Vue Vben Admin
**English** | [中文](./README.zh-CN.md) | [日本語](./README.ja-JP.md)
## Introduction
Vue Vben Admin is a free and open source middle and back-end template. Using the latest `vue3`, `vite`, `TypeScript` and other mainstream technology development, the out-of-the-box middle and back-end front-end solutions can also be used for learning reference.
## Upgrade Notice
This is the latest version, 5.0, and it is not compatible with previous versions. If you are starting a new project, it is recommended to use the latest version. If you wish to view the old version, please use the [v2 branch](https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin/tree/v2).
## Feature
- **Latest Technology Stack**: Developed with cutting-edge front-end technologies like Vue 3 and Vite
- **TypeScript**: A language for application-scale JavaScript
- **Themes**: Multiple theme colors available with customizable options
- **Internationalization**: Comprehensive built-in internationalization support
- **Permissions**: Built-in solution for dynamic route-based permission generation
## Preview
- [Vben Admin](https://vben.pro/) - Full version Chinese site
Test Account: vben/123456