xingyu 2023-05-19 15:42:14 +08:00
commit 7206b7914e
9 changed files with 322 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -34,3 +34,30 @@ export function listSimplePosts() {
export function exportNotifyTemplateExcel(params) {
return{ url: '/system/notify-template/export-excel', params }, '导出站内信模板.xls')
export type SendNotifyParam = {
userId: number
templateCode: string
templateParams: {
[key: string]: string
export type NotifyTemplate = {
name: string
code: string
type: number
nickname: string
content: string
status: number
remark?: any
id: number
params: string[]
createTime: number
key: string
// 发送
export function sendNotify(data: SendNotifyParam) {
return{ url: '/system/notify-template/send-notify', data })

View File

@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ export default {
export: '导出',
import: '导入',
sync: '同步',
cancel: '取消'
cancel: '取消',
send: '发送'

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ const [registerTable, { getSelectRowKeys, getForm }] = useTable({
useSearchForm: true,
pagination: false,
showTableSetting: false,
showIndexColumn: false
showIndexColumn: false,
immediate: false
const [registerModal, { setModalProps, closeModal }] = useModalInner(async () => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<BasicModal title="详情" @register="innerRegister">
<Description @register="descriptionRegister" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { BasicModal, useModalInner } from '@/components/Modal'
import { Description, useDescription } from '@/components/Description/index'
import { infoSchema, MessageInfo } from './'
defineOptions({ name: 'MessageInfoModal' })
const [innerRegister] = useModalInner((value: MessageInfo) => {
data.value = value
const data = ref<MessageInfo>()
const [descriptionRegister] = useDescription({
column: 1,
schema: infoSchema,
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -1,15 +1,36 @@
<BasicTable @register="registerTable" />
<BasicTable @register="registerTable">
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record }">
<template v-if="column.key === 'action'">
label: '详情',
icon: IconEnum.LOG,
onClick: handleShowInfo.bind(null, record)
<MessageInfoModal @register="registerModal" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { BasicTable, useTable } from '@/components/Table'
import { IconEnum } from '@/enums/appEnum'
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/web/useI18n'
import { BasicTable, useTable, TableAction } from '@/components/Table'
import { getNotifyMessagePage } from '@/api/system/notify/message'
import { columns, searchFormSchema } from './'
import MessageInfoModal from './MessageInfoModal.vue'
import { useModal } from '@/components/Modal'
defineOptions({ name: 'SystemMessage' })
const { t } = useI18n()
const [registerTable] = useTable({
title: '站内信记录列表',
api: getNotifyMessagePage,
@ -17,6 +38,18 @@ const [registerTable] = useTable({
formConfig: { labelWidth: 120, schemas: searchFormSchema },
useSearchForm: true,
showTableSetting: true,
showIndexColumn: false
showIndexColumn: false,
actionColumn: {
width: 100,
title: t('common.action'),
fixed: 'right',
key: 'action'
const [registerModal, { openModal }] = useModal()
const handleShowInfo = (record: Recordable) => {
openModal(true, record)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import { BasicColumn, FormSchema, useRender } from '@/components/Table'
import { DICT_TYPE, getDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { JsonPreview } from '@/components/CodeEditor'
import { DescItem } from '@/components/Description/index'
import { h } from 'vue'
export const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
@ -56,6 +59,9 @@ export const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
dataIndex: 'readTime',
width: 180,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
if (!text) {
return useRender.renderTag('未阅读')
return useRender.renderDate(text)
@ -104,3 +110,95 @@ export const searchFormSchema: FormSchema[] = [
colProps: { span: 8 }
// 站内信详情modal
export const infoSchema: DescItem[] = [
field: 'id',
label: '编号',
labelMinWidth: 50
field: 'readStatus',
label: '是否已读',
render: (value) => {
return useRender.renderDict(value, DICT_TYPE.INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING)
field: 'userType',
label: '用户类型',
render: (value) => {
return useRender.renderDict(value, DICT_TYPE.USER_TYPE)
field: 'userType',
label: '用户编号'
field: 'templateId',
label: '模板编号'
field: 'templateCode',
label: '模板编码'
field: 'templateNickname',
label: '发送人名称'
field: 'templateContent',
label: '模板内容'
field: 'templateParams',
label: '模板参数',
render: (value) => {
return h(JsonPreview, { data: value })
field: 'templateType',
label: '模板类型',
render: (value) => {
return useRender.renderDict(value, DICT_TYPE.SYSTEM_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_TYPE)
field: 'readTime',
label: '阅读时间',
render: (value) => {
if (!value) {
return useRender.renderTag('未阅读')
return useRender.renderDate(value)
field: 'createTime',
label: '创建时间',
render: (value) => {
return useRender.renderDate(value)
// 站内信详情
export interface MessageInfo {
userId: number
userType: number
templateId: number
templateCode: string
templateNickname: string
templateContent: string
templateType: number
templateParams: { [key: string]: string }
readStatus: boolean
readTime?: any
id: number
createTime: number
key: string

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
<BasicModal v-bind="$attrs" title="发送站内信" @register="innerRegister" @ok="submit">
<BasicForm @register="register" :schemas="reactiveSchemas" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { BasicModal, useModalInner } from '@/components/Modal'
import { BasicForm, FormSchema, useForm } from '@/components/Form'
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import { useMessage } from '@/hooks/web/useMessage'
import { sendNotify, SendNotifyParam, NotifyTemplate } from '@/api/system/notify/template'
import { baseSendSchemas } from './'
defineOptions({ name: 'SendNotifyModal' })
const { createMessage } = useMessage()
let reactiveSchemas: FormSchema[] = reactive([])
const templateCode = ref<string>('')
const [register, { setFieldsValue, getFieldsValue, validateFields, resetFields, clearValidate, setProps }] = useForm({
labelWidth: 100,
// schemas: reactiveSchemas,
baseColProps: {
span: 24
showSubmitButton: false,
showResetButton: false
const [innerRegister, { changeLoading, closeModal }] = useModalInner((data: NotifyTemplate) => {
data.params.forEach((item) => {
const dySchema: FormSchema = {
// content/userId
field: `key-${item}`,
label: `参数{${item}} `,
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: `输入{${item}}`
required: true
const { content, code } = data
setFieldsValue({ content })
templateCode.value = code
const submit = async () => {
try {
setProps({ disabled: true })
await validateFields()
const fields = getFieldsValue()
const data: SendNotifyParam = {
userId: fields.userId,
templateCode: templateCode.value,
templateParams: {}
Object.keys(fields).forEach((key) => {
if (key === 'content' || key === 'userId') {
// - key
const realKey = key.split('-')[1]
data.templateParams[realKey] = fields[key]
await sendNotify(data)
} finally {
setProps({ disabled: false })
const resetForm = () => {
reactiveSchemas.splice(0, reactiveSchemas.length)
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
<template v-if="column.key === 'action'">
icon: IconEnum.UPLOAD,
label: t('action.send'),
auth: 'system:notify-template:update',
onClick: handleSend.bind(null, record)
icon: IconEnum.EDIT,
label: t('action.edit'),
@ -33,6 +39,7 @@
<TemplateModal @register="registerModal" @success="reload()" />
<SendNotifyModal @register="registerSendModal" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -44,12 +51,14 @@ import { IconEnum } from '@/enums/appEnum'
import { BasicTable, useTable, TableAction } from '@/components/Table'
import { deleteNotifyTemplate, getNotifyTemplatePage } from '@/api/system/notify/template'
import { columns, searchFormSchema } from './'
import SendNotifyModal from './SendNotifyModal.vue'
defineOptions({ name: 'SystemMessageTemplate' })
const { t } = useI18n()
const { createMessage } = useMessage()
const [registerModal, { openModal }] = useModal()
const [registerSendModal, { openModal: openSendModal }] = useModal()
const [registerTable, { reload }] = useTable({
title: '站内信模板列表',
@ -60,7 +69,7 @@ const [registerTable, { reload }] = useTable({
showTableSetting: true,
showIndexColumn: false,
actionColumn: {
width: 140,
width: 200,
title: t('common.action'),
dataIndex: 'action',
fixed: 'right'
@ -75,6 +84,11 @@ function handleEdit(record: Recordable) {
openModal(true, { record, isUpdate: true })
function handleSend(record: Recordable) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(record, [...Object.keys(record)], 2))
openSendModal(true, record)
async function handleDelete(record: Recordable) {
await deleteNotifyTemplate(

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { BasicColumn, FormSchema, useRender } from '@/components/Table'
import { DICT_TYPE, getDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { getListSimpleUsers } from '@/api/system/user/index'
export const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ export const formSchema: FormSchema[] = [
label: '开启状态',
field: 'status',
required: true,
component: 'RadioGroup',
componentProps: {
options: getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS)
@ -136,3 +138,27 @@ export const formSchema: FormSchema[] = [
component: 'InputTextArea'
// 发送站内信
export const baseSendSchemas: FormSchema[] = [
field: 'content',
component: 'InputTextArea',
label: '模板内容 ',
required: false,
componentProps: {
disabled: true
field: 'userId',
component: 'ApiSelect',
label: '接收人 ',
required: true,
componentProps: {
api: getListSimpleUsers,
labelField: 'nickname',
valueField: 'id'