feat: DICT_TYPE enum

xingyu4j 2024-11-26 14:49:54 +08:00
parent f7810df5cb
commit 44c91c7417
3 changed files with 143 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -53,4 +53,139 @@ function getDictOptions(
} }
return dictOptions.length > 0 ? dictOptions : []; return dictOptions.length > 0 ? dictOptions : [];
} }
export { getDictObj, getDictOptions };
enum DICT_TYPE {
AI_GENERATE_MODE = 'ai_generate_mode', // AI 生成模式
AI_IMAGE_STATUS = 'ai_image_status', // AI 图片状态
AI_MUSIC_STATUS = 'ai_music_status', // AI 音乐状态
// ========== AI - 人工智能模块 ==========
AI_PLATFORM = 'ai_platform', // AI 平台
AI_WRITE_FORMAT = 'ai_write_format', // AI 写作格式
AI_WRITE_LANGUAGE = 'ai_write_language', // AI 写作语言
AI_WRITE_LENGTH = 'ai_write_length', // AI 写作长度
AI_WRITE_TONE = 'ai_write_tone', // AI 写作语气
AI_WRITE_TYPE = 'ai_write_type', // AI 写作类型
BPM_MODEL_FORM_TYPE = 'bpm_model_form_type',
// ========== BPM 模块 ==========
BPM_MODEL_TYPE = 'bpm_model_type',
BPM_OA_LEAVE_TYPE = 'bpm_oa_leave_type',
BPM_PROCESS_INSTANCE_STATUS = 'bpm_process_instance_status',
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_type',
BPM_PROCESS_LISTENER_VALUE_TYPE = 'bpm_process_listener_value_type',
BPM_TASK_CANDIDATE_STRATEGY = 'bpm_task_candidate_strategy',
BPM_TASK_STATUS = 'bpm_task_status',
BROKERAGE_BANK_NAME = 'brokerage_bank_name', // 佣金提现银行
BROKERAGE_BIND_MODE = 'brokerage_bind_mode', // 分销关系绑定模式
BROKERAGE_ENABLED_CONDITION = 'brokerage_enabled_condition', // 分佣模式
BROKERAGE_RECORD_BIZ_TYPE = 'brokerage_record_biz_type', // 佣金业务类型
BROKERAGE_RECORD_STATUS = 'brokerage_record_status', // 佣金状态
BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_STATUS = 'brokerage_withdraw_status', // 佣金提现状态
BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_TYPE = 'brokerage_withdraw_type', // 佣金提现类型
COMMON_STATUS = 'common_status',
// ========== CRM - 客户管理模块 ==========
CRM_AUDIT_STATUS = 'crm_audit_status', // CRM 审批状态
CRM_BIZ_TYPE = 'crm_biz_type', // CRM 业务类型
CRM_BUSINESS_END_STATUS_TYPE = 'crm_business_end_status_type', // CRM 商机结束状态类型
CRM_CUSTOMER_INDUSTRY = 'crm_customer_industry', // CRM 客户所属行业
CRM_CUSTOMER_LEVEL = 'crm_customer_level', // CRM 客户级别
CRM_CUSTOMER_SOURCE = 'crm_customer_source', // CRM 客户来源
CRM_FOLLOW_UP_TYPE = 'crm_follow_up_type', // CRM 跟进方式
CRM_PERMISSION_LEVEL = 'crm_permission_level', // CRM 数据权限的级别
CRM_PRODUCT_STATUS = 'crm_product_status', // CRM 商品状态
CRM_PRODUCT_UNIT = 'crm_product_unit', // CRM 产品单位
CRM_RECEIVABLE_RETURN_TYPE = 'crm_receivable_return_type', // CRM 回款的还款方式
DATE_INTERVAL = 'date_interval', // 数据间隔
// ========== ERP - 企业资源计划模块 ==========
ERP_AUDIT_STATUS = 'erp_audit_status', // ERP 审批状态
ERP_STOCK_RECORD_BIZ_TYPE = 'erp_stock_record_biz_type', // 库存明细的业务类型
// ========== MALL - 交易模块 ==========
EXPRESS_CHARGE_MODE = 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', // 快递的计费方式
INFRA_API_ERROR_LOG_PROCESS_STATUS = 'infra_api_error_log_process_status',
// ========== INFRA 模块 ==========
INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING = 'infra_boolean_string',
INFRA_CODEGEN_FRONT_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_front_type',
INFRA_CODEGEN_SCENE = 'infra_codegen_scene',
INFRA_CODEGEN_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_template_type',
INFRA_CONFIG_TYPE = 'infra_config_type',
INFRA_FILE_STORAGE = 'infra_file_storage',
INFRA_JOB_LOG_STATUS = 'infra_job_log_status',
INFRA_JOB_STATUS = 'infra_job_status',
INFRA_OPERATE_TYPE = 'infra_operate_type',
IOT_DATA_FORMAT = 'iot_data_format', // IOT 数据格式
IOT_DATA_TYPE = 'iot_data_type', // IOT 数据类型
IOT_DEVICE_STATUS = 'iot_device_status', // IOT 设备状态
// ========== IOT - 物联网模块 ==========
IOT_NET_TYPE = 'iot_net_type', // IOT 联网方式
IOT_PRODUCT_DEVICE_TYPE = 'iot_product_device_type', // IOT 产品设备类型
IOT_PRODUCT_FUNCTION_TYPE = 'iot_product_function_type', // IOT 产品功能类型
IOT_PRODUCT_STATUS = 'iot_product_status', // IOT 产品状态
IOT_PROTOCOL_TYPE = 'iot_protocol_type', // IOT 接入网关协议
IOT_RW_TYPE = 'iot_rw_type', // IOT 读写类型
IOT_UNIT_TYPE = 'iot_unit_type', // IOT 单位类型
IOT_VALIDATE_TYPE = 'iot_validate_type', // IOT 数据校验级别
MEMBER_EXPERIENCE_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_experience_biz_type', // 会员经验业务类型
// ========== Member 会员模块 ==========
MEMBER_POINT_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_point_biz_type', // 积分的业务类型
// ========== MP 模块 ==========
MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH = 'mp_auto_reply_request_match', // 自动回复请求匹配类型
MP_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'mp_message_type', // 消息类型
// ========== PAY 模块 ==========
PAY_CHANNEL_CODE = 'pay_channel_code', // 支付渠道编码类型
PAY_NOTIFY_STATUS = 'pay_notify_status', // 商户支付回调状态
PAY_NOTIFY_TYPE = 'pay_notify_type', // 商户支付回调状态
PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
PAY_REFUND_STATUS = 'pay_refund_status', // 退款订单状态
PAY_TRANSFER_STATUS = 'pay_transfer_status', // 转账订单状态
PAY_TRANSFER_TYPE = 'pay_transfer_type', // 转账订单状态
// ========== MALL - 商品模块 ==========
PRODUCT_SPU_STATUS = 'product_spu_status', // 商品状态
PROMOTION_BANNER_POSITION = 'promotion_banner_position', // banner 定位
PROMOTION_BARGAIN_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_bargain_record_status', // 砍价记录的状态
PROMOTION_COMBINATION_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_combination_record_status', // 拼团记录的状态
PROMOTION_CONDITION_TYPE = 'promotion_condition_type', // 营销的条件类型枚举
PROMOTION_COUPON_STATUS = 'promotion_coupon_status', // 优惠劵的状态
PROMOTION_COUPON_TAKE_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_take_type', // 优惠劵的领取方式
PROMOTION_COUPON_TEMPLATE_VALIDITY_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_template_validity_type', // 优惠劵模板的有限期类型
// ========== MALL - 营销模块 ==========
PROMOTION_DISCOUNT_TYPE = 'promotion_discount_type', // 优惠类型
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_SCOPE = 'promotion_product_scope', // 营销的商品范围
SYSTEM_DATA_SCOPE = 'system_data_scope',
SYSTEM_LOGIN_RESULT = 'system_login_result',
SYSTEM_LOGIN_TYPE = 'system_login_type',
SYSTEM_MAIL_SEND_STATUS = 'system_mail_send_status',
SYSTEM_MENU_TYPE = 'system_menu_type',
SYSTEM_NOTICE_TYPE = 'system_notice_type',
SYSTEM_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_notify_template_type',
SYSTEM_OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE = 'system_oauth2_grant_type',
SYSTEM_ROLE_TYPE = 'system_role_type',
SYSTEM_SMS_CHANNEL_CODE = 'system_sms_channel_code',
SYSTEM_SMS_RECEIVE_STATUS = 'system_sms_receive_status',
SYSTEM_SMS_SEND_STATUS = 'system_sms_send_status',
SYSTEM_SMS_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_sms_template_type',
SYSTEM_SOCIAL_TYPE = 'system_social_type',
// ========== SYSTEM 模块 ==========
SYSTEM_USER_SEX = 'system_user_sex',
TERMINAL = 'terminal', // 终端
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_after_sale_status', // 售后 - 状态
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_TYPE = 'trade_after_sale_type', // 售后 - 类型
TRADE_AFTER_SALE_WAY = 'trade_after_sale_way', // 售后 - 方式
TRADE_DELIVERY_TYPE = 'trade_delivery_type', // 配送方式
TRADE_ORDER_ITEM_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_order_item_after_sale_status', // 订单项 - 售后状态
TRADE_ORDER_STATUS = 'trade_order_status', // 订单 - 状态
TRADE_ORDER_TYPE = 'trade_order_type', // 订单 - 类型
USER_TYPE = 'user_type',
export { DICT_TYPE, getDictObj, getDictOptions };

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { VxeGridProps } from '#/adapter/vxe-table';
import { $t } from '@vben/locales'; import { $t } from '@vben/locales';
import { type VbenFormSchema } from '#/adapter/form'; import { type VbenFormSchema } from '#/adapter/form';
import { DICT_TYPE, getDictOptions } from '#/utils/dict';
export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [ export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [
{ {
@ -15,21 +16,11 @@ export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [
fieldName: 'code', fieldName: 'code',
label: '岗位编码', label: '岗位编码',
}, },
// TODO: dict
{ {
component: 'Select', component: 'Select',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true, allowClear: true,
options: [ options: getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS, 'number'),
label: 'Color1',
value: '1',
label: 'Color2',
value: '2',
placeholder: '请选择', placeholder: '请选择',
}, },
fieldName: 'status', fieldName: 'status',
@ -48,7 +39,7 @@ export const columns: VxeGridProps['columns'] = [
{ {
field: 'status', field: 'status',
title: '状态', title: '状态',
cellRender: { name: 'CellDict', props: { type: 'common_status' } }, cellRender: { name: 'CellDict', props: { type: DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS } },
}, },
{ field: 'createTime', formatter: 'formatDateTime', title: '创建时间' }, { field: 'createTime', formatter: 'formatDateTime', title: '创建时间' },
{ {

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import type { VxeGridProps } from '#/adapter/vxe-table';
import { $t } from '@vben/locales'; import { $t } from '@vben/locales';
import { type VbenFormSchema } from '#/adapter/form'; import { type VbenFormSchema } from '#/adapter/form';
import { getDictOptions } from '#/utils/dict'; import { DICT_TYPE, getDictOptions } from '#/utils/dict';
export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [ export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [
{ {
@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ export const formSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [
fieldName: 'code', fieldName: 'code',
label: '岗位编码', label: '岗位编码',
}, },
// TODO: dict
{ {
component: 'Select', component: 'Select',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
allowClear: true, allowClear: true,
options: getDictOptions('common_status', 'number'), options: getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS, 'number'),
placeholder: '请选择', placeholder: '请选择',
}, },
fieldName: 'status', fieldName: 'status',
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ export const columns: VxeGridProps['columns'] = [
{ {
field: 'status', field: 'status',
title: '状态', title: '状态',
cellRender: { name: 'CellDict', props: { type: 'common_status' } }, cellRender: { name: 'CellDict', props: { type: DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS } },
}, },
{ field: 'createTime', formatter: 'formatDateTime', title: '创建时间' }, { field: 'createTime', formatter: 'formatDateTime', title: '创建时间' },
{ {
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ export const modalSchema: VbenFormSchema[] = [
{ {
component: 'Select', component: 'Select',
componentProps: { componentProps: {
options: getDictOptions('common_status', 'number'), options: getDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS, 'number'),
}, },
fieldName: 'status', fieldName: 'status',
label: '状态', label: '状态',