>
<span v-else-if="activeTimeConfig?.status === TimeStatusEnum.STARTED">马上抢</span>
<span v-else></span>
v-if="state.pagination.total > 0"
v-if="activityTotal > 0"
contentdown: '上拉加载更多',
<script setup>
import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import {reactive, computed, ref, nextTick} from 'vue';
import { onLoad, onReachBottom } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { useDurationTime } from '@/sheep/hooks/useGoods';
import SeckillApi from "@/sheep/api/promotion/seckill";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
const { screenHeight, safeAreaInsets, screenWidth, safeArea } = sheep.$platform.device;
const sys_navBar = sheep.$platform.navbar;
const TimeStatusEnum = {
WAIT_START: '即将开始',
STARTED: '进行中',
END: '已结束',
const { safeAreaInsets, safeArea } = sheep.$platform.device;
const statusBarHeight = sheep.$platform.device.statusBarHeight * 2;
const pageHeight =
(safeArea.height + safeAreaInsets.bottom) * 2 + statusBarHeight - sys_navBar - 350;
const pageHeight = (safeArea.height + safeAreaInsets.bottom) * 2 + statusBarHeight - sheep.$platform.navbar - 350;
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/seckill-header.png');
const state = reactive({
activityId: 0,
pagination: {
data: [],
current_page: 1,
total: 1,
last_page: 1,
loadStatus: '',
activityInfo: {},
const goodsFields = {
name: { show: true },
introduction: { show: true },
price: { show: true },
marketPrice: { show: true },
const timeConfigList = ref([])
const getSeckillConfigList = async () => {
const { data } = await SeckillApi.getSeckillConfigList()
const now = dayjs();
const today = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
data.forEach((config, index) => {
const startTime = dayjs(`${today} ${config.startTime}`)
const endTime = dayjs(`${today} ${config.endTime}`)
if (now.isBefore(startTime)) {
config.status = TimeStatusEnum.WAIT_START;
} else if (now.isAfter(endTime)) {
config.status = TimeStatusEnum.END;
} else {
config.status = TimeStatusEnum.STARTED;
activeTimeIndex.value = index;
timeConfigList.value = data
// ID
const activeTimeElId = ref('')
const scrollToTimeConfig = (index) => {
nextTick(() => activeTimeElId.value = `timeItem${index}`)
const activeTimeIndex = ref(0)
const activeTimeConfig = computed(() => timeConfigList.value[activeTimeIndex.value])
const handleChangeTimeConfig = (index) => {
activeTimeIndex.value = index
activityPageParams.pageNo = 1
activityList.value = []
const endTime = computed(() => {
if (state.activityInfo.end_time) {
return useDurationTime(state.activityInfo.end_time);
const countDown = computed(() => {
const endTime = activeTimeConfig.value?.endTime
if (endTime) {
return useDurationTime(`${dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD')} ${endTime}`);
async function getList(activityId, page = 1, list_rows = 4) {
state.loadStatus = 'loading';
const res = await sheep.$api.goods.activityList({
activity_id: activityId,
if (res.error === 0) {
let couponList = _.concat(state.pagination.data, res.data.data);
state.pagination = {
data: couponList,
if (state.pagination.current_page < state.pagination.last_page) {
state.loadStatus = 'more';
} else {
state.loadStatus = 'noMore';
const activityPageParams = reactive({
// ID
id: 0,
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 5,
const activityTotal = ref(0)
const activityList = ref([])
const loadStatus = ref('')
async function getActivityList() {
loadStatus.value = 'loading';
const { data } = await SeckillApi.getSeckillActivityPage(activityPageParams)
data.list.forEach(activity => {
activity.percent = parseInt(100 * (activity.totalStock - activity.stock) / activity.totalStock);
activityList.value = activityList.value.concat(...data.list);
activityTotal.value = data.total;
loadStatus.value = activityList.value.length < activityTotal.value ? 'more' : 'noMore';
async function getActivity(id) {}
function loadmore() {
if (state.loadStatus !== 'noMore') {
getList(state.activityId, state.pagination.current_page + 1);
function loadMore() {
if (loadStatus.value !== 'noMore') {
activityPageParams.pageNo += 1
onReachBottom(() => {
onLoad(async (options) => {
if (!options.id) {
state.activityInfo = null;
state.activityId = options.id;
const { error, data } = await sheep.$api.activity.activity(options.id);
if (error === 0) {
state.activityInfo = data;
} else {
state.activityInfo = null;
onReachBottom(() => loadMore());
onLoad(async () => {
await getSeckillConfigList()
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.page-bg {
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background: v-bind(headerBg) no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
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height: 330rpx !important;
border-radius: 14rpx;
overflow: hidden;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 14rpx;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 14rpx;
.time-icon {
width: 75rpx;
height: 70rpx;
.time-list {
width: 596rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
.item {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: #666;
text-align: center;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-right: 30rpx;
width: 130rpx;
.time {
font-size: 36rpx;
font-weight: 600;
color: #333;
&.active {
.time {
color: var(--ui-BG-Main);
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height: 30rpx;
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color: #fff;
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margin: 0 20rpx 0 20rpx;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 0 0;
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@ -157,52 +321,24 @@
border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 0 0;
height: 150rpx;
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #fff4f7, #ffe6ec);
.content-header-title {
width: 100%;
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #ff2923;
line-height: 30rpx;
position: relative;
.more {
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right: 30rpx;
top: 0;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 400;
color: #999999;
line-height: 30rpx;
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height: 64rpx;
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.num {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
font-weight: 500;
color: #f51c11;
line-height: 30rpx;
.title {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 400;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
color: #333;
line-height: 30rpx;
.countdown-title {
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #333333;
line-height: 28rpx;
.countdown-time {
font-size: 28rpx;
color: rgba(#ed3c30, 0.23);
.countdown-h {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
@ -213,6 +349,7 @@
background: rgba(#ed3c30, 0.23);
border-radius: 6rpx;
.countdown-num {
font-size: 24rpx;
font-family: OPPOSANS;
@ -226,22 +363,36 @@
.scroll-box {
height: 900rpx;
.goods-box {
position: relative;
.cart-btn {
position: absolute;
bottom: 10rpx;
right: 20rpx;
z-index: 11;
height: 50rpx;
height: 44rpx;
line-height: 50rpx;
padding: 0 20rpx;
border-radius: 25rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #fff;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, #ff6600 0%, #fe832a 100%);
&.disabled {
background: $gray-b;
color: #fff;
.limit {
font-size: 22rpx;
color: $dark-9;
margin-bottom: 5rpx;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<view class="price-box ss-flex ss-row-between ss-m-b-18">
<view class="ss-flex">
<view class="price-text ss-m-r-16">
{{ state.selectedSkuPrice.price || formatPrice(state.goodsInfo.price) }}
{{ fen2yuan(state.selectedSku.price || state.goodsInfo.price) }}
<view class="tig ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="tig-icon ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-center">
@ -53,24 +53,24 @@
<view class="countdown-title" v-else> </view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between ss-m-b-60">
<view class="origin-price ss-flex ss-col-center" v-if="state.goodsInfo.original_price">
<view class="origin-price ss-flex ss-col-center" v-if="state.goodsInfo.marketPrice">
<view class="origin-price-text">
{{ state.selectedSkuPrice.original_price || state.goodsInfo.original_price }}
{{ fen2yuan(state.selectedSku.marketPrice || state.goodsInfo.marketPrice) }}
<detail-progress :percent="state.percent" />
<view class="title-text ss-line-2 ss-m-b-6">{{ state.goodsInfo.title }}</view>
<view class="subtitle-text ss-line-1">{{ state.goodsInfo.subtitle }}</view>
<view class="title-text ss-line-2 ss-m-b-6">{{ state.goodsInfo.name }}</view>
<view class="subtitle-text ss-line-1">{{ state.goodsInfo.introduction }}</view>
<!-- 功能卡片 -->
<view class="detail-cell-card detail-card ss-flex-col">
@tap="state.showSelectSku = true"
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
@close="state.showSelectSku = false"
@ -85,9 +86,9 @@
<!-- 评价 -->
<detail-comment-card class="detail-comment-selector" :goodsId="state.goodsId" />
<detail-comment-card class="detail-comment-selector" :goodsId="state.goodsInfo.id" />
<!-- 详情 -->
<detail-content-card class="detail-content-selector" :content="state.goodsInfo.content" />
<detail-content-card class="detail-content-selector" :content="state.goodsInfo.description" />
<!-- 详情tabbar -->
<detail-tabbar v-model="state.goodsInfo">
@ -95,11 +96,11 @@
<view class="buy-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-p-r-20">
class="ss-reset-button origin-price-btn ss-flex-col"
@tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/index', { id: state.goodsInfo.id })"
<view class="btn-price">{{ state.goodsInfo.original_price }}</view>
<view class="btn-price">{{ fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.marketPrice) }}</view>
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
state.goodsInfo.stock === 0 || state.goodsInfo.activity.status != 'ing' ? '' : ''
state.goodsInfo.stock === 0 || activity.status != 'ing' ? '' : ''
@ -116,18 +117,18 @@
class="ss-reset-button btn-box ss-flex-col"
@tap="state.showSelectSku = true"
state.goodsInfo.activity.status === 'ing' && state.goodsInfo.stock != 0
activity.status === 'ing' && state.goodsInfo.stock != 0
? 'check-btn-box'
: 'disabled-btn-box'
:disabled="state.goodsInfo.stock === 0 || state.goodsInfo.activity.status != 'ing'"
:disabled="state.goodsInfo.stock === 0 || activity.status != 'ing'"
<view class="btn-price">{{ state.goodsInfo.price[0] }}</view>
<view v-if="state.goodsInfo.activity.status === 'ing'">
<view class="btn-price">{{ fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.price) }}</view>
<view v-if="activity.status === 'ing'">
<view v-if="state.goodsInfo.stock === 0"></view>
<view v-else></view>
<view v-else>{{ state.goodsInfo.activity.status_text }}</view>
<view v-else>{{ activity.status_text }}</view>
@ -136,11 +137,11 @@
<script setup>
import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import {reactive, computed, ref} from 'vue';
import { onLoad, onPageScroll } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { useDurationTime, formatGoodsSwiper, formatPrice } from '@/sheep/hooks/useGoods';
import {isEmpty, min} from 'lodash';
import {useDurationTime, formatGoodsSwiper, fen2yuan} from '@/sheep/hooks/useGoods';
import detailNavbar from './components/detail/detail-navbar.vue';
import detailCellSku from './components/detail/detail-cell-sku.vue';
import detailTabbar from './components/detail/detail-tabbar.vue';
@ -148,6 +149,8 @@
import detailCommentCard from './components/detail/detail-comment-card.vue';
import detailContentCard from './components/detail/detail-content-card.vue';
import detailProgress from './components/detail/detail-progress.vue';
import SeckillApi from "@/sheep/api/promotion/seckill";
import SpuApi from "@/sheep/api/product/spu";
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/seckill-bg.png');
const btnBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/seckill-btn.png');
@ -159,26 +162,24 @@
onPageScroll(() => {});
const state = reactive({
goodsId: 0,
skeletonLoading: true,
goodsInfo: {},
showSelectSku: false,
goodsSwiper: [],
selectedSkuPrice: {},
selectedSku: {},
showModel: false,
total: 0,
percent: 0,
price: '',
const endTime = computed(() => {
return useDurationTime(state.goodsInfo.activity.end_time);
return useDurationTime(activity.value.endTime);
function onSkuChange(e) {
state.selectedSkuPrice = e;
state.selectedSku = e;
@ -187,7 +188,7 @@
data: JSON.stringify({
order_type: 'goods',
buy_type: 'seckill',
activity_id: state.goodsInfo.activity.id,
activityId: activity.value.id,
goods_list: [
goods_id: e.goods_id,
@ -203,53 +204,76 @@
if (isEmpty(state.goodsInfo?.activity)) return {};
return sheep.$platform.share.getShareInfo(
title: state.goodsInfo.title,
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.image),
title: state.goodsInfo.name,
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.picUrl),
params: {
page: '4',
query: state.goodsInfo.id + ',' + state.goodsInfo.activity.id,
query: state.goodsInfo.id + ',' + activity.value.id,
type: 'goods', //
title: state.goodsInfo.title, //
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.image), //
title: state.goodsInfo.name, //
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.picUrl), //
price: state.goodsInfo.price[0], //
original_price: state.goodsInfo.original_price, //
marketPrice: state.goodsInfo.marketPrice, //
const activity = ref()
const getActivity = async (id) => {
const { data } = await SeckillApi.getSeckillActivity(id)
activity.value = data
await getSpu(data.spuId)
const getSpu = async (id) => {
const { data } = await SpuApi.getSpuDetail(id)
data.activity_type = 'seckill'
state.goodsInfo = data
state.goodsSwiper = formatGoodsSwiper(state.goodsInfo.sliderPicUrls);
state.goodsInfo.price = min([state.goodsInfo.price, ...activity.value.products.map(spu => spu.seckillPrice)])
// 使
data.skus.forEach(sku => {
const product = activity.value.products.find(product => product.skuId === sku.id);
if (product) {
sku.price = product.seckillPrice;
sku.stock = Math.min(sku.stock, product.stock);
} else { //
sku.stock = 0;
if (activity.value.totalLimitCount > 0 && activity.value.singleLimitCount > 0) {
sku.limitCount = Math.min(activity.value.totalLimitCount, activity.value.singleLimitCount);
} else if (activity.value.totalLimitCount > 0) {
sku.limitCount = activity.value.totalLimitCount;
} else if (activity.value.singleLimitCount > 0) {
sku.limitCount = activity.value.singleLimitCount;
state.skeletonLoading = false;
onLoad((options) => {
if (!options.id) {
state.goodsInfo = null;
state.goodsId = options.id;
.detail(options.id, {
activity_id: options.activity_id,
.then((res) => {
state.skeletonLoading = false;
if (res.error === 0) {
state.goodsInfo = res.data;
state.percent =
state.goodsInfo.stock + state.goodsInfo.sales > 0
? (
(state.goodsInfo.sales / (state.goodsInfo.sales + state.goodsInfo.stock)) *
: 0;
state.percent = Number(state.percent);
state.goodsSwiper = formatGoodsSwiper(state.goodsInfo.images);
} else {
state.goodsInfo = null;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ const SeckillApi = {
// 获得秒杀活动分页
getSeckillActivityPage: () => {
return request2({ url: 'promotion/seckill-activity/page', method: 'GET' });
getSeckillActivityPage: (params) => {
return request2({ url: 'promotion/seckill-activity/page', method: 'GET', params });

View File

@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/seckill', {
id: product.id,
activity_id: props.data.activityId,
id: props.data.activityId,
@ -55,8 +54,7 @@
sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/seckill', {
id: product.id,
activity_id: props.data.activityId,
id: props.data.activityId,

View File

@ -1,55 +1,61 @@
<!-- 规格弹窗 -->
<su-popup :show="show" round="10" @close="emits('close')">
<view class="ss-modal-box bg-white ss-flex-col">
<view class="modal-header ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="header-left ss-m-r-30">
:src="sheep.$url.cdn(state.selectedSkuPrice.image || state.goodsInfo.image)"
<view class="header-right ss-flex-col ss-row-between ss-flex-1">
<view class="goods-title ss-line-2">{{ state.goodsInfo.title }}</view>
<view class="header-right-bottom ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="price-text">
{{ state.selectedSkuPrice.groupon_price || formatPrice(state.goodsInfo.price) }}
<view class="tig ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="tig-icon ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-center">
<text class="cicon-alarm"></text>
<!-- 规格弹窗 -->
<su-popup :show="show" round="10" @close="emits('close')">
<!-- SKU 信息 -->
<view class="ss-modal-box bg-white ss-flex-col">
<view class="modal-header ss-flex ss-col-center">
<!-- 规格图 -->
<view class="header-left ss-m-r-30">
:src="sheep.$url.cdn(state.selectedSku.picUrl || state.goodsInfo.picUrl)"
<view class="header-right ss-flex-col ss-row-between ss-flex-1">
<!-- 名称 -->
<view class="goods-title ss-line-2">{{ state.goodsInfo.name }}</view>
<view class="header-right-bottom ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<!-- 价格 -->
<view class="price-text">
{{ fen2yuan(state.selectedSku.price || state.goodsInfo.price) }}
<!-- 秒杀价格标签 -->
<view class="tig ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="tig-icon ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-center">
<text class="cicon-alarm"></text>
<view class="tig-title">秒杀价</view>
<!-- 库存 -->
<view class="stock-text ss-m-l-20">
库存{{ state.selectedSkuPrice.stock || state.goodsInfo.stock }}
库存{{ state.selectedSku.stock || state.goodsInfo.stock }}
<view class="modal-content ss-flex-1">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="modal-content-scroll">
<view class="sku-item ss-m-b-20" v-for="sku1 in state.goodsInfo.skus" :key="sku1.id">
<view class="label-text ss-m-b-20">{{ sku1.name }}</view>
<view class="sku-item ss-m-b-20" v-for="property in propertyList" :key="property.id">
<view class="label-text ss-m-b-20">{{ property.name }}</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center ss-flex-wrap">
class="ss-reset-button spec-btn"
v-for="sku2 in sku1.children"
v-for="value in property.values"
'checked-btn': state.currentSkuArray[sku2.parent_id] == sku2.id,
'checked-btn': state.currentPropertyArray[property.id] === value.id,
'disabled-btn': sku2.disabled == true,
'disabled-btn': value.disabled === true,
:disabled="sku2.disabled == true"
@tap="onSelectSku(sku2.parent_id, sku2.id)"
:disabled="value.disabled === true"
@tap="onSelectSku(property.id, value.id)"
{{ sku2.name }}
{{ value.name }}
@ -57,10 +63,10 @@
<view class="label-text">购买数量</view>
:max="min([singleLimitCount, state.selectedSku.stock])"
@ -77,13 +83,15 @@
<script setup>
* 1. 根据spus获得skus 后台已算好
* 2. 用路径字典生成路径map
* 3. 计算用户选择后其他路径是否可用
* 秒杀活动SKU选择
* 与s-select-sku的区别多一个秒杀价的标签没有加入购物车按钮立即购买按钮叫确认秒杀有最大购买数量限制
* 差别不大可以考虑合并 todo @芋艿
// active,nostock
import { computed, reactive, watch } from 'vue';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import {convertProductPropertyList, fen2yuan} from "@/sheep/hooks/useGoods";
import {min} from "lodash";
const emits = defineEmits(['change', 'addCart', 'buy', 'close']);
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
@ -94,28 +102,34 @@
type: Boolean,
default: false,
singleLimitCount: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
const state = reactive({
goodsInfo: computed(() => props.modelValue),
skuPrices: computed(() => {
let skuPrices = props.modelValue.sku_prices;
if (props.modelValue.is_sku) {
skuPrices.forEach((item) => {
item.goods_sku_id_arr = item.goods_sku_ids.split(',');
return skuPrices;
skuList: props.modelValue.skus,
selectedSkuPrice: {},
currentSkuArray: [],
selectedSku: {},
currentPropertyArray: [],
const propertyList = convertProductPropertyList(state.goodsInfo.skus);
// SKU
const skuList = computed(() => {
let skuPrices = state.goodsInfo.skus;
for (let price of skuPrices) {
price.value_id_array = price.properties.map((item) => item.valueId)
return skuPrices;
if (!state.goodsInfo.is_sku) {
state.selectedSkuPrice = state.goodsInfo.sku_prices[0];
state.selectedSku = state.goodsInfo.skus[0];
() => state.selectedSkuPrice,
() => state.selectedSku,
(newVal) => {
emits('change', newVal);
@ -125,178 +139,152 @@
const formatPrice = (e) => {
return e.length === 1 ? e[0] : e.join('~');
const onAddCart = () => {
if (state.selectedSkuPrice.goods_id) {
if (state.selectedSkuPrice.stock <= 0) {
const onBuy = () => {
if (state.selectedSku.id) {
if (state.selectedSku.stock <= 0) {
} else {
emits('addCart', state.selectedSkuPrice);
emits('buy', state.selectedSku);
} else {
const onBuy = () => {
if (state.selectedSkuPrice.goods_id) {
if (state.selectedSkuPrice.stock <= 0) {
} else {
emits('buy', state.selectedSkuPrice);
} else {
function onBuyCountChange(buyCount) {
if (buyCount > 0 && state.selectedSku.count !== buyCount) {
state.selectedSku.count = buyCount;
function onNumberChange(e) {
if (e === 0) return;
if (state.selectedSkuPrice.goods_num === e) return;
state.selectedSkuPrice.goods_num = e;
const changeDisabled = (isChecked = false, pid = 0, skuId = 0) => {
let newPrice = []; // skuPrice
const changeDisabled = (isChecked = false, propertyId = 0, valueId = 0) => {
let newSkus = []; // sku
if (isChecked) {
// skuPrice
for (let price of state.skuPrices) {
// property
// property SKU
for (let price of skuList.value) {
if (price.stock <= 0) {
// this.goodsNum uni-number-box stock goods_num
if (price.goods_sku_id_arr.indexOf(skuId.toString()) >= 0) {
if (price.value_id_array.indexOf(valueId) >= 0) {
} else {
// skuPrice
newPrice = getCanUseSkuPrice();
// property
// property SKU
newSkus = getCanUseSkuList();
// id
let noChooseSkuIds = [];
for (let price of newPrice) {
noChooseSkuIds = noChooseSkuIds.concat(price.goods_sku_id_arr);
// SKU value id
let noChooseValueIds = [];
for (let price of newSkus) {
noChooseValueIds = noChooseValueIds.concat(price.value_id_array);
noChooseSkuIds = Array.from(new Set(noChooseSkuIds));
noChooseValueIds = Array.from(new Set(noChooseValueIds)); //
if (isChecked) {
let index = noChooseSkuIds.indexOf(skuId.toString());
noChooseSkuIds.splice(index, 1);
// value id
let index = noChooseValueIds.indexOf(valueId);
noChooseValueIds.splice(index, 1);
} else {
state.currentSkuArray.forEach((sku) => {
if (sku.toString() != '') {
// sku
let index = noChooseSkuIds.indexOf(sku.toString());
if (index >= 0) {
// sku noChooseSkuIds
noChooseSkuIds.splice(index, 1);
// value id
state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId) => {
if (currentPropertyId.toString() !== '') {
// currentPropertyId
let index = noChooseValueIds.indexOf(currentPropertyId);
if (index >= 0) {
// currentPropertyId noChooseValueIds
noChooseValueIds.splice(index, 1);
let chooseSkuKey = [];
// property
let choosePropertyIds = [];
if (!isChecked) {
state.currentSkuArray.forEach((sku, key) => {
if (sku != '') {
// sku
// property
state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId, currentValueId) => {
if (currentPropertyId !== '') {
// currentPropertyId
} else {
chooseSkuKey = [pid];
// property
choosePropertyIds = [propertyId];
for (let i in state.skuList) {
if (chooseSkuKey.indexOf(state.skuList[i]['id']) >= 0) {
for (let propertyIndex in propertyList) {
// property property
if (choosePropertyIds.indexOf(propertyList[propertyIndex]['id']) >= 0) {
for (let j in state.skuList[i]['children']) {
// id
if (noChooseSkuIds.indexOf(state.skuList[i]['children'][j]['id'].toString()) >= 0) {
state.skuList[i]['children'][j]['disabled'] = false;
} else {
state.skuList[i]['children'][j]['disabled'] = true;
// property id SKU
for (let valueIndex in propertyList[propertyIndex]['values']) {
propertyList[propertyIndex]['values'][valueIndex]['disabled'] =
noChooseValueIds.indexOf(propertyList[propertyIndex]['values'][valueIndex]['id']) < 0; // true or false
// skuPrice
const getCanUseSkuPrice = () => {
let newPrice = [];
for (let price of state.skuPrices) {
if (price.stock <= 0) {
// || price.stock < this.goodsNum uni-number-box stock goods_num
// SKU
const getCanUseSkuList = () => {
let newSkus = [];
for (let sku of skuList.value) {
if (sku.stock <= 0) {
var isOk = true;
state.currentSkuArray.forEach((sku) => {
// sku skuPrice ,
if (sku.toString() != '' && price.goods_sku_id_arr.indexOf(sku.toString()) < 0) {
let isOk = true;
state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((propertyId) => {
// propertyId sku
if (propertyId.toString() !== '' && sku.value_id_array.indexOf(propertyId) < 0) {
isOk = false;
if (isOk) {
return newPrice;
return newSkus;
const onSelectSku = (pid, skuId) => {
const onSelectSku = (propertyId, valueId) => {
let isChecked = true; // or
if (state.currentSkuArray[pid] != undefined && state.currentSkuArray[pid] == skuId) {
if (state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] !== undefined && state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] === valueId) {
// ''
isChecked = false;
state.currentSkuArray.splice(pid, 1, '');
state.currentPropertyArray.splice(propertyId, 1, '');
} else {
state.currentSkuArray[pid] = skuId;
state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] = valueId;
let chooseSkuId = []; //
state.currentSkuArray.forEach((sku) => {
if (sku != '') {
// sku
// property
let choosePropertyId = [];
state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId) => {
if (currentPropertyId !== '') {
// currentPropertyId
// skuPric
let newPrice = getCanUseSkuPrice();
// property SKU
let newSkuList = getCanUseSkuList();
if (chooseSkuId.length == state.skuList.length && newPrice.length) {
newPrice[0].goods_num = state.selectedSkuPrice.goods_num || 1;
state.selectedSkuPrice = newPrice[0];
// property
if (choosePropertyId.length === propertyList.length && newSkuList.length) {
newSkuList[0].goods_num = state.selectedSku.goods_num || 1;
state.selectedSku = newSkuList[0];
} else {
state.selectedSkuPrice = {};
state.selectedSku = {};
changeDisabled(isChecked, pid, skuId);
// property
changeDisabled(isChecked, propertyId, valueId);

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const VIDEO_SUFFIX_LIST = ['.avi', '.mp4']
* @return {{src: string, type: 'video' | 'image' }[]} 转换后的链接列表
export function formatGoodsSwiper(urlList) {
return urlList.map((url, key) => {
return urlList.filter(url => url).map((url, key) => {
const isVideo = VIDEO_SUFFIX_LIST.some(suffix => url.includes(suffix));
const type = isVideo ? 'video' : 'image'
const src = $url.cdn(url);
@ -367,4 +367,4 @@ export function convertProductPropertyList(skus) {
return result;

View File

@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ const decryptSpm = (spm) => {
shareParams.page = '/pages/goods/seckill';
query = shareParamsArray[2].split(',');
shareParams.query = {
id: query[0],
activity_id: query[1],
id: query[1],
case '5':

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<view class="textInside flex a-center j-center" v-if="textInside && !noData">
<view>{{ percentage }}%</view>
<view class="text">{{ percentage }}%</view>
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
bgColor: {
type: String,
default: '#409eff',
default: 'linear-gradient(90deg, var(--ui-BG-Main) 0%, var(--ui-BG-Main-gradient) 100%)',
noData: {
@ -168,6 +168,9 @@
.text {
margin-left: 10rpx;
font-size: 16rpx;
width: 100rpx;
color: #FFB9B9;
.percentage {