feat: token views

xingyu 2023-03-21 23:16:08 +08:00
parent 113f17cd18
commit 1a36a195f3
2 changed files with 122 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,56 @@
<template> <template>
<div>开发中</div> <div>
<BasicTable @register="registerTable">
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record }">
<template v-if="column.key === 'action'">
icon: 'ant-design:delete-outlined',
color: 'error',
label: '强退',
popConfirm: {
title: '是否确认强退',
placement: 'left',
confirm: handleDelete.bind(null, record)
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup name="Token">
import { BasicTable, useTable, TableAction } from '@/components/Table'
import { deleteAccessTokenApi, getAccessTokenPageApi } from '@/api/system/oauth2/token'
import { columns, searchFormSchema } from './token.data'
import { useMessage } from '@/hooks/web/useMessage'
const { createMessage } = useMessage()
const [registerTable, { reload }] = useTable({
title: 'Token列表',
api: getAccessTokenPageApi,
formConfig: {
labelWidth: 120,
schemas: searchFormSchema
useSearchForm: true,
showTableSetting: true,
showIndexColumn: false,
actionColumn: {
width: 100,
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'action',
fixed: 'right'
async function handleDelete(record: Recordable) {
await deleteAccessTokenApi(record.id)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { BasicColumn, FormSchema, useRender } from '@/components/Table'
import { DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
export const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
title: '访问令牌',
dataIndex: 'accessToken',
width: 300
title: '刷新令牌',
dataIndex: 'refreshToken',
width: 300
title: '用户编号',
dataIndex: 'userId',
width: 100
title: '用户类型',
dataIndex: 'userType',
width: 120,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
return useRender.renderDict(text, DICT_TYPE.USER_TYPE)
title: '创建时间',
dataIndex: 'createTime',
width: 180,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
return useRender.renderDate(text)
title: '过期时间',
dataIndex: 'expiresTime',
width: 180,
customRender: ({ text }) => {
return useRender.renderDate(text)
export const searchFormSchema: FormSchema[] = [
label: '用户编号',
field: 'userId',
component: 'Input',
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '客户端编号',
field: 'clientId',
component: 'Input',
colProps: { span: 8 }
label: '用户类型',
field: 'userType',
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
options: getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.USER_TYPE)
colProps: { span: 8 }