feat: dict

xingyuv 2023-03-22 14:41:26 +08:00
parent 9e85d8a280
commit 51beba6968
4 changed files with 153 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ export enum DICT_TYPE {
SYSTEM_SMS_RECEIVE_STATUS = 'system_sms_receive_status',
SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE_TYPE = 'system_error_code_type',
SYSTEM_OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE = 'system_oauth2_grant_type',
SYSTEM_MAIL_SEND_STATUS = 'system_mail_send_status',
SYSTEM_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_notify_template_type',
// ========== INFRA 模块 ==========
INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING = 'infra_boolean_string',
@ -120,5 +122,29 @@ export enum DICT_TYPE {
PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
PAY_ORDER_REFUND_STATUS = 'pay_order_refund_status', // 商户支付订单退款状态
PAY_REFUND_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_refund_order_status', // 退款订单状态
PAY_REFUND_ORDER_TYPE = 'pay_refund_order_type' // 退款订单类别
PAY_REFUND_ORDER_TYPE = 'pay_refund_order_type', // 退款订单类别
// ========== MP 模块 ==========
MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH = 'mp_auto_reply_request_match', // 自动回复请求匹配类型
MP_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'mp_message_type', // 消息类型
// ========== MALL - PRODUCT 模块 ==========
PRODUCT_SPU_STATUS = 'product_spu_status', // 商品 SPU 状态
// ========== MALL - ORDER 模块 ==========
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_after_sale_status', // 售后 - 状态
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_WAY = 'trade_after_sale_way', // 售后 - 方式
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_TYPE = 'trade_after_sale_type', // 售后 - 类型
TRADE_ORDER_TYPE = 'trade_order_type', // 订单 - 类型
TRADE_ORDER_STATUS = 'trade_order_status', // 订单 - 状态
TRADE_ORDER_ITEM_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_order_item_after_sale_status', // 订单项 - 售后状态
// ========== MALL - PROMOTION 模块 ==========
PROMOTION_DISCOUNT_TYPE = 'promotion_discount_type', // 优惠类型
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_SCOPE = 'promotion_product_scope', // 营销的商品范围
PROMOTION_COUPON_TEMPLATE_VALIDITY_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_template_validity_type', // 优惠劵模板的有限期类型
PROMOTION_COUPON_STATUS = 'promotion_coupon_status', // 优惠劵的状态
PROMOTION_COUPON_TAKE_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_take_type', // 优惠劵的领取方式
PROMOTION_ACTIVITY_STATUS = 'promotion_activity_status', // 优惠活动的状态
PROMOTION_CONDITION_TYPE = 'promotion_condition_type' // 营销的条件类型枚举

View File

@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
<BasicTable @register="registerTable" />
<script lang="ts" setup name="OperateLog">
import { BasicTable, useTable } from '@/components/Table'
import { getMailAccountPageApi } from '@/api/system/mail/log'
import { columns, searchFormSchema } from './mailLog.data'
const [registerTable] = useTable({
title: '邮件日志列表',
api: getMailAccountPageApi,
formConfig: {
labelWidth: 120,
schemas: searchFormSchema
useSearchForm: true,
showTableSetting: true,
showIndexColumn: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import { getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { BasicColumn, FormSchema, useRender } from '@/components/Table'
import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
import { getSimpleMailAccountListApi } from '@/api/system/mail/account'
export const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
title: '编号',
dataIndex: 'id',
width: 100
title: '发送时间',
dataIndex: 'sendTime',
width: 180,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
return useRender.renderDate(text)
title: '接收邮箱',
dataIndex: 'toMail',
width: 200
title: '邮件标题',
dataIndex: 'templateTitle',
width: 180
title: '发送状态',
dataIndex: 'sendStatus',
width: 180,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
return useRender.renderDict(text, DICT_TYPE.SYSTEM_MAIL_SEND_STATUS)
title: '邮箱账号',
dataIndex: 'fromMail',
width: 180
title: '模板编号',
dataIndex: 'templateId',
width: 180
export const searchFormSchema: FormSchema[] = [
label: '接收邮箱',
field: 'toMail',
component: 'Input',
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '邮箱账号',
field: 'accountId',
component: 'ApiSelect',
componentProps: {
api: () => getSimpleMailAccountListApi(),
labelField: 'mail',
valueField: 'id'
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '模板编号',
field: 'templateId',
component: 'Input',
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '发送状态',
field: 'sendStatus',
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '用户编号',
field: 'userId',
component: 'Input',
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '用户类型',
field: 'userType',
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
options: getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.USER_TYPE)
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '发送时间',
field: 'sendTime',
component: 'RangePicker',
colProps: { span: 8 }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { getIntDictOptions } from './../../../utils/dict'
import { getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
import { BasicColumn, FormSchema, useRender } from '@/components/Table'
import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
import { h } from 'vue'